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“Bang long bang long”

flying sand running stone, Dark Sky Black Earth. “The endless Divine Dragon Sea is all surging waves, all split up and in pieces! Each and everyone vortex, expanding with the wind.”

The Dragon Race cultivator of more than a dozen Star God Realm Stage, within the skill offensive of 9 Monster System Summon Role, actually did not occupy a bit of the upper hand, but instead showed signs of a trend of defeat.

How could these pictures not be surprising and moving?

9 Monster System Summon Role, the aura cultivation base that emanates, are all 1st Revolution Star God Realm 99 Step Peak.

But dozens of people brought by Xue Qianqiu, the all-star Star God Realm cultivation base, and 2 9th Revolution Star God Realm Peak Perfection.

“It’s terrifying …” Hong Yi swallowed and said, “Young Master, you have this kind of trump card. It’s too early to say it. It hurts us to worry, and thought it would be damaged here.”


I complained to me. “Qin Tian laughed.”

“The biggest enemy is Xue Qianqiu of Blood Dragon Race! He is 1st Revolution Immortal Star Ancestor Realm.”

Bing Yu solemnly vowed, solemnly opened the mouth and said “Young Master, Hong Yi and I will help you with this boy.”

No need to.

Go clean up the young subordinates, this guy, I will deal with it by myself.

Cross your fingers and hear the sound of pa la. “Out of the wind, black hair fluttering.”

The youth of white clothed like snow, in this brief moment, trance became the only Ruler between Heaven and Earth, the only God of Immortal.

The vented spirit is unimaginable! “Behind this, the unfathomable Ruler Dharma Idol, gradually raised.”

Against the background, Mo said it was Hong Yi, Bing Yu 2 female. “Even the Qian Qianqiu in front is feeling oppressed and his soul throbs.”

The illusory shadow behind him … what is it.

Depressed heart, stiff blood flow. “Xue Qianqiu loudly shouted, with an overbearing, a thrilling and violent dragon roar sound, trying to strike the deterrent brought by Ruler Dharma Idol.” Brat! No matter what monster you are, 2nd Revolution Star King Realm 1st Step, there is no possibility of reversing Heaven and Earth, exceeding rank against me!

I advise you to be smarter, obediently surrender, I can save you from dying.

“Ha ha ha, this is the end, I just want to have a hard time with you! How is it possible, obediently surrender.”

Qin Tian faced upwards and laughed heartily, the body began to change, imposing manner force, and it was also rolling up and penetrating the soul of all living things.

Ding! Ding!

congratulations to the host for opening Stage 2 Super Saiyan God of Destruction Form

congratulations to the host for receiving 15,000 Times battle strength power

congratulations to the host for opening Monster Form

congratulations to the host for receiving 10,000 Times battle strength power

congratulations to the host for opening Divine Level Stage 7 Ultimate Eight Inner Gates Released Formation

congratulations to the host for opening Hulk Mode

congratulations to the host for opening Stage 3 Zangetsu Form

congratulations to the host for opening Stage 3 Six Paths Mode

congratulations to the host for opening Stage 2 Primal Chaos Nine Tomoe Rinne Sharingan

“Bang! Bang! Bang!” The system ability of layer upon layer is activated.

The body of Human Race becomes Hulk fleshy body.

9 Feet is so high, standing there is full of shock, like an Undefeatable Vajra.

All over the body, the muscles are tied up, and the bulging green oil muscles are poured out like green hot metal.

The black hair of the shawl, which turned into golden-bright and dazzling, was dazzling, and occasionally flickered a little pale. “This is the change that Zangetsu Form, Super Saiyan God of Destruction Form, brings.”

“Are you … are you a monster, and you are not a Dragon Race member?” Xue Qianqiu blankly looked, and asked.

Dragon Race, I count.

Qin Tian open mouth and laughed “Dragon roar long roar, rise to the sky! Majestic covered the Vault of Heaven above his head, smashed to death.”

A black dragon pattern, a domineering side leaks, a long halberd that might not be resisted, appeared in the palm of the youth in the shape of Ominous Beast.

“Holding the Black Dragon World Destroying Halberd in my hand, I danced a few times in a chic manner! The imposing manner once again increased a few points.” Qin Tian deeply felt that every cell in the whole body was overflowing with the explosive energy of the annihilation essence, which made people unable to control Live, want to vent in a spurt of energy.

Inside Ten Great Immortal Dragon Armaments.

“Black Dragon World Destroying Halberd!” Xue Qianqiu appeared, the pupils dilated, and you can’t imagine “You … Okay! Immortal Dragon Armament, worth the price, is the Peak divine object that I circulate in Dragon World Constant Antiquity, you are not worthy to occupy! Hand it over!

World Destroying Dragon Halberd Art 1st Style; World Destroying!

Qin Tian never said much, 100% of the power poured into Black Dragon World Destroying Halberd, and the overbearing of this Immortal Dragon Armament bloomed, taboo power! “Along with dong dong dong, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, resounding the drumming sound of Nine Nether, it is a World Destroying dragon halberd storm impact, stormy sea trend, unbelievable! Instant kill 9th ​​Revolution Star God, Star Ancestor Realm Stage characters, all a strategic withdrawal. “

“Such insignificant ability! Insufficient hanging teeth! An Immortal Dragon Armament, under your humble cultivation base, you can’t evaporate a single force, squatting heavenly things.”

Mumbled, Xue Qianqiu reached out in the palm of his hand. “The bloody tide rolled into a scarlet scale, sharp dragon claw! The arrogant trend disintegrated the World Destroying Dragon Halberd Art 1st Style, World Destroying’s impact storm.”

ga ga ga.

“Okay! The stronger you are, the more excited I am!”

Under the eyes, the fierce bloodthirsty rays of light, the high fighting will gather together, the reflection reflected, saw through the Eternal Long River.

Qin Tian dragged the Black Dragon World Destroying Halberd and rushed out, unstoppable! “Ruler Dharma Idol, standing behind, overlooking All Heavens and Myriad Realms!”

dong dong dong hong long.

2 silhouette, you come and go, playing Dark Sky Black Earth, broken mountains and rivers.

Looking at this one, 9 Monster System Summon Role joins Hong Yi and Bing Yu 2 sisters, firmly occupying the overwhelming side.

More than a dozen Star God Realm Dragon Race cultivator brought by Xue Qianqiu, half of the casualties, and 3 people fled.

After the battle, Hong Yi, Bing Yu 2 girl, cast her sights on the “Sea, a doomsday scene! The young bewitching explosive appearance, holding up the Black Dragon World Destroying Halberd, alone! With the Xue of 1st Revolution Immortal Star Ancestor Realm Qianqiu, it ’s not a good deal, it ’s in full swing. “

“Horror is like this.” Hong Yi small face is white, and his eyes are a little intoxicated. I admire “Elder Sister Bing Yu ~, how do you think Young Master Qin Tian is compared to Dragon Race genius on Divine Dragon List?”

Too much force.

When it comes to the same rank battle strength, who can barely be able to mention the Young Master Qin Tian mention on equal terms, only the role of ranked top 10 on Divine Dragon List.

This is still a conservative estimate. “Bing Yu has a serious tone and confidently opened the mouth and said” If it is Young Master Qin Tian, ​​full fledged, with Star Ancestor Realm, Immortal Star Ancestor Realm’s cultivation base stage, this time Divine Dragon List Great Competition, I dare say he must Is the most dazzling person.

“Yeah, it’s too taboo.” Hong Yi little chick pecking for rice is nodded. “Such a powerful person, can’t let it go! This Young Lady must draw him under his pomegranate skirt.”

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