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After seeing the taxi that Emma Watson was taking away, Qi Yu hurried back to the scene of the crime scene and took off his eye-catching coat from a mixed body.

Qi Yu just wrapped his own black leather coat on the embroidered Emma Watson, and he is finally a dirnified Daredevil “Terminator”. In the middle of the night, he can’t wear a sweater to fight criminals, right? It would be better to change the name to “The Woolman”.

As a result, Qi Yu took off the mixed coat and put it on his body, and by the way, all the cash in the four mixed pockets was searched out and confiscated. It’s a little regret that the four bastards didn’t bring any cash, and the combined value of the four people was less than $4.

After putting on his coat, Qi Yu went to other remote alleys to look for evil and bad criminals.

This time his luck thief is good, one of the three people killed, one of them is a small boss arranged in Queens.

Qi Yu obtained the addresses of a total of 25 bars, nightclubs and other crime locations that Kingpin had set up in Queens from the boss.

In fact, those bars and nightclubs do not belong to regular business premises, and their main income is not their legal operating income on the surface, but their illegal income in secret, such as drug trading, sex .Emotional trading, arms trading, and occasionally setting up bureaucrats for wealthy injustices, and the injustices are ruined and their wives are separated.

Although these things are actually illegal, it is undeniable that they all have one thing in common-profitable!

The huge profit margin and crazy profit rate, so that the existence of these illegal activities in the bar nightclub, became the inevitable night of Queens.

Even more how, they are New York’s largest gang leader, Kingpin’s industry!

Qi Yu conducted a sudden sweep of the 25 criminal locations in Queens that night based on this map with 25 bars and nightclubs under Kingpin. For an Overlord level lifeform, the ordinary person who killed these hand-held knives and firearms can definitely be described by domineering adjectives such as “like a hot knife through butter”, “desperate”, “sharp and unappropriate”, “one-way crush”, etc. .

In just one night, 124 criminals evaluated by the system as “evil lifeform” died in Qi Yu’s fist. Most of these people are from the Kingpin gang, and the rest are criminals from other forces.

In fact, Qi Yu encountered a total of 25 criminals in the process of sweeping these 186 criminal bases. However, among these 186 people, there are actually 62 people who did not meet the judgment criteria of evil lifeform, which means that 62 of them are non-evil lifeform evaluated by the system. If Qi Yu killed these 62 people, he would not draw any valuable life energy.

Speaking from a certain perspective, the deep in one’s heart of their 62 people should still retain a large conscience, not a real villain, or maybe only forced by the bad life situation, and compelled by circumstances will be a triad for the hands. Organizations are doing bad things. This group of people has certain hopes to correct evil. Of course, another situation is not ruled out. A small number of these 62 people may be undercover justice sent by the NYPD party. Quest is to enter the enemy to collect evidence and so on, so system not at all classifies this undercover For evil lifeform.

It is worth mentioning that Qi Yu used the strength of oneself to overthrow Kingpin’s power in 25 criminal locations in Queens. He also deliberately left a piece of writing with the brush written “END” “Wooden token.”

“END” wooden token means that his Terminator did it, the hidden subtext of Qi Yu is-Kingpin, you can find me Terminator, 10000000 Don’t find the wrong person, such as Daredevil, Divine Force, Heroes like Kick-ass.

After returning to the hotel, Qi Yu lay directly on the bed, with his arms on the back of his head, his eyes looked towards the ceiling, but the focus was fixed in midair.

Close your eyes slightly, enter the strongest system in your mind, and check the character attribute interface.

Host: Qi Yu

Life Level: Overlord level

Evolutionary goal: Great Sage (1291000000)

Plane: Marvel Movie Universe

Current location: Earth, Best Western Plaza Long Island Hotel

Qi Yu 昨晚在拆迁区误杀的贪婪钉子户,给他贡献了1点生命能源;今晚在偏僻巷子宰掉的4个不良混混,也给他带来了4点生命能源;再加上金布置在皇后区的25处犯罪据点里的124个坏蛋们,这便又有了124点生命能源。

Cumulatively, the total life energy Qi Yu currently draws from the evil lifeform is 129 points in total.

“It’s only 2 days before crossing over to this World, and 129 points of life energy have been collected. Not bad!”

“Unfortunately, the opponents I met tonight are too weak. I will only use the daggers and pistols that are boring than toys. It is easier to kill them than to kill the ants.

“These NPC1000 articles used for leveling are all the same. Except that everyone can contribute a little life energy, there is really no fun to fight.”

“However, it seems that there is a guy called’Bullseye’, he is the chief assassin under Kingpin’s command, and his battle strength is sturdy. Hehe, from a super criminal body of a Transcendent grade Life Level, can draw 1000 points of life energy! “

Qi Yu has seen a movie called “Daredevil” and knows that there is a terrifying ace killer called Bullseye under Kingpin.

Bullseye has a near-perfect projection ability. He can make any object in his hand throw the target object with unprecedented lethality. Kingpin has witnessed several unimaginable real projections of Bullseye, such as spitting out the teeth in his mouth to penetrate the skull of the other party, spurting a toothpick in his mouth to stab an enemy beyond 100 meters, using paper playing cards from far away Cut someone’s throat, etc.

In addition to its powerful ability to project, Bullseye is also a divine spear hand who is good at long spear equipment, an archer proficient in bow and arrow, and a professional martial artist. And his physical qualities are also very good, with strong physique and quick response.

Although Qi Yu is well aware that with his crushing strength comparable to that of Thanos, he can still solve Bullseye in one punch, but the extraordinary super criminal such as Bullseye can indeed bring him a little real Fighting fun.

Even more how, Bullseye’s evil lifeform of Transcendent grade level can contribute a full 1000 points of abundant life energy. The 1000 points of life energy contained in his body is the focus of Qi Yu.

Kill 1 Supervillain Bullseye and draw 1000 life energy, it is also a good deal with money and less close to home!

But, the question that Qi Yu is most worried about at present is whether Kings’s ace killer Bullseye will take action?

To be honest, although Qi Yu is not 100% sure, he still has 50% certainty.

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