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Qi Yu unscrewed the pen cap and began to sign on the comic book, but it didn’t show the handwriting after several strokes.

He tried to shake a few times, but still couldn’t write words.

“No ink?” Qi Yu eyebrows slightly frowned, could not help but draw this conclusion.

‘I said fat tyrant, just now you want to give me your precious pen, but there is no ink in it, is this fucking a delay! ‘

Qi Yu lifts the head, he was not very happy to return the pen to Ricky, and said to the townspeople around him, “Call me.”

Upon hearing Terminator’s instructions, the townspeople around were immediately excited. Without thinking about it, they rolled up their sleeves and rushed to beat Ricky who forgot to refill the pen.

“No, Master Terminator, am I wrong if I am wrong!”

“Oh! Who’s kicking my ass?”

“Ah! No face!”

Peng peng peng!

A group of people beat down, Ricky was beaten to the head, bloody nose and swollen face, waist like ghosts and howl like wolves, terrible…

In fact, this group of townspeople have long regarded this rich town as the richest man in the town, and even more of them are those who have been bullied by him before, but unfortunately they have been afraid of his obscenity. Everyone is suffocating.

Now Terminator has spoken, they are naturally full of confidence, and let go, the backstage is a bump!

Everyone is beating very hard, not to mention how refreshing he is…

After receiving a marker from another uncle Hanhou, Qi Yu signed the name on the cover of the “Daredevil Terminator” comic book and returned the comic book to Xiao Jiede.

Little Jade saw the flamboyant’s “END-MAN” signature on the cover of the comic book, his small face suddenly turned red, and his small heart was throbbing with excitement.

“Thank you Terminator Uncle!” Xiao Jiede clutched this significant comic book tightly in his hand and bent down to give Qi Yu a deep bow.

“You’re welcome. I think you are also a hero. If you meet Brat with bad conduct in the future, you will beat me. If anyone dares to trouble you, you say you are covered by my Terminator. Don’t forgive them. How is it to you.” Qi Yu stood with his hands on his knees, pats Xiao Jiede’s shoulder, “Remember?”

“Um, remember!” Little Jade nodded his head hard, his attitude was sincere.

‘My friends in the neighbor’s house, I dare you to laugh at me for wearing crotch pants! ‘

‘Also the little villains in the kindergarten, always grab my lollipops for eating, and often treat me a small fight for 3 days, a big fight for 5 days, see if you dare to bully me in the future! ‘

‘There is Terminator Uncle to support me, I also want to be a young hero! ‘

Little Jade squeezed his fist and thought to himself, the expression on his face looked very firm.

After signing Xiaojiede’s little real fan, Qi Yu returned the marker to the uncle. The extra meaning of this move was naturally that he was too lazy to sign other people.

The signature of Daredevil Terminator was not harvested. Although the townspeople around were a bit lost, after all, they witnessed Terminator’s style and it was very profitable!

Qi Yu gently raised the hand, and the townspeople crowded in front realized his meaning, and quickly dispersed to the two sides to open up a path for him.

So, Qi Yu, Emil, and Magneto began to walk towards the big clay pit with a hammer embedded, and dozens of townsmen followed behind like a group of tags-a-long.

On the edge of the big pit, there is a black uncle selling skewers, and his black wife is also helping to collect money and so on.

At this time, Qi Yu entire group came.

“Uncle, just give me dozens of skewers.” Qi Yu took out a green 100-dollar bill from his arms and handed it to the black uncle.

However, when the black uncle heard Terminator talking to him, his brain suddenly felt dazed, and his urine almost burst out.

‘My God, Daredevil, the most powerful on Earth, will come to my broken stall to buy skewers! ‘

‘Jesus, am I dreaming? ‘

‘Oh! This is too terrifying! ‘

The black uncle trembled in shock and took the 100-dollar bill from Qi Yu, handed it over to his wife, and hurriedly baked it.

However, because of his excitement, his mouth was twitching, and his hands were shiver coldly, and the skewers were obviously not easy to move.

“Dead, really good-for-nothing, how can your hands shake so much, aren’t you brave when you usually kill pigs?” The black uncle’s wife grabbed his ears and hate iron for not becoming steel .

“Terminator is Daredevil who punishes criminals. Could you kill your honest and timid vegetable market butcher?” Although she was also very excited to see the legendary Terminator in person, she was not as trembling as her husband and was terrified. “Give Lao Niang pull yourself together, otherwise you can’t make a kebab that satisfies these 3 guests, don’t think of going to Lao Niang’s bed tonight!”

The black uncle is also a big man with a length of 1.8 metres. After being counted by his wife in front of Terminator and so many people, he was ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

Yes, Lao Tzu is usually a butcher who kills pigs without blinking.

So, the black uncle cheered up, his legs didn’t tremble, his hands didn’t tremble anymore, it was a skill to grill the skewers, and in a few moments, he cooked dozens of skewers.

He wrapped these dozens of skewers in a greaseproof paper bag and handed it respectfully to Qi Yu opposite.

Qi Yu took the oil paper bag, took out a roasted ham and tasted it, and then nodded, “Well…the taste is really good.”

Hearing Terminator’s praise, the black uncle gritted his teeth, pursed his mouth, and had a proud expression on his face. I thought that even the great Terminator praised my skewers for their delicious taste. It seems that my craft is really good. From now on, I will stop killing pigs and switch to full-time skewers!

Next, the Qi Yu 3 people chewed the skewers with keen interest pleasure while walking towards the hammer on the small stone pillar in the center of the big pit.

Soon, 3 people, and a bunch of people behind 3, all got together.

Seeing this, many discerning people can guess what Terminator is going to do.

The hammer on the small stone pillar has been tried by more than 2 people in the past two days, but no one can pull it at all, and no one has even shaken it by a distance. This weird thing has been on the news. So it is not difficult to guess, Terminator should have read this news in the news, and then deliberately went here to try to pull the hammer.

To be honest, they are really curious. Can the most powerful Daredevil Terminator in the legend lift the magic hammer?

PS. Thank you Zimingxie for 100 points of support!

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