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Qi Yu jumped from the 5th floor, and suddenly realized that the dark place nearby also contained other assassins.

Qi Yu took a quick glance and determined that there were 4 other black clothed persons besides Deadpool.

In fact, the four black clothed persons and Deadpool are together. More precisely, they are together with Deadpool in this assassination of Terminator. The reason why Deadpool can find Qi Yu’s temporary residence is entirely due to the mysterious organization behind these 4 black clothed persons.

In the organization behind these 4 black clothed persons, there are many high-tech researchers, big data analysts, network hackers and other high-end talents. The organization systematically evaluated the strength of Terminator, and felt that it was difficult to deal with Qi Yu with the power of their organization, so they found Deadpool and planned to join forces with Deadpool to kill Terminator.

1 billion US dollars of remuneration, according to the agreement between the parties, 5 5 points, Deadpool can get 500 million US dollars, the organization can also receive 500 million US dollars.

Deadpool at first feels a pain in the meat, so good 1 billion US dollars, so five less than 5?

But then think about it carefully, if there is no Terminator residence provided by the organization after some investigation, then Deadpool wanted to find Terminator and could not find Terminator, let alone kill Terminator. Even more how, if the luck is a little bit worse, maybe Terminator was killed by someone else’s preemption, when the time comes oneself, even one child can’t fall.

Therefore, Deadpool agreed to the organization’s recommendations, and work together to eliminate Terminator!

At this time, the 4 black clothed persons along with Deadpool are the 4 high-end battle strengths of the organization. Each person is equipped with high-end equipment with different functions.

Of course, the so-called “high-end equipment” is only relative to the general public. If compared with the epoch-making Iron Man Armor like Iron Man, it is naturally far from enough.

The four of them were originally a backup team of Deadpool, and they were responsible for taking action to help Deadpool at the right time. When the four of them saw Terminator jump on the lawn below the hotel, and began to rush into the bushes behind. , As if all were tacitly aware of a problem–

Is that Terminator really as strong as a legendary?

Why did I start running without even hitting Deadpool? Could it be that oneself lost?

The four black clothed persons were decisive and no longer hidden. They quickly emerged from the hidden darkness and followed Qi Yu’s footsteps.

After successfully leading Deadpool and 4 black clothed persons into a quiet deserted bush outside the Queens, Qi Yu stopped the “escape” pace.

Qi Yu turned around and revealed fierce killing intent in his eyes, staring fiercely fiercely at the five people opposite the gasping for breath, staring at them so they felt have one’s hair stand on end.

At this moment, from the confident eyes of Qi Yu, their 4 black clothed persons seem to have noticed a new problem. Did Terminator deliberately lead us here?

Deadpool wears red leather tight clothes, and there are several black parts on the red leather tight clothes, especially the eyes of a pair of panda-like masks.

Unlike Qi Yu’s skull mask, Qi Yu’s skull mask at least opened a mouth to talk and eat, but Deadpool’s mask only has the same eye parts as the outside world, and the whole person’s head is stuffy. In the red leather hood, the voice during the speech is a bit fuzzy, of course, he can raise his voice and others can still hear clearly.

There are 2 Adamantium katana crossed behind Deadpool, one of the sharpest weapons on Earth, and 2 convenient pistols inserted in the waist, completely a cold killer.

“Deadpool, Wade Winston Wilson, a powerful Mutants. With Infinity self-healing Fleshy body, Grandmaster Rank fighting level, agile response speed, and 2 sharp Adamantium katana, for overwhelming majority people , Indeed belongs to a very terrifying opponent.” Qi Yu elaborated without hesitation, listening to Deadpool brows tightly frowns, looking like that like a frightened little daughter-in-law.

“Oh, incredible, Buddy, have you investigated me?”

“Still, your uncle Wade is famous in the world. Everyone on Earth has heard about me!”

“Look, Terminator, your mask seems to be made of wood, which is much harder than my leather mask.”

“Speaking of which, what is the real face hidden under your domineering mask, wouldn’t it be a pretty boy?”

“In fact, I used to be a pretty boy. I was very handsome, handsome, and fascinated by 10000 1000 boys and girls. Unfortunately, it was disfigured later, otherwise I would not wear this airtight mask, especially in the heat During the summer, I was so bored that I was sour and sweaty. You should be able to understand that taste is really uncomfortable.”


Deadpool’s invincible Deadpool, as always, likes to talk to Danger Land not to pull him down. Qi Yu just said a small section, and he could pull out such a big nonsense.

Qi Yu, who is an enemy, is still suffocating, while the other four black clothed persons who are partners are not suffocating first.

These four black clothed persons have their own physiques only mortal physiques, but after equipped with the killing equipment given by the organization, their strength has been greatly improved. The four of them belong to the four high-end battle strengths in the organization, which basically symbolize the most precious resource of the whole organization in the field of individual combat.

One is a flying eagle, equipped with 2 pieces of mechanical wings, and can soar freely in the sky anytime, anywhere!

One is a heavy gunner, and his two small arms are set in the mechanical arm sleeve. Under the driving of the mechanical arm sleeve, his Iron Fist can hit several tons of impact!

One is a waist-cutter. When starting an attack, a sharp round blade will appear all around the waist. The maximum diameter of the round blade can extend to ten meters, which means that all enemies within the range of ten meters will be cut by the round blade. Break!

One is the Sulphuric Acid King. It can be described as a mobile sulfuric acid reservoir. It is enough to directly spray sulfuric acid when encountering enemies. The sulfuric acid he sprays can not only corrode the body, but also corrode the overwhelming majority of metal substances!

The heavy gunner’s temper was irritable. He saw Deadpool nagging all the time, but he didn’t fucking, so he ignored the Deadpool and squeezed his steel Iron Fist head aggressively towards the Terminator.

In fact, in a sense, if the heavy gunner killed Terminator in his own name, it wouldn’t matter to the outsider, Deadpool. This in turn means that their organization has previously agreed with Deadpool on the 1 billion USD 5 5 share agreement, and there are enough excuses to not obey. Terminator’s location information is provided by our organization, and Terminator’s life is also taken by our organization. Why should we give you Deadpool 500 million dollars that you have done almost nothing?

Of course, Deadpool is not stupid. He knows what idea the heavy gunner has in his mind. If Terminator really dies in the heavy gunner, or they organize any one of them, then the one waiting for him, Deadpool, will be nothing The assassination reward!

“Asshole! This guy is obviously an assistant, but now he wants to take the lead and dominate the magpie’s nest. Without giving you a lesson, you treat me Deadpool as an idiot!”

Without thinking about it, the opportunity was decisive, Deadpool “Qingqiang” 2 sounds pulled out the Adamantium katana behind, strode meteorically towards the heavy gunners to catch up.

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