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Qi Yu is still very interested in the “unexpected harvest” in the art appreciation tonight that the system said.

So, in response to Tony’s inquiry over the phone, he gave the answer: “I’m so interested.”

“Haha, I really guessed right. You’re usually so busy. You must be interested in this kind of thing!” Tony smiled.

hearing this, Qi Yu’s forehead couldn’t help but a few embarrassing black lines appeared in his heart, tsukkomi: fuck, you said I’m free? Yesterday if not, I blocked Godzilla’s big rare beast. Today, the entire city of Los Angeles should be in ruins. Okay!

Although tsukkomi was like this in his heart, Qi Yu not at all said it because he knew that Tony was one of the most famous guns in Marvel world, and talking with him was basically equivalent to asking for bitter food. .

Qi Yu was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and went straight to the point: “The specific time and address, tell me now.”

“Well… the time is 7 o’clock tonight, the address is at No. 250 Nine Great Dao in Manhattan, where there is a high-end club called “Stark’s Cozy Harbour”.” Tony knows in detail, then said, ” At that time, only 2 100 copies of the invitation letter were ordered, and it was sent out yesterday. When you get in there, you can just report my name to the security staff at the door, or just give me a call.”

“Okay.” Qi Yu nodded, looking down at the crayon Xiaoxin casual shirt worn by oneself, suddenly thought of something, “Yes, do I need to wear a formal dress?”

Over the phone, Tony’s eyes rolled around and he immediately answered: “Well… that club is under my name. You are my good friend. You don’t need to be too restrained. You can wear whatever you want.”

“Understood.” After Qi Yu finished speaking, she hung up.


Time flows like water, and it quickly transitions to night.

The moon is empty, surrounded by stars.

The night in New York is embellished by countless lights, like a day.

No. 250 Nine Great Dao in Manhattan, the warm harbor of the Stark family, an upscale club that ranks among the top in New York.

At this moment, in the parking area outside the clubhouse, two white young men in suits and leather shoes came down from a treasure carriage.

“Fresher, it is said that this art appreciation meeting was held by Renowned Iron Man Tony Stark, and this club is also one of the best in New York.” Cruise smiled. He walked and patted the horse while talking, and helped Boss to bring the car door. “If there is a person with a face and a face in New York, even the threshold can’t be squeezed in, or your face is big, I will follow you before I can enter and open my eyes!”

“Hehe, now you know you are not wrong with the boss!” Fleisher’s mouth raised a proud arc.

Fleischer’s father was the head of the Queens Police Department, and mother was also an executive of a large bank in Manhattan. Such a deep social background allowed his family to receive 2 invitations from the Stark Group, but he Parents recently traveled abroad in the past few days, regardless of subjective factors or objective factors, it is unlikely to rush back, so the 2 invitation letters naturally fell to Fleischer.

If according to the past situation, Fleischer would definitely bring his girlfriend to participate in this extremely high-quality art appreciation meeting, but unfortunately since he was on the basketball court of Imperial State University, he was punished in front of his girlfriend. After the Chinese suffered a pain, they were rejected by his girlfriend. He was useless and embarrassed, and soon the two broke up.

Since then, Fleischer has become a single aristocrat, so when he received these two invitations, he chose to call up the small loyal little follower who was always loyal to him, and took him to meet the world. Even without surprise, even the face of Iron Man Tony Stark can be seen with his own eyes!

Iron Man Tony Stark, that is Fleischer’s favorite idol in his life!

After getting out of the treasure carriage, Fleischer and Cruz went straight to the door of the clubhouse and presented invitation letters to the four black clothed bodyguards outside the door. They passed the inspection smoothly and walked in with confidence.

The two had just entered the clubhouse, and another car stopped on the road ahead.

However, this is not a 4-wheel luxury car like BMW Benz Porsche, but a 2-wheel motorcycle. Sitting on the motorcycle seat is Qi Yu wearing a crayon Xiaoxin shirt.

Looking at the expensive limousines everywhere, Qi Yu silently sighed: “It seems that the appreciation of this appreciation meeting is very high.”

After Qi Yu parked his motorcycle, he walked straight to the gate of the clubhouse.

The fast-paced black clothed bodyguard saw the arrival of the “suspicious figure” and quickly stepped forward to intercept it in front of him.

“Sir, this is a private club, you can’t go in without an invitation.”

This black clothed bodyguard, for reasons of excellent professional qualities, had made a rough observation and evaluation of Qi Yu as soon as Qi Yu got off the train.

In his view, tonight is a appreciation held by Mr. Ironk, a well-known iron man, who invited some of the upper class, and this strange guy in front of him not only came here on a motorcycle as a civilian transportation tool, but also Still dressed as an anime casual dress, it doesn’t look like it was invited by the official.

However, there may be exceptions in some cases. At most, he is only 99% sure that Qi Yu has not been officially invited, so he did not say death. Cautiously out of the 1% probability, he first politely asked Qi Yu to show the invitation Letters, not at first, will be bold.

“I’m not at all invitations.” Qi Yu shrugged, told truthfully.

Hearing this, the black clothed bodyguard returned to a serious look, rolled up his sleeves and was about to start a sensation, and suddenly a screen of a mobile phone shaking around him appeared in front of him.

He can clearly see that the avatar displayed on the phone screen is Mr. Stark, and the phone is being connected…

Seeing this, the black clothed bodyguard temporarily stopped and waited awkwardly for the phone to connect. At the same time, I thought to myself, if this kid really knew Mr. Stark, then oneself must apologize, but if not, then call another brother, beating him together and throwing him out!

After a few breathing efforts, the phone was finally connected.

Qi Yu opened the video answering mode. The screen showed the end of the phone, and the listener Tony’s real person was online.

Qi Yu communicated with Tony briefly, and Tony didn’t say a word, but just stared at the black clothed bodyguards on the screen, so they quickly offered Qi Yu like a master, and gave it to him with a smile on his face. Sent in.

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