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In Marvel world, in addition to the Mutants race, there is an even older race of Inhumans!

Inhumans, its roots can be traced back to the history of millions of years ago.

One million years ago, the Two Great Races in the universe, the Cree and the Scrooge had an Interstellar war. For strategic reasons, the Cree star arrived in the solar system in a cosmic warship and established it on Uranus in orbit 7. Outpost.

The Cree Star thought that there was no lifeform in the solar system at the time, but unexpectedly discovered that there were a series of lifeforms on a cyan planet, and among them, “Homo sapiens”, that is, the early humans were the most intelligent, The original civilization with the lowest level has been developed.

On the one hand, I hope to pry into the mystery of the evolution of intelligent life through practical living examples. On the other hand, I also try to create a powerful experimental soldier mutated from Homo sapiens. The Cree Star took some experiments on some Homo sapiens on Earth at that time. means.

When the Cree Stars succeeded in creating a batch of powerful mutant Homo sapiens on Earth in the primitive civilization, for some unknown reason, they suddenly left the solar system and returned to the own galaxy.

Thus, this group of mutant Homo sapiens, also known as Inhumans, was considered abandoned by their creators.

In the long years that followed, Inhumans began to develop self-independence, IQ also evolved into a normal human level, and established an urban settlement belonging to the family, called Atlan.

Inhumans did not want humans to discover their existence, and wanted to maintain isolation from human races, so the city of Atlan has migrated several times over the years, from the original North Atlantic island to the later Himalaya mountain range, and finally even moved to a distant Above the moon.

The Obelisk Qi Yu requested from SHIELD is the Sacred Relic of their Inhumans!

In fact, Obelisk is just a hard hollow shell, inside which is stored a magical Terrigan Crystal.

This Terrigan Crystal column will exude a special kind of Terrigan mist, and any member of Inhumans, within the body, descendants of Cretin blood flowing, will be awakened by the extraordinary superpower once diffused by this Terrigan mist.

For Qi Yu, he has won the Great Sage-class powerhouse sweeping the universe and needs to accumulate 1,000,000 evil life energy.

He knew that Inhumans now live on the moon, and according to the probability algorithm, there must be a lot of evil aliens among Inhumans.

Therefore, as long as you can get Obelisk from SHIELD, and then find an opportunity to “visit” Inhumans on the moon, especially those evil strangers, and then use Obelisk to give those evil strangers superpower, making them evolve from Ordinary Level evil lifeform to Transcendent grade evil lifeform, when the time comes means that Qi Yu will collect a very rich energy of evil life!

‘This morning, Tony called me and asked me if I would come to this art appreciation meeting. I was about to politely refuse, but the system suggested that I come here to remind me that there will be unexpected gains. ‘

‘The unexpected gains he said in his mouth, it seems that it should refer to the divine tool of the brush experience of Obelisk! ‘

‘Humph, the total evil energy energy I have collected is 109888 points, and 890112 points are needed to achieve Great Sage. ‘

‘890112 point of evil life energy, equivalent to If I use Obelisk to allow more than 890 evil aliens to complete the evolution, then I can go through the Great Sage way. ‘

‘Unfortunately, I have to admit that the number of races of Inhumans is totally incomparable with that of 70 100000000 million human beings. The entire population lives in a small city called Atlan. The total number is very sparse, and the existence of evil aliens is very likely. With less than 890, I can’t put all my hopes on them. ‘

‘It is true that the Inhumans on the moon is undoubtedly a huge amount of energy for evil life for me. It must not be wasted. Obelisk I will definitely get it! ‘

Thinking about this in his heart, Qi Yu saw that Director Fury was still immersed in consideration, so he clasped the table with his fingers, and made a sound to wake him from contemplation.

“Sir, how are you thinking?” Qi Yu asked.

“This condition… Honestly, I’m a little bit embarrassed.” Fury Director shook the head and explained, “In a sense, although I am the director, SHIELD is not the only one who I am alone. Behind SHIELD , Also the United Nations World Security Council. I can usually handle all matters under Level 9 authority. But regarding Obelisk, it is a ten-level authority, and I have to come from the United Kingdom and France with the other 4 members of the Security Council. The top congressmen of Russia, China and China can only make a final decision through consultation.”

In the view of Director Fury, Qi Yu, despite being a “god”-level threat, possesses the power to deal with “god”-level disasters, and will even save the world in the near future, but he feels that the Avengers created by he himself, the heroes As long as work with a common purpose and complementary strengths, one day’s feat to save the world is also possible.

All in all, Qi Yu thinks that in his eyes, although extremely important, but not everything, its importance is mainly reflected in the last card that can be used as SHIELD. Obelisk, a town clan of the Sacred Relic of Inhumans, which is rated as the tenth level of authority, is a sacred item related to the mystery of Inhumans and alien races. Before the magic cube of the universe was dug out recently, it seemed to belong to SHIELD’s most top-secret item in the world! For such extremely precious items, to be honest, Director Fury is reluctant to give Qi Yu as compensation for hiring.

Realizing that the black one-eyed bald man didn’t seem to want to hand over Obelisk, Qi Yu didn’t blame him. Such a precious baby could understand even if he was not willing to give up.

So far, in order to allow the director to agree to his conditions, Qi Yu had to take out the chips other than “as a temporary worker of SHIELD”, another director he certainly would not refuse.

That is–

Hydra’s list of spies lurking in SHIELD!

“You are a long game. If you really want Obelisk to run into my hands, it shouldn’t be too difficult, isn’t it?”

Qi Yu spread out both hands, with a calm smile on his face, “In order to show my sincerity, Secretary, I can add you another bargaining chip! For you SHIELD, that is an extremely important thing , Something you will definitely be interested in!”

Hearing this, Director Fury laughed lightly.

To be honest, Nick Fury has possessed wealth, power, contacts, resources, honor, and status for many years at the director level. In addition, he is also used to all kinds of Human World. In fact, I am interested in a lot of things, and I am so disappointed.

Therefore, he was only a little curious about the additional trading chips Qi Yu said, and he did not think that oneself would be too interested. In fact, now he is giving the seat of President United States to him, and he has none What interest.

“It’s extremely important to SHIELD, something that I’ll definitely be interested in…” Director Fury narrowed his eyes, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes. “Master Terminator, I don’t know, what kind of thing are you referring to?”

“Which thing do I mean? Don’t worry about it first.” Qi Yu’s face had an unintelligible smile. “Before that, I have a question to ask you.”

Director Fury frowned: “What’s the problem?”

Qi Yu was right and said, “I don’t know’Hydra’, have you ever heard of it?”

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