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The time passed by so fast that the night had already hung down, almost until 6 o’clock in the evening.

Qi Yu was watching TV shows leisurely in the room, and Jarvis’ prompt suddenly sounded on the wall.

“Sir, the man tonight is here again. According to my data analysis of your morning conversations, his name is Fleischer, and he came to pick you up at the Dick’s villa for a feast.”

“Well, I am understood.”

Qi Yu answered, at the same time picked up the remote control, turned off the TV, and stood up from the sofa.

He took the coat from the coat rack, put it on his body, put on his shoes, left the room, and walked out of the manor.

The person standing outside the big iron gate is Fleischer, in a suit and leather, high-spirited and vigorous.

He leaned on a Rolls-Royce luxury car, waiting for Qi Yu to arrive. Of course, this Rolls-Royce is not his. With his family property, he can’t afford such a luxury car. It belongs to the property under Dick’s name, which Dick lent to Fleischer to carry their “Teacher”. “use.

“Teacher, here you come.” Fleisher stood upright and greeted Qi Yu respectfully.

“Well, let’s get in the car.” Qi Yu nodded said.

Fleischer attentively opened the door for Qi Yu, letting his “Teacher” sit in the co-pilot position first.

Then, oneself turned to the other side, opened the door and sat in the front driving position, holding the steering wheel to drive the car.

During the process of driving the luxury car to the target location, Qi Yu mimicked any abnormal conditions that might happen later. Anyway, these two goods invited oneself to the feast this time. It is unclear, what kind of trap did they set, what kind of pit did they dig?


Rolls-Royce’s performance is really excellent, not only a first-class experience in car, but also very fast.

It didn’t take long for the vehicle to arrive at Dick’s private villa on the outskirts of Manhattan.

There are 2 burly bodyguards standing in front of the gate of the villa. According to the car model and license plate number, it is known that it is the BOSS’s car, so they open the door and let go.

After getting off the bus, Fleischer led the way and led Qi Yu into the living room of the mansion.

Dick had been waiting in the living room for a long time. On the sofa opposite him, another young and beautiful lady was sitting.

Seeing the arrival of Qi Yu and Fleischer, Dick and the lady quickly greeted Qi Yu.

“Teacher, you are welcome to come!” Dick walked in front of Qi Yu with a smile on his face.

“Well, wait a long time.” Qi Yu also pretended to be polite, then eyebrows slightly frowned, and pointed her finger at the slightly familiar lady beside Dick, “This is…”

“Oh, her name is Megan Fox, a new actor in Hollywood Pictures. I heard that Teacher is also a little bit of a hobby of star chasing, so I made my own claims and invited this little star to have dinner with us to help cheer me up. The table for 4 people is just right, and I hope that Teacher will not be surprised.” Dick explained with a smile on his face, and turned to look at Megan around him. “Megan, let me know my Teacher.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Yu.” Megan smiled and extended its slender jade hand to Qi Yu. Since the other party is Mr. Stern’s Teacher, it’s definitely not a normal character. Only when he is superior can he win the respect of Mr. Stern. She doesn’t dare to neglect. There is no aloof and remote star shelf. .

“Hello, Fox Young Lady.” Qi Yu smiled back and shook hands with the other party. In my heart, I was thinking, what the heck is Dick doing? He also invited a female star to come to dinner?

Dick pointed in the direction of the restaurant: “The family banquet is ready. It’s in the restaurant. Let’s go to dinner.”

Qi Yu nodded, under the guidance of Dick, 4 people walked into the softly lit restaurant together.

On the long European-style dining table, there is a variety of delicious food, warm steaks, delicious roast chicken, tender lamb, steaming chicken wings, golden-bright and dazzling crucian carp, fiery-red Prawns, baked bread, smooth cheese, greasy meat rolls, fluffy desserts…

These foods seem very appetizing.

After entering the house, 4 people sat down.

Qi Yu and Megan sat on the side of the dining table, Dick and Fleischer sat on the other side, and the two sat face to face.

4 people chatting to the sky while enjoying a sumptuous dinner, the atmosphere is not bad.

It is worth mentioning that Qi Yu feels okay in other respects since coming in. It’s quite normal, and the food is completely okay, because every food has been eaten by everyone. If it is poisoned, everyone will be poisoned together. Unless Dick and Fleischer want to perish together with oneself, they will not poison the food.

The only thing Qi Yu felt abnormal was the low sound from time to time in the next room.

Although the sound is blocked for the most part due to the thick soundproof wall, Qi Yu can still hear some with his extraordinary hearing.

‘His… The sound next door is a bit strange! Sounds like a pig hum? ‘

Qi Yu brows slightly wrinkle, thinking secretly in his heart.

Seeing Qi Yu’s frowning expression, Dick was thinking: This yellow-skinned monkey seems to be a bit wrong, wouldn’t he find anything?

Out of guilty conscience, Dick looked casually at Fleischer next to him, looked at him, and communicated closely with mysterious eyes.

Dick’s eyes conveyed the message: this kid wouldn’t notice anything?

Fleischer glanced at the bottle of greasy red wine on the table and replied with a message in his eyes: No, we haven’t officially started yet!

Dick’s eyes conveyed the message again: without further ado, hurry up!

Fleischer blinked: Yes!

So, after completing the eye contact, Fleischer tried to show a natural look, picked up the bottle of red wine on the table, and pulled the wine stopper out with a wine opener.

“Everyone has eaten for a few minutes, and I should be thirsty too. Come, let me pour some wine for you, pure 8 years of Lafite.”

Fleischer began to pour wine while talking.

Qi Yu’s glass is poured first, then Megan’s glass, then Dick’s glass, and finally oneself is poured.

However, when Fleischer was pouring wine, perhaps his psychological quality was not hard enough. Qi Yu of sharp ears and keen eyes observed that his 2 temples were looming sweat, and the heartbeat frequency was also significantly faster than just now. Quite a lot.

‘Huh? Could it be said that these 8 years of Lafite red wine hide the murderous intention? ‘

Qi Yu couldn’t help but suspect the abnormal characteristics of Fleischer’s body when pouring wine.

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