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After gaining strong power, the next thing is naturally to test, the system just said true or false in the end.

After all, maybe the so-called crushing of the Hulk and the strength of Thanos comparable to the giant villain might be system boasting?

Qi Yu walked forward to the wall of this alley with expectation.

The wall in front is made of earth-colored bricks, and the walls are slightly wet to the touch, contaminated with a thin layer of moss and tide.

Roughly observed, the wall of this alleyway over 100 meters long should be 30 centimeters thick. It is estimated that there is no tens of tons of impact, which is difficult to knock down.

“At first, don’t use too much force, then use a little bit of strength first.”

With a long breath, Qi Yu stretched the take action arm gently and touched the wall slowly with his fist…

Unfortunately, there is no response!

Yes, nothing happens!

“No way? Earth’s most powerfulhouse at the diignified Overlord level, hasn’t even cracked?”

Qi Yu’s eyes were full of suspicion, and he kept looking at his fist and checking the intact wall in front of him.

At this time, the system sounded loudly: “Host, are you amused by the monkeys? How can there be a damage response to the wall when you touch it lightly like you? So, can you use a little real power!”

Qi Yu laughed slightly awkwardly at the words of the system, then clenched her fists, her brows locked deeply, and her eyes were staring fiercely at the opposite wall.

call out!

The sprinting fist made a roaring sound and slammed straight towards the opposite wall.

This fist, Qi Yu did not use even 1% of his strength.

However, in the dark and secluded alley, there was a continuous loud noise of hong long long, which rang through the sky and shook the earth!

The invincible boxing style is driving straight in, and Boxing 2 is swept with a lot of dust!

After the ash and scum dust rolled in front of him, it fell into the eyes of Qi Yu. It was a ruin of several hundred meters! !

The ruins in front are still filled with flowing sand and dust. It goes without saying that this proves that it is a fresh ruin just formed.

“Uh… I killed?”

Qi Yu’s stunned face, on the one hand, was shocked by the absolute strength of own, on the other hand, it was a pain for oneself’s mistake of killing someone.

Nonsense, the “destroyed zone” of several hundred meters long, at least 100 houses collapsed, and now it is the evening again, most of the citizens rest at home, it is estimated that just a few moments, at least a few hundred people were hung up. !

Just as Qi Yu regretted and hesitated to run, the system said settled his peng peng’s beating heart: “In fact, you only killed one person.”

“Destroyed such a large residential area, only one person died?” Qi Yu felt incredible!

“According to the information searched in this block, within 800 meters of the square, all belong to the deserted old city to be demolished. Can’t you see it from the hill-like sour garbage pile? In fact, The person you inadvertently killed was actually a greedy nail household. In his 50s, he was lazy and gambling, he was gambling, he owed debts, his old house was worth only 200,000 US dollars, but he was not satisfied The 250,000 US dollars promised to be paid after the New York government made concessions, but it was Lion’s big mouth’s outcry of 500,000 US dollars.”

“According to this Majesty’s comprehensive test and evaluation, the evil aura on him is relatively heavy and meets the judgment criteria of evil lifeform. In view of this, not only did you not kill the innocent by mistake, but you also accidentally harvested it by solving an old villain 1 point of life energy.”

Qi Yu immediately looked towards the character attribute panel on the light curtain, and immediately smiled.

That originally displayed the content of “Evolution Target: Great Sage (01000000)”, which has become the real-time update content of “Evolution Target: Great Sage (11000000)”.

“Hahaha, it’s really lucky.” Qi Yu smiled shrugged, wondering if oneself was favored by the lucky Goddess of the Marvel plane.

“Host, basic information about this system, this seat has told you. Next, this seat will reside in your cerebral cortex in a special form. If you have something to find this Majesty’s in the future, you can directly in your mind Communicate with this seat.”

“That’s it, good luck and hope to achieve Great Sage as soon as possible!”

After finishing talking, the light curtain in front of Qi Yu quickly condensed into a small point and rushed directly into his head.


“The current life energy is only 1 point, and it is still 999999 points short of becoming a Great Sage.”

“Although the gathering of 1000000 life energy to become Great Sage is the first major event, but for me now, it is more practical to get a sum of money to eat, drink and sleep, can’t you wander the streets?”

“However, how to make money?”

“Selling art? Going to the port to carry the goods? Carpet-like search for money near here?”

When Qi Yu was thinking hard and even began to consider whether to go to the wrong side to touch the porcelain, the abandoned newspaper that he had thrown away before floated back to his face dramatically.

Qi Yu grabbed the discarded newspaper a little angrily, and was about to crumple it into a garbage dump, but accidentally found out that the newspaper’s lower right corner of the newspaper seemed to publish a news about the amateur wrestler competition.

He quickly rerolled the crumpled newspaper, and browsed the page with the body content with great interest.

“Recruit amateur wrestlers, play Wrestling Champion Jason for 3 minutes and get a $3000 reward!”

“Personality must be distinct and have a unique image of own.”

“Contact number: 212-555-0162.”

“Address: Jason wrestling ring, 58 124th Avenue, Queens.”

“From-New York Wrestlers League.”

After Qi Yu read the advertisement published in the newspaper, a confident arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“3000 dollars, although not much, but enough for me to spend a month.”

“The advertisement stated that amateur wrestlers participating in the competition must have a distinct personality.”

“Well, it seems that I need to modify oneself’s current image a little.”

Qi Yu once again cast his gaze on the garbage dump not far away, his eyes locked on the Teletubbies puppet who saw the first sight after crossing over.

The Teletubbies puppet is in the plush form of purple, and there is probably one meter 2 in the body. It seems that it is the most gentleman in the Teletubbies group of 4.

Originally, it had one meter 2 in size, plus the puppet’s shape was exaggerated, so its head part appeared relatively large.

With his mind in mind, Qi Yu walked awkwardly to the garbage dump, picked up the purple Teletubbies puppet, and quickly walked out of the garbage dump.

Then he started from the neck of the Teletubbies puppet, ripped off its plush head, and pulled out a cotton ball filled with it. Then pull out a pair of eyeballs, leaving 2 holes to see things.

In this way, a Teletubbies hood is completed.

Finally, Qi Yu put the Teletubbies hood on his head.

And this scene may mean that the greatest Daredevil in the Marvel movie universe, the invincible Teletubbies are born…

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