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Seeing this proud female General Qitarui, she turned on the aircraft in the armor and flew towards the wormhole. It seemed to be going back to the mother ship to convey the message. Qi Yu eyebrows slightly frowned. I thought must must stop her. Don’t let her plan succeed!

Among the entire Chitarui mothership, I don’t know how many Chita Swiss soldiers and Chitarui dragons are carrying. Each Chitta Swiss soldier symbolizes 1 point of evil life energy, and each Chitarui dragon symbolizes 1000 points of evil life energy, and the entire Zionari Legion add up, it is estimated that there are a few thousand thousand points of evil life energy, which means that oneself will be very likely to invade Earth through this alien army war, thus completing the trip to Great Sage. Half progress!

Qi Yu, the most abundant energy source of evil life in history, will never let it go in vain!

call out!

Qi Yu speeded up, rushed to the front of General Qitarui, and stopped abruptly in front of her.

“Want to go back to convey the news and order the retreat?” Qi Yu said coldly with his arms folded across his chest.

Hearing Qi Yu’s words, General Qitarui’s mouth twitched.

She bowed her head and begged Qi Yu for mercy in a pious manner: “Dear human, I shouldn’t have offended you. I was wrong. I apologize to you. Please forgive me!”

Qi Yu shrugged, spread out both hands: “As the strongest man on Earth, I never beat women.”

Hearing this, General Qitarui gently lifts the head, with a trace of rejoicing and rejoicing on her face, giving Qi Yu a bow: “Thank you for not killing…”

However, she was talking, but Qi Yu suddenly raised her hand to interrupt and signaled her to stop.

In the curious gaze of General Qitarui, Qi Yu pulled out the stainless steel kitchen knife of the natal weapon inserted in the waistband of her waist, and said with a lip: “Although I never hit a woman, I occasionally cut women.”

“Cut woman?” General Qitarui’s face was blank, her voice trembling, and there was a feeling of uneasiness in her heart.

“Yes.” Qi Yu nodded.

So, in the frightened expression of General Qitarui, Qi Yu held this stainless steel kitchen knife and waved it down.

The next second, her whole body was neatly split into two and a half.

Dark black blood splatter, a group of bloody internal organs similar to human organs but different, scattered from the inside of the split body with the body, falling down from 1000 meters above the ground to the ground, very disgusting …

After killing the female General Qitarui, Qi Yu turned around and continued to fly to the wormhole above the Stark building.

In less than a few seconds, he rushed into the wormhole and came to the universe in a space beyond how many light years away from Earth.

This is an unknown Star Domain zone.

In the vast Dark Starry Sky, stars are dotted in the distance, and there is silence nearby.

Opposite Qi Yu is an Intergalactic Battleship that is several kilometers in diameter. It is the mothership of the Zitaris, and Loki tries to conquer Earth’s supremacy.

In this magnificent Zittari mothership in an imposing manner, there are 300,000 Zeta Swiss soldiers and more than 100 Zitarui dragons!

As long as you can blow it up, 400,000 evil life energy will be very easy!

“The endless universe of seas, galaxies with 100000000 million counts, and in each galaxy, there are 1000 to 10000 living planets. This is the vastness of the starry sky, the magnificence of the universe!”

“As a powerful Overlord level lifeform, although I am enough to be among the first-line powerhouse in the Marvel universe, there is also a big gap to the extent of the vertical and horizontal stars.”

“Only by achieving the Great Sage can we sweep the universe and stand at the top!”

Looking at the giant Warship suspended in space in front, Qi Yu felt emotion for a while.


At the same time, the highest command room of the mother ship Zitari.

The captain and several generals were here, formulating strategies and commanding the battlefield.

“3010000 colonial soldiers, how much has been sent out now?” The captain wearing the gold Combat Armor turned his head slightly and asked a Zitari technician in front of the smart computer.

“Reporting back to Captain, currently 14800 soldiers have been sent out, 90% of them have arrived at Earth, and the remaining 10% are still on the way. In addition, 100 of the 18 steel dragons of the whole ship have joined this time. The battlefield is over.” A Zittari technician wearing myopic glasses was typing on the keyboard while reporting to the captain in detail.

After listening to his report, the captain gently nodded, a confident smile on his face.

“After the 3010000 Zittari army arrives, it will surely break through this indigenous planet that has not yet entered the Interstellar era!”

The captain clenched his fists and clanged forcefully, “Among the Legion under the throne of Master Thanos, he has always been most important to burn Legion, Skeleton Legion, Zombie Legion, and Mechanical Legion. The four Legion, our Zitari Legion in his eyes, Has been at the middle and lower level, which really makes Lao Tzu not convinced. If he succeeds in conquering Earth this time and helps Master Thanos to collect the magic cube of the universe, this achievement may make him change his view of our Qitarui Legion and renew Look at the power of our Legion!”

“well said!”

“Support Captain!”

“Speaking of my heart!”

“Our Legion is not in the middle and lower reaches, it should be in the upstream!”

As soon as the captain’s heartfelt words came out, several generals began to applaud nodded, affirming what he said.

After the applause gradually subsided, one of the bloody fangs, General Zbrary Abbrows slightly wrinkle, said: “speaking of which, I actually have a little doubt about Thanos’s decision this time.”

“What doubts?” another General Qitarui B wondered.

“To be honest, I don’t quite understand. Why did we work hard to lay down the planet, but in the end we want to give it to the Asgard man of Loki?”

Hearing this, the captain shook the head, explaining: “With my knowledge of Master Thanos, he should just be using the Asgard Evil God that’s all of the wild ambition.”

“Captain, do you mean…” General Cittari asked C.

“I mean, under the leadership of Loki, we conquered this planet. After successfully taking the universe magic cube and taking it back to Master Thanos, when the time comes Thanos, Master might just slap and shoot Loki. .”

The wise captain continued to make a detailed explanation, “Earth is not only a beautiful environment, but also very rich in resources. In the entire galaxy, it is regarded as a first-class planet. Thanos lord may not easily give it to Loki. even more how, Loki’s kind of thing, born insidious and cunning, scheming, wild ambition, for the purpose of ambition by fair means or foul, and even at the expense of brother and father, will certainly not be satisfied with a small Earth, the years to come It is very likely that you will betray Master Thanos.”

While the captain was talking with several generals Zitari, suddenly, a mother ship monitor’s report interrupted everyone’s words and aroused the vigilance of all senior officials.

“Report the captain! An unknown lifeform appeared in front of our mothership, about 5 kilometers away!”

As the voice fell, the monitor switched the abnormal picture he observed to the large screen in the command room.

“That’s… humans on Earth?”

Looking at the real-time monitoring screen on the big screen, the captain was slightly surprised.


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