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The evil 6-man group is a Supervillain alliance of Marvel world.

There are a total of 6 people in the league, each of whom is a super villain of great strength, and each controls different abilities.

The 6 super villains are Doctor Octopus, Vulture, Rhinoceros, Sandman, Venom, Electro!

Doctor Octopus, originally an outstanding nuclear physicist, accidentally connected his spinal nerve with four intelligent titanium alloy mechanical tentacles in a failed experiment, and has since become an evil Supervillain. His 4 mechanical tentacles are not only responsive, they can well resist various sneak attacks for the master, and the strength of each tentacle has reached 4 tons. The total of 2 tentacles means that he has more than 4 tons of power. !

The vulture was originally an electronic engineer who dreamed of flying to the sky. He devoted his life to building a flying vehicle that can fly freely like a bird. Due to lack of research funds, he took the blueprint to seek the help of a businessman friend. However, his businessman friend coveted his research results, set a trap to send him to prison, tried to monopolize the bird suit, but the result was not at all found in the laboratory. In fact, the birdman suit has always been worn by vultures, it seems that it is an ordinary tight clothes, in fact, it is a high-tech flight uniform. With this birdman suit, the vulture successfully escaped from prison, and by the way, he took away the Old Brother Doctor Octopus whom he met in prison. After being released from prison, the vulture killed the merchant friend, and since then blackened, became a Supervillain who committed crimes everywhere.

Rhinoceros, originally a member of the Russian Ross Mafia, later participated in Oscorp’s Super Warrior program, and obtained a pair of 3 meters high rhinoceros armor, strengthened into a crazy rhinoceros.

Sandman, originally a robber, halfway through a jailbreak, in order to avoid the police pursuit, he inadvertently broke into a large sand pit polluted by serious nuclear radiation. Under the agitation of the sand accelerator, the DNA of his within the body combined with the sand and became a Sandman who could control the sand.

Venom is an organic symbiosis from outer space, which needs to be parasitic on the host body to achieve coexistence. He chose Eddie Bullock, a reporter with an awkward mentality, to parasitize on him and merge into a villain similar to Dark Spider-Man.

Electro, used to be a nobody who was obscured and on the verge of being forgotten by everyone. He worked in the power supply department of Oscorp all year round. One day, he accidentally fell into the power grid, and the gene was mutated.

The above is the general resume of the members of the evil 6-member group.

In the evil 6-person group, although the first three belong to the Ordinary Level lifeform, but with the help of their high-tech equipment, they have the Transcendent grade battle strength. The latter three belong to the standard Transcendent grade lifeform, which itself has the battle strength of Transcendent grade.

Everyone in the evil 6-man group had conflicts with Spider-Man, and all belonged to Spider-Man’s enemies.

Therefore, under the call of Doctor Octopus, five villains, including vultures, rhinoceros, Sandman, Venom, and Electro, responded to the call and joined the super villain alliance of this “evil 5-man group.”

The purpose of the alliance is-

Down with Spider-Man! !


Just about an hour ago, Peter happily rode his pocket knife battery car to the high school classmate meeting place on the side of the hotel.

Midway through a small alley strip.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning from Electro’s hands shot from the front, breaking his battery car.

Fortunately, Peter was responsive and shot a spider web in time to attract it to the wall next to it, avoiding being bombed.

Members of the evil 6-man group, at first thought Peter was just a newspaper reporter and takeaway little brother who often took pictures of Spider-Man. He wanted to catch him and inquire about Spider-Man’s whereabouts from him.

Without thinking, I accidentally tried it, but found out that this young man was Spider-Man himself!

So, the evil six-man group manifested themselves from the darkness, and carried out inhuman siege on the weak Spider-Man in the alley.

With Spider-Man’s battle strength, it is basically only tied with a Doctor Octopus.

If there is another vulture, it will be difficult for him to deal with it, and he will almost certainly fail.

With the addition of the four Supervillains, Rhinoceros, Murder, Venom, and Electro, Spider-Man has no chance of winning and is completely in a crushing situation.

After several rounds of fighting, Spider-Man had several wounds on his body.

Fortunately, this is the first time the evil 6-person team has played in teamwork, and the cooperation between them is not tacit.

After some hard work, Spider-Man was finally injured and escaped the siege of 6 people.

So, Peter who Qi Yu sees now has several fresh wounds on his body covered by clothes.

After listening to Peter’s reminiscent narration, Qi Yu shook his head and sighed, expressing sympathy: “Being besieged by 6 Supervillains, you are really miserable. Doing Daredevil to do your job can be considered blood mold.”

“Ai, who made me a Daredevil in the past 2 years, has too many enemies been established?” Peter also shook his head and sighed. “Now those super villains have learned to be smart, knowing that the group has played, the situation I face will naturally become Grim.”

Speaking of which, Peter suddenly lit up and remembered one thing: “Yes! How did I forget this? I recently joined a Daredevil Alliance called’Avengers’, I can seek other revenge With the help of the attackers, come together to deal with this evil 6-person group! Compared with the evil 6-person group, our Avengers are truly powerful! With other Avengers fighting side by side, the evil 6-person group will definitely be eliminated!”

For Peter’s plan, Qi Yu spread out both hands: “Actually, I don’t think you need to trouble other avengers.”

“Huh? What do you mean?” Peter raised his eyebrows, wondering.

Qi Yu pats own chest, a light confident smile on his face: “You can ask me to help you revenge. Dealing with the evil 6-person group, I’m almost alone.”

“Are you dealing with the evil 6-person group alone?” Peter asked in an eccentric tone, “Are you sure you are not boasting?”

In Peter’s view, although Qi Yu knocked down oneself 2 years ago, his strength is indeed above oneself.

But now we are facing six Supervillains with different abilities, even if Qi Yu is stronger than oneself, the hope of winning should be small?

“Whether I have boasting or not, wait for you to take me to the evil 6-person group, and the answer will be revealed.” Qi Yu shrugged, pursed his lips and said.

Peter touch the chin thought for a while, and gave an answer after a while: “Okay! Then I will take you to the evil 6-person group. But I can say the ugly words first, when the time comes if you are beaten by 6 of them Dead, I’m not responsible.”

“Okay, it was so happily decided!”

Qi Yu pats shouted, suddenly raised his palm again, “Yes, also the last thing!”

“What’s the matter?” Peter was puzzled.

“When did you owe me $2 two years ago, when will you give it back to me?” Qi Yu pointed to Peter and urged the debt without warning.

“That, big man, I’ve been a little tight recently, can I be more graceful for a while?”

Peter was scratching his head sorryly, with an embarrassed smile on his face…


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