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In fact, the reason why Qi Yu left Earth in a spaceship is not just to travel for Interstellar.

The so-called Interstellar travel accounted for only a small part of the reason. The main reason he left Earth was actually to accomplish his goal of striking the Great Sage.

According to the timeline of the Marvel world major event development, Qi Yu can speculate that, probably in the near future, the timeline of “Guardians of the Galaxy 2” will be opened.

In the plot of “Guardians of the Galaxy 2”, there will be a super villain, the villain itself is a planet, is a special planet lifeform.

The villain is called Igo, and belongs to the group of gods. The core of life is a brain, and the body is a planet. Qi Yu asked the system before and asked what Igo’s Life Level is. The answer is “Overlord” level lifeform “.

If the opponent is an Overlord level lifeform like Thanos, to be honest, Qi Yu is not easy to deal with, and even may also be counter-killed, but Overlord level lifeform like Igo, in fact, for the prophet who watched the movie like Qi Yu Say, it is better to deal with.

Because Qi Yu has seen the movie, I know that Igo’s weakness is the brain buried deep underground. As long as the brain is destroyed, Igo will be completely destroyed, and if the brain is destroyed, it is actually a bomb. Will suffice.

In the original movie plot of “Guardians of the Galaxy 2”, Igo mainly died of carelessness. He didn’t notice that the little Groot secretly got into the tunnel to his brain and placed a powerful bomb, otherwise Igo would not only end up Will not die, but will easily kill the entire Guardians of the Galaxy.

At this moment, Qi Yu intends to take a spaceship, first to hear the news of Guardians of the Galaxy, and then find a way to join the Guardians of the Galaxy team and follow them to find Igo’s planet.

After finding Igor, it is natural to eliminate Igor. Once Igor’s evil lifeform of Overlord level is eliminated, 1010000 evil life energy will be very easy!

Qi Yu has collected a total of more than 9210000 evil life energy resources, and 1010000 evil life energy resources are available, which means that 10010000 evil life energy resources will be collected to achieve Great Sage!

After achieving Great Sage, go to Thanos for revenge! !

Although Thanos is an Overlord level powerhouse, in front of the Great Sage powerhouse, one punch is enough to kill! !


Qi Yu set the target location of the spaceship as “The Hairless Star”.

The hairless star is not a planet in the traditional sense.

In fact, the Fuzz Star is the head of a member of the Tenjin group in ancient times.

According to legend, it used to be a giant celestial god, with a body of several hundred kilometers in length, a head alone, and dozens of kilometers.

After the giant celestial being died for some reason, his head is still kept in the starry sky.

A few hundred years ago, the Milky Way Great Influence Emperor 100 Group sent a large number of workers to mine the head of the god. The bones, brain tissue, spinal fluid and other organic matter in the head are precious Interstellar resources.

Therefore, there are also 10000 aliens living on the Mao Zedong, which is quite lively.

After Qi Yu and three servants spent a few days leisurely on the spaceship, the spaceship finally arrived at the established target location-Star of No Hair!

“Didn’t expect, this planet looks so much like a skull!” Emil stood in front of the transparent window of the spaceship, admiring the beauty of the starry sky in front of him. When he saw the strange appearance of the hairless star, he could not help but exclaim. .

“In fact, that’s a head,” Qi Yu spread out both hands, and said with a lip. “That’s a head left after a giant died. Of course, it doesn’t prevent aliens from living and living on it. Now A few civilizations with extremely high technological level in the universe have the ability to transform the natural ecological environment and can make that head a place suitable for lifeform survival.”

Hearing Qi Yu’s explanation, it is not just Emil, Magneto and Dr. Destruction are also mouth opened wide, and they are very emotional.

Soon, the spaceship stopped slowly at the entrance of the Bleak Star.

The cabin door opened and Qi Yu and three servants stepped out of the spaceship and stepped on the territory of the hairless star.

At the entrance of the Black Hair Star, the forces of the Emperor 10000 Group are responsible for guarding, and there are more than 100 armed troops armed with energy pulse weapons at the entrance.

There is a dim-blue energy barrier at the entrance, equivalent to the gate, which needs to be paid to open, similar to the entrance fee.

After all, it was the first time to dabble in the stars and sea. Qi Yu and the 3 servants did not know the rules in this regard. 4 people stood in front of the energy barrier and hesitated for a little while before moving on.

At this time, an alien wearing the “Emperor 10000 Group” printed on his body came over. “4 people, if you don’t have a Galaxy card, you can go in for cash or equivalent exchange.”

Qi Yu was still wondering if he had to pay money to get in, and he was not sure. Now when he hears this alien, he is completely sure.

Hearing what the aliens mean, Magneto on the side is pulling a coin from his pocket and submitting it to the gatekeeper to charge the aliens.

“Is this enough?” Magneto asked in his low, hoarse voice, with an unpredictable smile on his face.

One dollar coin is a currency circulated in the United States. In this huge galaxy, no one knows that Earth is actually out.

The toll aliens took the coin from Magneto, slightly frowned, and used high-tech display mirrors to detect the composition of the coin. When the coin was found to be worthless, it could not help but anger.

“88.5% copper, 6% zinc, 3.5% manganese, 2% nickel, cut, what a waste!”

The aliens tossed the coin and blamed it bluntly, “If there is no valuables to pay the entrance fee, the four will roll, and you are not welcome to the Starless Star!”

“You are wrong, this coin is actually enough to enter the door.”

There was a hint of smirk in the corner of Magneto’s mouth, and the finger of the right hand was slightly ticked, and the coin dropped on the ground was suspended.

Then Magneto’s finger flicked, and the coin was like a bullet, piercing the eyebrow of this toll alien, with a few pieces of eroded flesh, running out from the back of the head.


Toll aliens fell.

Seeing this, the nearby armed forces immediately raised their vigilance and picked up energy pulse weapons, aiming at the Qi Yu entire group ahead.

Magneto frowned, a sharp flash in his eyes, the coin at a very fast speed, like a multi-point connection, pierced the heads of all armed forces.


Magneto raised his arm and sandwiched the returned coin between his fingers, his wrinkled face, with a disdainful smile.


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