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Although Yondu smiled, in fact he was cheering.

Star Lord is a child he brought from a young age to a big one. In Yondu’s mind, he already regarded Star Lord as his own, as his own son.

Now that the Star Lord has been captured by the crazy Cree Stars, and he said that he will behead three days later to pay tribute to the dead accuser Ronan the Accuser, which really worried Yondu.

To be honest, in the past few days, Yondu has not had a good sleep.

After walking down from the Skull Stone Chair and simply shaking hands with Qi Yu, Yondu asked straight to the point without turning around: “I don’t know your lord, is there any way to save the Star Lord?”

When Yondu was talking, the muscles in the corners of his mouth were slightly twitching, which did not cover his anxiety well, but this also reflected the high position of Star Lord in his heart from the side, he valued Star Lord very much .

Qi Yu did not immediately answer Yondu’s inquiry.

He turned his head to sweep some of the guards and attendants in the hall, and then returned his gaze to Yondu’s gaze, winking at Yondu.

Yondu can understand the meaning of Qi Yu’s apprehension. The other party wants to let the idle people inside wait for the two parties to go out. The two parties let go of the conversation to prevent the plan to save people from being heard by outsiders with ulterior motives.

If oneself is low in strength and lacks self-preservation ability, in the face of Qi Yu’s request, Yondu may hesitate for a long time, whether to withdraw the guards, but Yondu considers that oneself has prototype fins and flying arrows, enough to kill these 4 Earth people, so I don’t worry so much.

So, Yondu whispered a few words in Kragreen’s ear.

Immediately, Kraglin Pats left with more than a dozen guards and several attendants in the hall, and closed the door of the hall before leaving.

“Now that the outsiders are gone, can you tell me how to save the Star Lord?” Yondu pointed his finger to Qi Yu across the face, with a faint smile on his face, said.

“Of course, I can tell you now.” Qi Yu shrugged, pouting, “It’s actually very simple to save people, you just need to take the four of us together to the mothership of Cree Star.”

“I don’t hear too well…” Yondu slightly frowned, “What do you mean?”

“I mean, 4 of us can help you to jail.” Qi Yu explained further.

However, after hearing this explanation, Yondu almost blew up. “Nonsense! With your 4 Earth men, you are deliberately trying to rescue Star Lord from the strict guard of the Mother Kerry? It’s nonsense!”

Obviously, Yondu does not believe that the 4 main servants of Qi Yu can rescue the Star Lord from the Kri Star Mothership. “The Kri Star Mother Ship is the most developed Cosmic Warship in the Cree Stars. 1000 fanatics, and also a powerful Luobei, how can it be so easy to invade? I thought you have any good way, it turned out to be this unrealistic bad idea!”

Qi Yu is a face doesn’t change, and calmly replied: “Yondu, are you questioning our ability?”

“I question your ability? Having said that, do you have the ability to question me?” When Yondu spoke, he quietly put his hand on the waist pocket and opened the pocket cloth cap, ready to summon that flying arrow. Come out and teach a lesson to these 4 Earth people who do not know the immensity of Heaven and Earth.

See Yondu. This is to prepare summon to fly arrows, Qi Yu could not help laughing.

“Forget it, you can’t believe me if you just say nothing, just move your mouth.” Qi Yu spread out both hands and tilted her head. “So, you can attack me now without any effort.” , Full strength to attack, to see if it can hurt me.”

Qi Yu intends to use facts to prove that oneself is not boasting.

Upon hearing Qi Yu’s words, Yondu smiled immediately.

Oneself once used this flying arrow to kill dozens of enemies in one go. The lethality was amazing, and the Earth man across the street actually boasted of Haikou, which is really funny for Yondu.

“If that’s the case, then I’m welcome!”

tone barely fell, Yondu began to whistle.

Under the whistle melody of his specific sound frequency band, the flying arrow in the waist pocket immediately flew out, spurting directly towards Qi Yu on the opposite side.

The louder Yondu’s whistle, the stronger the penetrating power of this flying arrow. For example, when Yondu whistle softly, the penetrating power of flying arrows is equivalent to pistol bullets. When Yondu whistle with a normal size sound, the penetrating power of flying arrows is equivalent to rifle bullets. When he whistle loudly, he The penetration of the arrow can even reach the level of Barrett’s heavy sniper rifle.

At this moment, Yondu’s whistle is low, and the position of the scapula is Qi Yu’s shoulder. It is not the key part. After all, it is just the beginning. If it comes from the beginning, it may kill the opponent directly.

However, Yondu miscalculated.

Faced with this flying arrow pierced at his shoulder, Qi Yu quickly raised his hand and gently flicked his little finger to fly the flying arrow with the pistol’s driving force.


The flying arrow bounced back, brushed past Yondu’s ear, and plunged into the wall behind Yondu.

Seeing this unexpected scene, the faint confident smile on Yondu’s blue face froze on the spot, and his eyes stared at Boss, with an incredible expression on his face. He didn’t expect the other party to resolve it with just a small thumb The own flying arrows attacked.

After being sluggish for a few seconds, Yondu then slowly recovereds from the shock state.

At the moment, he no longer regards Qi Yu as the weak Earth person.

“Didn’t expect is actually an expert!”

With a strong smile on Yondu’s face, he whistled and returned the flying arrow pierced into the wall to summon. The flying arrow hovered beside his head, begin to stir, “I just used 2 Chengli just now, Now, let me try 50% more force…”

“No no no ,” Qi Yu interrupted Yondu’s words, and raised his hand. “You can just use 1% of the force, don’t worry about me.”

Hearing this, Yondu laughed, white teeth are very obvious under blue’s face, “Well, I’m going to full strength!”

tone barely fell, Yondu took a breath, bulged the forehead, and whistled with maximum force.

Correspondingly, the penetrating power of the flying arrow also reached its maximum, and it stabs Qi Yu on the opposite side fiercely!

Qi Yu quickly raised his hand, his palm blocking the front door.

With two fingers, he clamped the flying arrow casually, and it looked like he was playing, as easy as blowing off dust.

“Now, you no longer question our ability, can you rescue the Star Lord from the Kerry Starship?” Qi Yu smiled and slowly walked to Yondu’s body, holding his finger in the crack Flying Arrow handed him back.

“No more questioning!” Yondu right hand leaned on the left heart and bowed his head slightly, “Please forgive me for being rude!”


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