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After all, it is a spaceship that is several kilometers long, and there is more than one cell in the prison cell area of ​​the Kerry Starship.

Here is a whole area of ​​imprisonment, two hundred meters long and 100 meters wide. Usually used to imprison prisoners of war, the maximum capacity of imprisoned personnel reaches 10000.

There are a total of 100 imprisonment cells in this imprisonment area, of which 90 imprisonment cells are conventional imprisonment cells, but ten imprisonment cells are enhanced versions for holding relatively powerful prisoners of war or prisoners.

Prisoners of this level, such as Guardians of the Galaxy, are imprisoned in the enhanced version of the cell, and it is also the strongest cell among the ten enhanced cells.

In order to pay attention to the group of murderers who killed the own younger brother accuser Ronan the Accuser, Luo Bei was not enough to keep the Guardians of the Galaxy in the strongest prison cell. In addition, he specially arranged 100 fully Armed Kerry Star warriors are constantly watching the movements in the cell to prevent any attempt by the Guardians of the Galaxy to escape from prison.

“Prison A-100…”

Qi Yu followed the number in the area of ​​the cell and walked to the end, and finally found the cell A-100 in the mouth of the previously killed Krising warrior.

In fact, even if the Kerry Star warrior did not tell Qi Yu Guardians of the Galaxy the specific number of the cell being held, Qi Yu would know that the cell was the Guardians of the Galaxy, because when Qi Yu came here At that time, it was actually a prison guard of 100 people!

The other cells are basically equipped with only 2 guards outside each cell!

In this comparison, the fool can also speculate that the Guardians of the Galaxy are imprisoned inside!

“The whole army is alert, there are intruders!”

Seeing that the stranger Qi Yu came to the cell, the guard Captain immediately commanded.

The top 100 guards picked up their respective energy pulse weapons, and the muzzle was aligned with the intruder Qi Yu. After waiting for Captain’s order, they collectively pulled the trigger to launch the energy gun to launch a fierce artillery attack on the intruder.

Seeing the guards aiming the muzzle of the energy pulse weapon at oneself, Qi Yu shrugged unintentionally. “For you, your weapons are completely the same as the toys of a 3-year-old kid.”

“Oh, is it?” Captain took two steps forward and looked at the energy pulse weapon in his hand, with a smirk on his face, “You mean, do you want to try it?”

The voice fell, Captain without the slightest hesitation aimed the muzzle at Qi Yu, and pulled the trigger.

When the trigger was pulled, a beam of dim-blue energy flame was moved towards Qi Yu a few meters away and shot away.

If the object being shot is a stone, the stone will burst on the spot, Captain does not feel that the intruder’s fleshy body strength is stronger than the stone.

Captain believes that the intruder will definitely dodge next, otherwise he will definitely be burned by the energy flame.


However, in the face of this beam of energy fired at oneself, Qi Yu swelled up 2 cheeks and blew through in one breath, and directly bounced it back.

Seeing this scene, Captain suddenly had 10000 fuck your mother running across!

It’s a pity that his legs couldn’t keep up with the speed, and he hadn’t come to evade. He was hit by the energy flame that bounced back. A big hole was blown out of his chest instantly, the flesh was blurred, and the sternums inside were faint visible.

The moment Captain fell, his eyes were still open, which meant that he never looked back.

Witnessing the death of Captain in person, the 100 guards in the back pulled the trigger collectively without thinking, and the white beam of energy flames blasted towards Qi Yu together. Copper Wall Iron Bastion will also be shattered.

Faced with this, Qi Yu quickly stretched out his right arm, exerting the strongest mind, wrapping the 100 beams of energy flame into a ball.

Then, like throwing a shot, the mass of energy wrapped in a white beam of energy flame was thrown away, killing all the guards on the opposite side.

Qi Yu thought that the metal gates of cell group A-100 behind the guards would also break under such a violent energy group explosion. Didn’t expect that the metal gate was only slightly recessed, not at all Cracked or broken.

“It seems that the enclosure of this cell is quite strong, and it is estimated to be stronger than titanium alloy.”

Pacing to the metal door of the cell, Qi Yu leaned his face close to the glass window on the metal door, preparing to see what scene was inside the cell, and whether the Guardians of the Galaxy were all locked inside.

Qi Yu just brought his face together and immediately saw 4 crowded heads.

Inside the cell, on the side of the metal door, there are also 4 pairs of eyes looking out at the same time through the blurry transparent glass window.

A handsome humanoid face, a bald face, a green female face, and also a little raccoon face, these 4 familiar faces are naturally the 4 members of Guardians of the Galaxy.

Star Lord Pete-Guire, Gamora Ra, Destroyer Drax, and Rocket Raccoon!

It is worth mentioning that the current tree man Groot is still potting in the flower pot, his legs have not yet grown fully, and did not follow the 4 teammates together.

When Qi Yu and the Guardians of the Galaxy 4 face each other, both sides are startled by each other.

“4 eyes have been secretly staring at me, shouting, it’s really scary!”

Qi Yu unable to bear tsukkomi, but this is also the case. After all, the battle scene of oneself outside the cell is too fierce, and it will inevitably attract the attention of the Guardians of the Galaxy imprisoned by the door.

Slowing his breath, Qi Yu clenched his fists, raised his right arm, and was about to use his fists to open the high-strength metal door.

Seeing that the intruder was about to hit the door with fists, Star Lord entire group frowned, looking at their expressions, they were seriously doubting whether Qi Yu’s approach would succeed.

Especially Rocket Raccoon, he knows technology and knows that this metal door has a special material and is extremely strong. Even if 100 missiles are fired continuously outside the door, it can blow up the metal door.

With a fist, the other party deliberately opened this high-strength metal door?

Are you sure you are not cracking a joke?

Do you think you hit it with a punch, which is called the formidable power of an atomic bomb?

However, the Guardians of the Galaxy were soon beaten.


With a loud noise, the door of this metal door broke away from the door frame and fell to the ground on the spot.



“How can this be?”

“I am not mistaken?”

Star Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket Raccoon, 4 are all open to bear with open mouths, stunned expressions on their faces, and they are unbelievable about the scene they see in front of them.

“The 4 heroes who once guarded the galaxy, congratulations, you are rescued!”

The dust on Qi Yu pats’ hands, with a smile, announced to the 4 people in shock.


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