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“Relax, I am very credible. I said that if you want to play one-on-one with you, you will never join forces with others to fight one.”

Qi Yu patted the chest of Doctor Octopus, who was about to begin to stir, and promised to run. He glanced at Spider-Man next to him, telling Spider-Man with his eyes that he was not crawling a joke, but really wanted to single out with Doctor Octopus. .

“Oh! Terminator, are you crazy?”

“Doctor Octopus is definitely not as easy to deal with as you think, please be sure to join hands with me!”

“If you haven’t lost your mind, please cooperate with me to catch the damn octopus, bring him to justice, and send him to the cold prison!”

For Qi Yu’s heads-up thoughts, Spider-Man held the head with both hands, and Danger Land did not persuade.

“No, I stick to my decision.” Qi Yu whispered his finger bone with his fists squawking, as if “I’m going to fight”.

Spider-Man is still unwilling, even with open arms to stop Qi Yu in front of him, saying that he will join forces with Terminator to deal with Doctor Octopus, so that there will be a big chance of winning.

How to do? No way! Qi Yu stopped talking to Spider-Man and immediately bent over to grab one of his ankles.

With a little effort, the Spider-Man was thrown a few thousand meters away, and fell towards the Hudson River outside New York…

“Spider-Man went home to do his homework and Doctor Octopus would just leave it to me!”

Qi Yu explained casually to the onlookers around him. Although this explanation obviously sounds like a fool, it is purely foolish, but no one present dared to refute it, fearing that oneself will be Terminator like Spider-Man. Throw it to heaven. Spider-Man is Daredevil who is good at flying cornices. He fell undying in the city of stand in great numbers, and we are just ordinary ordinary people. We are really going to be thrown into the sky, and we will definitely fall into powder and bones! So it is better to shut up.

Finally, there was no Spider-Man nagging anymore, Qi Yu stretched his back, and suddenly felt comfortable all over the body!

Opposite Qi Yu, Doctor Octopus saw Spider-Man being beaten to nowhere, but did not know whether it should be happy or sad?

Happy is because oneself lacks a strong rival, and the odds are improved a lot; and sadness is because Terminator threw Spider-Man away at least 100 meters away, and it seems that his battle strength has reached the legendary explosion level… …

“Hey! No one is bothering us now, we can start heads-up! According to the horn daily newspaper’s stated agreement, as long as you can win me, then you can get the 30,000,000 US dollars provided by their newspaper!”

Qi Yu twisted his neck, quietly waiting for Doctor Octopus to attack him.

Doctor Octopus looked at more and more onlookers gathered around him, the retreat in his heart basically disappeared.

He knows the situation on the oneself side, which has been uploaded to the major TV news channels, online media and radio by those reporters at the same time. He does not want to be a coward in the live broadcast scene.

The name Doctor Octopus is also well-known throughout New York. It is a household name. Can we lose our reputation and lose our face here tonight, otherwise how will we be mixed up in criminal circles in the future?

Now brace oneself has to kill half his life!

“Terminator, I admit that you are strong, but I am not weak! I just fight this old life, and I have to get a few injuries on you!”

With an almost roaring voice, Doctor Octopus traveled with two mechanical tentacles below, waving the two mechanical tentacles above, and aggressively rushed to Qi Yu on the opposite side!

“Oh! Doctor Octopus has finally taken action! The formidable power of his 2 mechanical tentacles is said to be terrible!”

“Yes! I once went downstairs to take a hungry takeout, and saw Doctor Octopus fly a commercial car with his mechanical tentacles!”

“Putting it that way, Doctor Octopus is about the same as Terminator 5 5?”

“Terminator is powerful, but after all it is physical body and mortal flesh. In my opinion, he can’t confront Doctor Octopus directly, he should avoid his sharp edge and use his sneak attack from behind…”

When Doctor Octopus opened his legs and rushed towards Terminator, the onlookers in the neighborhood began to discuss spiritedly, and expressed their opinions on the battle with oneself.


In a flash !

The citizens around them hadn’t reacted to it yet. They saw Doctor Octopus suddenly twitching on the ground like a dead dog, and there was hot blood flowing out of his mouth.

They just heard a dull boxing sound just now, and they can’t say anything else. What happened at that moment?

Even Doctor Octopus, who has the strength of Transcendent grade, didn’t see clearly that Terminator was punching, but he immediately felt the deep pain from his chest. The feeling seemed to fall to the 18th Layer purgatory. !

Qi Yu’s this fist carries a special formidable power, which spread quickly when he hit Doctor Octopus’s chest. In a flash, it caused serious damage to every part of his body.

apart from this, the four mechanical tentacles linked to the Doctor Octopus spinal nerve were also crushed under this fist, and the internal components were damaged, frequent failures, and finally the Doctor Octopus’ own nervous system was completely disconnected.

It is no exaggeration to say that Doctor Octopus is considered obsolete.

Not only is Own seriously injured, but the only reliance on a mechanical tentacle device has failed. What kind of waves can Doctor Octopus make?

It is estimated that a policeman with a gun can suppress him!

“This guy’s…battle strength…is mine…10000 times…”

After uttering this sentence with difficulty, Doctor Octopus passed out unwillingly.

Of course, if Qi Yu just started a little bit harder, I am afraid that Doctor Octopus would have been bombarded on the spot and exploded into bloody pieces of meat.

It is just that Qi Yu considers that there are more than 100 journalists and 1000 citizens around, and dozens of police officers are maintaining order. If he kills Doctor Octopus in this public place, there is obviously a little “non-compliance”. After all, in the capitalist developed country of the United States, no one has the right to deprive others of their lives. Life is given by God.

At the same time, the people around him realized that Doctor Octopus was actually defeated by Terminator with ease, and a huge shock emerged from deep in one’s heart.

They were stunned, dumbfounded, with incredible expressions on their faces, and they felt incredible about what had just happened.

They originally thought that Terminator declared war on Doctor Octopus and would fight the Doctor Octopus fiercely, and they could enjoy Daredevil’s super fight with super criminals. I didn’t expect it, but it was just a blink of an eye. Is the Supervillain Doctor Octopus incapable of being killed by Terminator? No, not even NYPD and Spider-Man can do Doctor Octopus. Doctor Octopus will definitely not be so weak!

Thinking about it, they can only choose to believe that it is not that Doctor Octopus is weak, but that Terminator is really ridiculously strong!

Of course the shock is shocked, the warm applause and loud cheering still have to continue, so that Daredevil can stand out!

Qi Yu was too lazy to ignore the spirits of these reporters and citizens. His only purpose tonight was to catch Doctor Octopus, the bounty prey symbolizing 20,000,000 US dollars, and then 20,000,000 US dollars to buy a house!

In order to completely eliminate the risk and prevent any moth from appearing halfway, after defeating Doctor Octopus, Qi Yu also walked to the front of Doctor Octopus, squatted down, and removed the four vertebrae of Doctor Octopus with his hands. Sexual mechanical tentacles.

When I saw this scene, there were many onlookers at once, and my eyes were so glaring that my eyes were about to fall out.

This part of the onlookers is basically a famous school of science and technology. He knows that the forging material of the mechanical tentacles on Doctor Octopus is a high-strength titanium alloy. Unless a laser or industrial diamond is used to cut it, it will be impossible to break his titanium alloy. Mechanical tentacles.

However, the Terminator is just under the eyes of everyone, breaking the mechanical tentacle of Doctor Octopus with bare hands?

Oh, God! My friends in science and engineering were shocked!

Qi Yu’s casual behavior really blinded their 24KAdamantium dog’s eyes, so that they were all expressions of dumb expression.

At the scene, there were also some young girls whose hearts were springing up, hoping that oneself would meet a white horse Prince like Terminator in the future. No, even if only 10% of Terminator is enough.

At the same time, the Spider-Man in the Hudson River, just a few kilometers away, had just climbed from the river to the shore.

“Damn Terminator, he must have taken drugs, otherwise how could he throw me out of New York as soon as he shook his hand…”

Spider-Man shook the small drops of water on the spider’s tight clothes, and grunted, like a depressed young wife.

PS. Thank you for the support of 1100 points for Wu Sanmeng to wake up! Thank you for the support of UNO and Chen Musou’s 100 points! Thank you QQ user Fengsha, Resurrection Lily for the support of 100 points to the other side, and the night is cool! The author will work hard!

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