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Igor is a god who has lived for several million years, dignified Overlord level lifeform, and the strength is certainly beyond doubt.

The current situation is not so much a battle between Qi Yu and Igo, but rather a confrontation between Qi Yu and Igo.

After all, in the duel of two Overlord level lifeforms, the small creatures Gamora and Drax can play a very small role, which is almost negligible.

In the original movie plot of “Guardians of the Galaxy 2”, the main reason why Guardians of the Galaxy can eliminate Igor is that they Guardians of the Galaxy are protagonists and have protagonist aura buffs.

Another important reason is that Igo accidentally revealed a secret to Star Lord, saying that his body is the core of this planet, which is tantamount to indirectly exposing his own weaknesses.

Weaknesses are exposed in the eyes of the enemy, and the enemy will naturally seize this weakness to full strength against you.

All in all, it is precisely because the Guardians of the Galaxy protagonist aura buff is in the body, and has mastered the fatal weakness of Igor, so I finally successfully killed Igor, otherwise if you want to kill an Overlord level lifeform easier said than done, even if it is used Nuclear bombs bombarded indiscriminately to no avail.

As the girlfriend and teammate of Star Lord, Gamora and Drax were very excited when they saw Star Monarch pierced his chest by a tentacle of light.

2 Without a word, the two wielded their weapons and rushed towards Igo aggressively across.

However, where will these two be Igo’s opponents?

With a big wave of Igor’s hand, a group of dim-blue energy rushed over, directly hit the two people, and fell heavily on the ground.

If an ordinary person falls like this, he must be killed on the spot, but Gamora and Drax belong to the Transcendent grade lifeform, and their physical endurance is still quite good.

Seeing the two people who rushed back again, Igo turned his head up and laughed loudly: “hahahahaha, you humble lifeforms, in front of me are no different from the ants! Trifling ants, also deliberately shake the elephant, almost delirious. !”

Drax’s temper has always been hot, and after hearing Ig’s insulting words full of contempt, he wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, picked up the double knives and stood up hard again, ready to stand with Igo again Play against each other.

At this time, Qi Yu on the side reached out to stop him.

“You are not his opponent. Even if you are 100 together, you will only be beaten in front of him.” Qi Yu glanced sideways at the injured Drax and lightly said.

If someone told Drax this way, Drax would certainly ignore it, but Qi Yu would be different if he told him that way. In any case, Qi Yu is the life saving benefactor of Drax after all, and Qi Yu rescued him from the prison of the mother carrier Kerry.

More importantly, Drax once saw Qi Yu’s power on the mothership of Kerry Star, knowing that Qi Yu’s strength is terrifying, and he punched 100 Kerry Star warriors in a punch and smashed it with a punch High-strength alloy prison doors, the strongest battle strength commander Luo Bei…

“Then… Terminator, what do you mean?”

Drax vaguely guessed Qi Yu’s intention, and his hands with the knife gradually relaxed.

“give it to me!”

Qi Yu flattened his finger bone, twisted his neck, and simply did the warm-up exercise before the decisive battle.

Seeing Qi Yu’s posture of be eager to have a try, the opposite Igo was unable to bear with a long sneer.

“Child, don’t you know my identity?”

Igor pats own chest, wrinkled old face with a confident smile, raised his voice, “I am a god!”

Speaking of which, Igo suddenly pointed at Qi Yu and shouted loudly: “And you, just mortals, insignificant mortals…”


However, before Igo finished speaking, it burst like a firework in the view of everyone’s surprise.

The body burst open, bloody erosion and minced meat, scattered all over the ground, very disgusting, disgusting.

At the same time, Qi Yu blows his fist, a sense of sight as a western cowboy plays with a gun.

Yes, Igo is “Death” under Qi Yu’s punch!

Unfortunately, I have to admit that the “Death” referred to here is rather special, which does not mean that Igo is really dead.

The body that Qi Yu shattered just now is not the body of Igo, but it is just an Avatar that’s all created by Igo using God’s Force out of thin air to communicate with the outside world.

The body of Igor is actually hidden in the most central area of ​​the entire planet. There is a dazzling “brain” buried in the depth of 1000 kilometers below the ground. That brain is the real body of Igor.

As long as the real body is not destroyed, even if Avatar is destroyed 100 times, it is in vain, at most it can only buy some time that’s all.

As a prophet who understands the god Igo, Qi Yu is very clear that the single fist it killed undying Igo just now, and also knows that Igo’s weakness is in the center of the planet, buried deep in the ground, as long as the real body is not destroyed, Iraq Ge would not be killed.

“Wow! Terminator, you’re awesome, you got rid of him!” Drax raised his sword in his hand, cheered his arms and applauded Qi Yu’s might of a single fist.

“Don’t be too happy, Drax, just because he killed undying him.” Qi Yu replied.

“Ah?” Drax thought he was wrong, rubbed his eyes and looked again, said curiously, “His body is broken like that, is he still alive?”

“That’s not his real body, it’s just an Avatar that’s all transformed into his real body.” Qi Yu gave an explanation.

In the process of the two talking, Igor’s body, broken into dozens of pieces of rotten meat, seemed to be attracted by a wonderful force, and began to gather towards the center collectively and quickly reorganized.

“Little mantis, it’s time for you to play a role!” Qi Yu suddenly reminded the mantis girl.

“Me?” The mantis pointed at oneself in doubt, feeling a little unfathomable mystery.

“Don’t you have a strong hypnotic ability? You let Igo fall into a deep sleep and give everyone time to escape.” Qi Yu explained.

“Well, okay, let me try it!”

While Igor’s body had not fully recovered, the mantis immediately squatted down, propped her palms against the light source on the ground, and exerted a powerful hypnotic force to hypnotize Igor.

Fortunately, under her strong hypnosis, Igo quickly fell into a deep sleep.

The tentacles of light that pierced Star Lord’s chest were also paralyzed when Igo went into a lethargic state, and Star Lord was able to lift the threat.

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