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After reaching agreement with the pioneers to exterminate humans and colonize Earth, Thanos used the power of the universe’s magic cube to open a wormhole on the surface near the palace. The other end of the wormhole is connected to Earth in the Milky Way. , The specific location is peace and security Yanmariana Trench.

Thanos specially set the biometric function for the wormhole. Only the Anteverseplanet pioneers and the rare beast they created can enter and leave freely. Only the DNA contained in the pioneer family and the rare beast within the body they created can be recognized by the wormhole. Other NDA’s Once the species enters the wormhole, it will be strangled by the power from the magic cube of the universe.

After helping the pioneers to open the wormhole connecting to Earth, the Thanos entire group stopped staying and opened another wormhole, returning to the dark Titan planet in the old nest.

That night, the pioneer leaders informed the ministers to hold an emergency meeting, brainstorming at the meeting, and formulated a plan to eliminate the Earth and colonize Earth.

The next day, a pioneer of the colonial plan, a 92-meter-high and 2700-tonne heavy beast was sent into the wormhole…

Earth, peace and security The Mariana Trench.

This is the deepest place in Earth above Earth, with an altitude of more than 10000 meters. It is a dangerous place that is difficult to reach with human’s current technology.

Under the trench, there are several types of marine organisms that adapt to the high water pressure environment. There are typical fish species and unknown strange species. They are now wandering freely under the trench.

Suddenly, with a dull loud noise, countless small bubbles appeared in the seabed, the crust flooded with seawater shook indistinctly, and the small stones rolled down the steep terrain.

After the vibration gradually stabilized, a giant giant beast floated up from the deepest part of the trench.

For a time, the nearby sea creatures were disturbed, and in fear, they all escaped subconsciously.

Yes, this is the horror giant beast created and bred by the pioneers, which is transmitted from the other end of the wormhole. It instantly spans a million years away from Anteverseplanet to Earth!

After reaching the Earth Trench through the wormhole, the rare beast began to move upwards, soon swam to the sea, and successfully landed in the coastal city of Los Angeles, United States!

When this rare beast came to Los Angeles, the citizens immediately panicked. Except for the police and related officials responsible for city security, everyone else, no matter who, as long as they saw the emergence of rare beast, they all started. Escape and refuge.

I have to say that Los Angeles is really an unfortunate city.

Two years ago, there was a marine giant beast called Godzilla landing in Los Angeles, wreaking havoc on Los Angeles, causing a large number of casualties and property losses, which had a huge negative impact on Los Angeles and seriously damaged Los Angeles. The tranquility and peace of the city, fortunately, the Terminator take action, known as the “Earth’s strongest hero”, wiped out Godzilla, won the security for the Los Angeles citizens, and indirectly prevented Godzilla from destroying the city and saved the country from deep water. Among the American people.

Now, two years later, another rare beast from the ocean landed in Los Angeles, which really made the people living in Los Angeles feel helpless.

“Is it Godzilla’s relative, who came to avenge Godzilla?”

“I don’t think so. I still know Godzilla. I have collected pictures of Godzilla. It seems that the appearance of the rare beast and Godzilla is much different, not like the same species. .”

“Oh, my God, Satan is here again! I am guilty, I confess my sins, and please the merciful Lord forgive me!”

“The army should be coming soon, and the block where the time comes rare beast will be reduced to a war sea and ruins again. We must seize the time to evacuate here to avoid casualties in the war.”

“Terminator? Didn’t we have Terminator, Godzilla he destroyed 2 years ago! We can pin our hopes on him!”

“No, haven’t you heard that since the end of the Sokovia Ultron incident, he has disappeared from our strongest Daredevil Terminator? As of now, he has disappeared from public view for at least 3 months, no Know if something bad happened.”

“In short, the sooner you leave the city, the better!”

When the rare beast crashed into the Golden Gate Bridge and boarded the city coast of Los Angeles, the local citizens who saw or learned the news first started an emergency escape.

Citizens who had no time to flee due to lack of transportation or traffic jams, with the help of the police in the vicinity, had to enter the basement to take refuge.

Regrettably, there are still a considerable number of citizens who have not been able to evacuate or take refuge in time. This part of the citizens are elderly people, disabled people with inconvenient legs and feet, and people who sleep when they wake up naturally and basking in the sun. It is self-evident that most of them died in the ruins of high-rise buildings.

Soon, under the overall command of the Pentagon of the Ministry of Defense, troops from nearby military bases arrived.

The formations of tanks and armored vehicles on the street ground, the shooting formations on high-rise buildings, and the air formations in the sky, launched a crazy artillery attack on rare beast.

However, within 2 years, the military power on Earth generally did not increase significantly.

Today, two years later, it is still difficult to cope with this giant beast of about 2 meters with the capabilities of the military. Although the use of nuclear weapons can play a role, it is undeniable that nuclear weapons are not free to use, it is killing At the same time, the positive effects of rare beast will also bring immeasurable and huge negative damage, especially in the densely populated and developed city like Los Angeles. All in all, the military will not authorize the release of nuclear bombs to the point of being a last resort.

At this moment, in front of this rare beast, the human army can be said to be unable to withstand a single blow.

Although the soldiers are pouring countless attacks on the body of rare beast, the bullets of helpless rifles and submachine guns cannot penetrate even the skin of rare beast, and the shells and missiles with larger formidable power can hardly break through the thick muscle layer of rare beast. .

Of course, although rare IQ has a low IQ, it is not much different from a little pug, but also not a live target.

Under the powerful counterattack of rare beast, the military situation was very bad.

The formation of tank and armored vehicles on the street ground was squashed. Due to the slow movement and slow response, they could not avoid it in time, and almost the entire army was annihilated.

The shooting formation on the high-rise building fell into the dusty ruins of the building, or fell to death, or was crushed to death by heavy rubble, and more than half of the soldiers died.

The situation of the air force formation in the sky is a little better. The 20 fighters who came to execute Quest have only lost a few…

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