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Fantastic Four and Avengers, two United States-based Daredevil teams joined forces to finally eliminate the three rare beasts that landed in Los Angeles, and continued to wait until the sky was dim before they safely left this ruined coast and returned. Went to their respective strongholds.

The official stronghold of Fantastic Four is in Washington, and the official stronghold of Avengers is in New York City. When the 3 heroes return, most of them stay in the stronghold, beware of the next wave of rare beast that may appear, and a small number of heroes Is to return to the home, no matter how good the base, there is no sense of belonging.

In this way, thirteen and three Daredevil went into sleep late at night with a little sense of vigilance. Daredevil is also a human. Unless they have sleep-related superpower, they also want to sleep like the general public, otherwise there will be double problems in mental state and physical state.

All in all, they need a good rest…

The sun protruded from the top of the mountain and hung the dark clouds, and a new day came.

Today, the weather in United States is not very good, the sky is full of dark clouds, and the light of the air looks a little dark, it seems to be predicting that a terrible disaster is about to happen.

In the bedroom on the top floor of the Stark building, Iron Man in black and white striped pajamas kissed Pepper, then straightened his waist, climbed up from the bed, put on his slippers, and habitually walked to the glass window, looking up at the bustling scene of Manhattan. , Infinity’s scenery taking in the entire scene.

Manhattan is one of the five major districts in New York City. It is not only the most prosperous area in New York, but also the most prosperous area in the entire United States and even the entire world.

The Iron Man’s Stark Building stands abruptly in the Central Zone of the extremely expensive land of Manhattan. The top of the building is hung with 5 large letters of “STARK”, which highlights the background of the Stark family and is full of style.

A celebrity once said that the more you have, the less you don’t want to lose them. Furthermore, you will fear Death, and fear that when oneself dies, all these beautiful things will also leave you. , Loved ones, loved ones, money, power, status, life, etc.

Just like the famous representative entrepreneur of Japan, Shi Shida, when he was young, he regarded Wolverine as a life saving benefactor, respected Wolverine, thanked Wolverine for saving him in the disaster of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, and gave the family-owned katana to Wolverine treats it as a gift; however, when he is old, and when he is about to die, Peak’s Peak’s Yasuda is extremely afraid of Death, coveting Wolverine’s immortality, and even sending someone to hunt down Wolverine, forcing Wolverine to transfer his immortality ability to own Body.

Today’s Iron Man not only has a huge business empire, but also created Iron Man armor beyond the times, and also a beloved woman.

It is undeniable that he does not want to lose all of this, and he is also afraid of Death. Over the years, he has been trying his best to protect the beautiful things that oneself has.

Iron Man picked up a glass of clean distilled water and stood on a smooth precious wooden board, looking out at New York through the transparent window.

Suddenly, the window shook slightly, and the floor shook slightly, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Pepper was also awakened by this unusual shock.

Pepper got up, dressed in a sexy suspender pajamas, rubbed his eyes, and whispered: “Tony, what happened?”

Hearing this, Iron Man frowns, with an unclear look, he hooked the head and replied: “My dear, I don’t know what happened, is it… an earthquake?”

Perhaps it was a hunch that something bad was about to happen. Pepper quickly put on his coat and put on slippers and came to Iron Man. She took the arm of Iron Man. On the one hand, it was to show the intimacy between lovers. On the one hand, it is to get a sense of security from the Renowned Daredevil.

Looking at the row upon row of tall buildings outside the window and the endless cars on the street, Pepper put his head on the shoulder of Iron Man, “Tony, in recent years, the world seems to have become worse and worse, there are always lunatics trying to destroy it.”

Speaking of which, Pepper lifts the head, looking at Iron Man affectionately, with a smile on his face, “but it doesn’t matter. As long as I can stay with you forever.”

Iron Man pursed his mouth, a sorrow flashed in his eyes, lowered his head and kissed on Pepper’s forehead, “I love you.”

However, the Iron Man’s tone barely fell, the Stark Building was shaken again, and the degree of the shock was more obvious than before.

Just when Iron Man and Pepper were wondering what was going on, about 2 kilometers across from them, a scale bee on a scale of 100 meters came into their eyes…


While landing a scale beetle rare beast on the New York coast, dozens of coastal countries around the world, Russian Ross, Beixian, South Korea, China, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar, India, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Lithuania, Germany, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Australia, etc. have also landed on the huge rare beast.

According to official statistics, the number of rare beast coming to the human world actually reached as many as 50 at the same time!

50 rare beast is undoubtedly a terrible number.

These 50 rare beasts, each rare beast belongs to Terrifying grade lifeform, full strength under the crazy destruction, only one day can destroy a human city!

From a certain point of view, if the Earth people cannot stop the 50 rare beasts from deliberately destroying the intrusive behavior, within a week, it is estimated that less than half of the Earth civilization will be destroyed by their beasts!

If the three rare beasts that invaded Los Angeles yesterday, with the joint of Fantastic Four and Avengers, they can still win, but today, with these 3 rare beasts distributed all over the world, Fantastic Four and Avengers obviously have more than enough energy. Insufficient, impossible all defeated.

Both the east and west sides of United States are coastal, and the country has a vast coastline. Of the 2 rare beasts that landed in human cities, three of them landed in United States.

Both Fantastic Four and Avengers belong to the United States local Daredevil team. It is enough to deal with the three rare beasts that invaded the United States. It is naturally difficult to separate other energy to help other countries to eliminate other rare beasts.

The remaining more than 30 unfortunate coastal countries can only rely on their oneself at the moment…

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