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Empire State University is one of the best universities in the United States.

For Qi Yu, who lived in China for the rest of his life, he was still very interested in taking a look at this United States University in this life.

Preparing to walk into the campus, Qi Yu suddenly found that not far away, there is a person The female college student who was a stunner also came over.

Her skin is like white snow, her eyebrows are like thin willow leaves, and her two round eyes are water and spirit.

The big-eyed nose, a delicate, ruby-lipped mouth, the expression looks slightly shy, giving a first impression that looks like Lin Daiyu, a sense of compassion in the unconsciously.

Ponytail with pink bun and bangs with pitch black under his forehead, and several textbooks exuding book fragrance in his arms, revealing a bit of beauty in the fresh and elegant, it is really charming.

The front chest is full, the buttocks are upright, and the body is impeccable!

“This is not a human… this is a beautiful flower!”

If you can give her a score, Qi Yu gives a score of almost 95 points, a very outstanding score.

Hehe, Qi Yu even made a secret decision in his heart, must take away her virgin body. Of course, Qi Yu refers to this girl’s voluntary premise.

“I’m the one who is killing countless Terminators, is it still hiding from daring to actively pursue girls?”

Qi Yu of the previous life had no confidence at home because of his poor family. Even if he looked a little handsome, he did not dare to chase girls.

But now, not only does it earn a manor worth nearly 20,000,000 US dollars with its own efforts, but it is also the most powerful Earth powerhouse, also what dare not do?

Not to mention a female student at Imperial State University, even Trump’s daughter, he now has the confidence to chase!

Silently cheering for oneself in my heart, Qi Yu finally got the courage and was ready to go… silently following this beauty!

Er, this is the first time that Qi Yu is chasing a girl. She has very little experience, so she plans to wait and see, and then plan.

“System, I want to chase this pretty girl, can you give me a pointer?”

Qi Yu sneaked his consciousness into his mind, activated the strongest system that had been sleeping for many days, and asked the omnipotent system adults for advice.

Hearing the host’s words, the system “beeped” with disdain, as if it were the emperor who had honoured countless beauties: “That girl holding a book? Little meaning!”

After finishing his speech, the system no longer managed Qi Yu and continued his sleep.

“Hey, wake up! Really, the words are not clear…”

Qi Yu tsukkomi belongs to tsukkomi, but I still look forward to it. After all, it is the strongest system. It easily gives the host Earth the strongest strength, helping the host to make a girl is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain?

Sure enough, next moment, Qi Yu noticed that behind the brown-haired girl, there was a sneaky young man with short hair and a frivolous young man who was not like a good person. He was quietly approaching the girl!


The book held in her arms by the brown-haired girl fell to the ground due to the impact of unfathomable mystery.

At the same time, the purple shoulder bag carried on her shoulder was snatched away by the short-haired sullen young man!

“That bastard snatched my bag! That bastard snatched my bag! Damn it, who will help to grab him!”

Maybe it’s because the shoes you wear are inconvenient to run, or maybe it’s clear that oneself can’t catch up with the vigorous bag-hunting youth even with sneakers, so the brown-haired girl had to shout to the passers-by nearby for help, hoping someone could help her I caught the bastard who grabbed the bag.

Immediately after hearing the girl’s cry for help, there was a sturdy black young man, stroking his legs behind the young man who grabbed the bag.

However, Qi Yu can clearly see that the bag-rushing young man’s running speed is almost ridiculously fast, almost the same level as Bolt, although the enthusiastic black little brother has to be 1.9 m, but unfortunately he was left behind Behind, and there is a trend that the two people are farther apart.

“The system is worthy of the system, and it gave me such a good chance. Hehe, I really don’t know that the young man who ran fast and robbed the bag. Isn’t the system specially made for me…”

After silently thanking the system in his heart, Qi Yu quickly ran to the brown-haired girl to help her pick up the textbooks scattered on the ground.

Seeing a good-hearted person help oneself pick up the book on the ground, the brown-haired girl suddenly felt warm.

Qi Yu stood up and returned the books to the brown-haired girl: “Here.”

“Thank you.” The brown-haired girl thanked politely.

She looked at the bag-hunting youth who had ran out of 100 meters, and then looked at the black little brother who was still about 5 beyond ten meters. The depressed expression on her face was pitiful, “True didn’t expect, that bastard. I ran so fast…”

Hearing the words of the brown-haired girl, Qi Yu felt that the time was almost up. He said with a faint smile: “Let your book use it.”

Having said that, in the puzzled eyes of the brown-haired girl, each minding their own business took away the thickest book in her arms.

call out!

Qi Yu waved his hand slightly, and the hard-shell book in his hand instantly resembled a cannonball that burst into the air. He flew quickly to the young man who was rushing away from the bag at a speed of 100 meters. He hit the back of his head with accuracy!

The back of the head was hit by a hard-shell book, and the young man who grabbed the bag immediately fell to the ground in a groggy state.

However, because Qi Yu didn’t really use force, he deliberately confined his throwing power to within his lifeless power, so the young man who grabbed the bag was not at all killed, and could only be said to be half-dead.

Witnessing this incredible scene with his own eyes, the Qi Yu side brown-haired girl suddenly covered her mouth with her hands in shock, like a frightened little daughter-in-law, with an unbelievable expression on her face!

“you you you……”

The brown-haired girls became stuttering when they talked. I don’t know if it was because of the physical stuttering or because they didn’t know what to say psychologically.

Seeing this brown-haired girl who had never seen it before was terrified, Qi Yu shrugged: “What a surprise, like what is Captain America, Daredevil, Spider-Man, can’t do this either. Kind of thing?”

If you think about it carefully, Qi Yu’s words also make a little sense. The brown-haired girl’s heart gradually calmed down, muttering her pink lips, “But, you are not those Daredevil. Also, my favorite idol is Terminator, you just Forget to add him!”

“Don’t worry about this problem. Then, go and pick up your bag, don’t be taken away by someone else.”

After talking, the two trot to the ground-breaking youth who grabbed the bag, and under the direction of some people who were in a state of panic, they took the bag back from the hands of the youth who grabbed the bag.

The brown-haired girl may feel that the onlookers suspected that the bag on the hands of the youth was not hers, so she deliberately opened the zipper and took out the student card with her own ID photo from the bag to prove to everyone that the bag was her, so that they could shut up. .

After Qi Yu and the brown-haired girl left, the boring onlookers also dispersed as birds and beasts.

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