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5 spaceships suspended in the sky, the main hatches at the bottom of each gradually opened.

Due to the huge size of the giant ship, which reached 20 kilometers, the opening of the hatch was intuitively awkward and slow from the naked eye.

If the hatch of the giant ship is fully open, it is wide enough to reach several 100 meters, but in fact, when the hatch is opened to a few meters wide, there are successive waves of Zitari warriors who can’t wait to rush out.

The Zittari fighters were sitting in small motorboats under their backs, carrying the Zittari energy spear that can fight melee and long-range attacks on their backs. These high-tech equipment were developed by the team of military warfighters of Zittari planet. Equipped with a small motorcycle warship, the Zittari warrior soldiers have integrated battle strength, and they are not lost to humans in the actual combat!

“Ao ao ao-“

With a greasy smile on their faces, the Zittari warriors attacked the human city aggressively below.

Looking at their status, it seems that this is not a war at all, but rather a one-sided slaughter game.

Isn’t this too small to look at humans?

However, objectively speaking, there is a reason why the Chitauri dare to underestimate humans.

These bloodbath fighters serving under Thanos’s invasion of several planets almost every year under the cult banner “Destroy half of the population to achieve racial self-salvation”. For many years Thanos’s power in the Milky Way and several nearby galaxies have been washed together. Over 1000 civilization planets.

The Earth at their feet is only one of those 1000 civilization planets that’s all in their eyes.

The only thing that shocked them was that Ebony Maw, the leader of the dark Titans, actually died in this group of indigenous people who did not even enter the Interstellar civilization?

You know, Ebony Maw is one of the most thoughtful masters in the highest galaxy!

Lord Ebony Maw has been in the galaxy for 100 years. He has been invincible for 100 years. He personally helped Master Thanos to slaughter half of the population of hundreds of civilized planets, but now the myth is broken. It is really regrettable to plant in the hands of ten Earth Mutants.

But this also reflects from the side, that the ten Earth Mutants are really good at uniting in battle.

But in any case, under the ultra-large scale offensive of 5,000,000 Zittari fighters, Daredevil, who is weak, can’t resist!

Not to mention anything else, just say that the X-Men just now can’t even deal with the 10 small formations of Qitarui Dragons, let alone 5 tyrannical Qitarui Dragons remaining among the 490 spaceships .

5 spaceships in various battle command rooms.

Marshal Zitari and the other four captains, while watching the large-scale deployment of 4 Zitari soldiers, discussed the planetary invasion through the real-time video communication equipment on the big screen.

“According to the results of a comprehensive evaluation of the data collected by the Earth military by several military warfare scientists at Zitari, it only takes approximately 70 hours to eliminate the human race on this planet, which is less than 3 days. Yes.” Proxima Midnight, who has devil horns at the side temple, talked eloquently, exuding a unique and strange charm in his smile.

The violent giant axe warrior Black Dwarf immediately expressed a different opinion, “You too exalted this group of Earth people. I have been commanded by Master Thanos and partnered with Ebony Maw to lead several millions of Qitarui warriors to liberate the population breeding speed. The exploding Kerr star. The population of Kerr planet is 40 billion, and we slaughtered half of their population, which is about 20 billion Native Person, and it took less than 3 days. And this Earth With a population of only 70 100000000 million, would it take 3 days to kill them all? In my opinion, 2 days is enough!”

“Next Star, Black Dwarf, you two don’t argue here whether it is 2 days or 3 days. In the end, maybe even 3 days are not enough to complete the Quest.”

Superstars spread their hands on the side, frowning but with strange smiles. Her guess is not groundless. “After all, in the past thousands of planet cleansing battles, we have almost no expert-level expert killed, the last 1000 In the historical data records of the past two years, there are only two that’s all. And today, Lord Ebony Maw, who used to be invincible in the past, sacrificed on this Earth, which seems to be a remote indigenous but is full of secrets.”

“Whether it’s 3 days or a few days, it’s only next.”

Marshal Zitari looked serious, pointing to Vision that locked the monitor and zoomed in on the big screen. “Seizing Mind Stone on the guy’s forehead is the primary goal of our expedition. The top priority!”

“Obsidian 3 will hear the order!”

After losing his hands, Field Marshal Zitari spoke loudly.


Black Dwarf, Proxima Midnight, and Superstar responded in unison, making a semi-kneeling squat and bowing head posture.

However, when I first heard the name “Obsidian 3 generals”, the 3 masters were a little bit uncomfortable. After all, the Dark Order had five members during the Peak period. Unfortunately, Corvus Glaive at Asgard Star Domain was seized by the magic cube Quest. Sacrifice, Ebony Maw was also killed in this Quest that captured Mind Stone. Now, there are only 5 of the 5 Dark Lords left, which is really bleak.

“Three of you, go down and put the red cloak on the spot and remove the Mind Stone!”

Marshal Kittari waved his arm and gave instructions.

“As you bid!”

The three masters will raise their heads, temporarily hand over their respective command rights to the adjutant, and leave the battle command room of each giant ship.


In the Conference Hall of the UN Security Council.

Through the real-time monitoring images uploaded on the large screen, the heads of state and the generals of Advanced have become unsightly.

Looking at the densely packed Qitarui army from the dark clouds, they rushed out of the dark clouds, riding in the direction of the extraterrestrial high-tech individual soldiers equipped with motorcycles that are generally stronger than Earth, moving towards New York City, these Usually holding the political great character of Earth’s highest power in the world, they have fallen into tension, anxiety and confusion.

“Just now our Daredevil, defeated the alien pioneer and the Zittari Magic Dragon Squad. We are excited. There is no doubt that this makes us proud. Their bravery stood up and won, proving that we humans are not weak. Race, unlike tramp ants, can be trampled casually.”

The Secretary-General of the United Nations endeavoured to restrain the fear in his heart, staring directly at the live video recordings of the world and delivering a “last” speech to the people of the world.

As a representative person in the human political system, this time also represents the attitude of all mankind to respond to the alien army slaughter, so he must suppress the fear of deep in one’s heart, adjust the anxiety, and show a serious and serious A calm expression to convey human hope.

“However, at this moment we have to pay attention to the invasion of this massive alien army like a locust.”

“We can be confident, but we can never be arrogant, nor can we be inferior!”

“In the face of the massive crazy invasion of these 5 spaceships, we must deeply realize that Daredevils who can be counted on one’s fingers and the limited army police are not enough!”

“But we are not without hope!”

“The only way to victory is that all of us must be united. Everyone must take up their own weapons, whether they are using agricultural tools, knives and rods, or firearms in an open country with a gun policy, they can all be used to resist invasion. , A solid force to defend Earth!”

“The fire of hope is in the hands of each of us. It requires each of us to ignite together and devote our own efforts to help burn until all barbaric alien invaders are burned to ashes!”

After finishing this impromptu speech facing the world, from the heart, without rehearsal, the UN Secretary General immediately moved towards the live recording footage and bowed deeply.

At the same time, the heads of other six world major countries and the generals of land, sea and air at the conference table also stooped down and bowed to the humanity of the world, expressing their determination to defend Earth.

At this moment, the contradictions and confrontations of the Earth countries and the small-scale local war are lifted, and all human beings are united and shared with each other!

Before receiving terminals on the online network around the world, the people of various countries saw the passionate determination expressed by the UN Security Council for a time, and the collective blood was boiling.

In a bedroom in an apartment building in the United States, a blond blond boy took out a birthday gift that Mommy bought him from a drawer, a pair of Wolverine claws made of plastic materials from a toy manufacturer, and put it on the wrist: “Mom Mi, I’m going to get rid of these alien villains!”

France, the manor of a winery, holding 2 red wine glass bottles in his hand, “As long as I dare to step out of the Duke’s manor, I will shoot you with one bottle!”

In South Korea, on a production line of a 3-star manufacturing plant, a factory man puts a 3-star NOTE7 semifinished product mobile phone in a carton next to him in a backpack. “This group of abominable invaders, come and blow me Smeida!”

Huaxia, a remote border prison, a yellow-shirted prisoner who was uncomfortable without eating Daliwan one day, after hearing the radio, he shook the prison iron bar and shouted to the guard: “Can’t wait any longer, give me Daliwan , I’m going to slaughter these aliens!”


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