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Because the situation in New York is very chaotic, the battle is furious, all the human armed forces are fighting with the Chitarui forces, and the civilians are running away and trying to get rid of Chitauri’s pursuit, and even their own lives can’t be ignored.

So despite the arrival of Qi Yu, the world’s number one hero, at this moment it looks like a little transparent, not at all attracting the attention of anyone.

Otherwise, if it is usual, Qi Yu will definitely detonate the audience as soon as he plays, and countless people take the initiative to worship him.

Qi Yu saw that at the center of the battlefield, several powerful front-line Daredevil were fighting against the dark sect on the side of Qitarui.

There are only three members of the Dark Order, all of them belong to the rank of the general of the Zarari army. They each control a spaceship. The three are Proxima Midnight, Superstar and Black Dwarf.

It is worth mentioning that the Dark Church had 5 members before, but only Corvus Glaive and Ebony Maw were killed. The 2 seats vacated. The new guy who is qualified to fill up has not yet appeared. , So currently only Obsidian 3 will.

Obsidian 3 will be the Life Level of Terrifying grade, with the battle strength of far surpasses general heroes, 2 3 line heroes are not their opponents at all.

So now and choose to play against them are Iron Man wearing a new blood-side Combat Armor, Professor X with powerful mental energy, and Vision of Vibranium plus Mind Stone.

Bloodside Combat Armor Iron Man VS Proxima Midnight, the two have played back and forth, have fought dozens of rounds, and still haven’t divided the victory or defeat.

Professor X VS superstar, two powerhouses of the spirit department are stalemate with each other with Spirit Attack and Spirit Defence.

Vision VSBlack Dwarf, both of them belong to the warrior-type powerhouse, fighting each other.

For other high-end battle strength combinations, Qi Yu does not pay much attention, but for the Vision VSBlack Dwarf battle, Qi Yu is the most heart-warming.

Not because of anything else, but because Vision has a Infinity Gem on his forehead-

Mind Stone, one of the 6 largest Infinity source stones in the universe!

Regarding this orange-yellow Mind Stone, Qi Yu guessed that it should be the main reason that Thanos launched 5 spaceships this time and sent the Dark Order to lead 5,000,000 Zittari warriors to blood wash Earth.

The dream of Thanos until now is to slaughter half the population of the universe. If obediently and honestly rely on the most primitive cleaning tactics, a civilization planet and a civilization planet to clean, then it is estimated that Thanos borrowed 200000000 million years of lifespan from the sky. There is not enough time to complete the dream.

After all, there are too many planets of civilization and wisdom in the universe. All the planets derived from civilization in the galaxy have more than 1000 to 10000, and the huge star coefficient of the entire universe is innumerable, counted as 100000000. That’s the total number?

Therefore, after learning the secrets about Infinity Gem, Thanos decided to gather 6 Infinity Gem, when the time comes to snap a finger to summon the will of the universe, and directly wipe out half of the population in the universe!

apart from this, you can also use 6 Infinity Gem fusion formidable power to erase Qi Yu who was once a rival, with a strength comparable to oneself!

“Fortunately, I had seen the Marvel movie “Avengers 3: Infinity War” before crossing over and knew about Thanos’s conspiracy.”

“Now there is at least one Space Stone over Thanos. If you really let him gather 6 Infinity Gem, I am afraid I will be wiped out.”

“It seems that I have to stop Thanos’s power from collecting this second Mind Stone. After solving the Zitari invasion crisis, I will personally go to Thanos to settle the account and kill him trouble will completely vanish!”

Qi Yu stared at the fight between Vision and Black Dwarf, flattened his fingers, and was ready to help the Black Dwarf seconds to ensure the safety of Mind Stone.

Right now Vision is already at a disadvantage and is losing ground, basically being beaten by Black Dwarf.

Although Vision has a Vibranium body, Fleshy body strength is very high, and also Mind Stone can emit laser, but Black Dwarf is not to be trifled with.

Black Dwarf has been improved by Master Thanos’s mystery. Now it is Terrifying grade’s Life Level, the battle strength is sturdy, and also a sharp giant axe that is not lost to Adamantium and Vibranium as a weapon. If I hit Vision, I am afraid. Vision is cool.

It is necessary to mention that the Marvel universe of Qi Yu crossing over is not exactly the same as the Marvel movie universe he watched in real life. It can only be said that the similarity reaches 90%, and there is a difference of 10%.

For example, in the Marvel universe before watching the movie Qi Yu crossing over, the strength of Thanos was actually weakened many times, far from the starburst level.

But here, Thanos belongs to the Overlord level powerhouse that releases the explosive star with full strength, so that it will come out in a bit.

In this Marvel world of Qi Yu crossing over, Obsidian 5 will also be the life level of Terrifying grade, and in the movie “Avengers 3: Infinity War”, Obsidian 5 will have the most expressive power at most only Transcendent grade that’s all, actually Even the weak chickens of the Black Widow woman and Falcon level can be opened with the members of the Dark Order 5 5, except for the single thought power Master Ebony Maw’s expressiveness is not bad.

Closer to home.

After a fierce battle, Black Dwarf, who has decades of rich combat experience, saw the weak spot and lifted a foot with a force of several hundred tons, kicking Vision to kick.

Vision’s body flew backwards, crashed through the wall of the bank building behind him, and flew into the bank lobby, falling to the floor and exhausted.

In the corner of the bank lobby, squatting 7-8 bank employees in suits and suits and civilians handling formalities. Since the war broke out half an hour ago, they have been hiding here, waiting for rescue, or waiting for the end of the war.

Vision crashed into the wall and flew in and landed, scaring them a few.

“What’s that? I was just scared to death, and I thought an alien broke in!”

“Huh, that seems to be… Vision in the Avengers.”

“I’ve seen a picture of Vision in the newspaper, it seems to be him, he is also a Daredevil!”

“What kind of shit Daredevil has been beaten like that!”

A group of people squatting on the corner of the wall, staring at the wounded Vision with a lingering heart, suddenly discussed spiritedly, but no one came forward to help and so on.

“He seems to be injured, let’s help him.”

Finally, a girl suggested that she wanted to help Vision, who was injured and fell to the ground, but was immediately caught by her girlfriends. “What help? Even Daredevil like him was beaten so badly, what can we do in the past?” effect?”

“Yes, and we helped in the past, attracted the attention of aliens, and will probably be killed.”

“Yeah! That’s right! We can’t guarantee ourselves, 10000000 don’t blindly blend in, no one to act blindly without thinking!”

Several other people also expressed their opinions, and basically all agreed to stay in the same place as a visitor.

Seeing everyone else opposed, so the cowardly girl did not dare to say anything more, and chose to continue to squat under the corner with everyone.

In fact, all these citizens’ conversations were heard by Vision.

To be honest, after hearing this, Vision felt very uncomfortable.

oneself has been protecting them with life, but these citizens are such selfish thoughts, such indifferent behavior, so disappointing!

The artificial intelligence system in Vision’s brain is starting to run at high speed, it seems to be thinking in calculation. What is the reason for this ironic situation, is it fear, cowardice, or human nature?

Vision is calculating and thinking while climbing hard from the ground.

But he had just climbed halfway, and the broken wall opposite was knocked out of a larger hole. Black Dwarf chased in with a giant axe.

Black Dwarf stepped forward, stepped on Vision’s chest, and pressed down Vision, which had just climbed halfway,

Vision could not beat Black Dwarf originally, and the battle strength was 30% weaker than Black Dwarf. Now that it is injured, coupled with a slight disorder of the artificial intelligence thinking system, it is even more than Black Dwarf’s opponent.

Stepped on the chest by Black Dwarf, Vision tried to struggle but was unable to move even a little bit.

“Ji jié jié, your resistance is in vain, be prepared to die.”

An evil smile hung on Black Dwarf’s face, and the giant axe with raised high silver light in both hands was aimed at Vision’s neck.

He intends to cut off Vision’s head directly to seize the Mind Stone embedded in the opponent’s forehead.

There are 7 or 8 people who are shiver coldly in the corner of the hall. Seeing this, many people actually felt a sense of luck in their hearts. Fortunately, oneself did not save Vision just now, and intervened between Vision and the alien holding the giant axe Thing, otherwise now oneself is very likely to suffer, and the alien giant axe warrior will be chopped to death!

“Stupid Earth man, your yellow diamond has expired, it’s time to renew!”

As the voice fell, Black Dwarf squeezed the handle of the axe, and an axe split.


Just at the crucial moment!

One finger suddenly hit the giant axe of Black Dwarf.

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