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“Go to Thanos to settle the account in person?” Emil frowned.

“Good!” Qi Yu patted the table and said loudly, “I plan to go out and find Thanos’s nest, kill Thanos, and destroy the Legion forces under him. In this way, I will be able to trouble will completely vanish!”

“It’s a good idea to kill decisively…” Magneto also chimed in. The expression on his face was a little curious. “But my master, do you know what level of strength that Thanos has? How does it compare to your master?” “

After hearing Magneto’s question, Qi Yu smiled lightly.

Immediately, he slowly said: “In fact, I have dealt with him.”

“What! Master, did you play against him?”

Emil, Magneto, and Dr. Destruction all showed slightly shocked expressions on their faces, raising their ears and preparing to listen.

Qi Yu took a sip of red wine and nourished his throat, then told him his first meeting with Thanos: “Some time ago, Asgard Divine Realm suffered a secret invasion of the Dark Order of Thanos, and the 5 generals of the Dark Order were ordered to Asgard The Odin Treasury robbed the universe magic cube. Obsidian 5 will all be not weaker than your existence. Their 5 powerhouses joined forces and quickly grabbed the universe magic cube. In the process, Asgard became 1000 to 10000 soldiers. “

“At the time of Divine Realm’s distress, asgard warriors sent through Bifrost, Earth came to me in an emergency, saying that I was called by God of Thunder Thor. I was pruning the green branches in the manor, anyway, I was idle. I’m idle, maybe I can take action, and I can fall in love with Divine Realm, so I followed Bifrost to pass it. After I came to Asgard, I successfully killed an obsidian general, and then I took a serious punch In the past, at the critical moment when the rest of the obsidian generals were to be eliminated, the guy of Thanos suddenly appeared, and the dark sect behind him stood up to resist my serious blow!”

“Later I fought with him for a fight. After dozens of rounds, I vomited a lot of blood and broke 2 ribs. That was the first time in my life that I was injured evenly matched.”

“Of course, the guy in Thanos is not in good condition, and I was beaten badly. If I continue to fight with me, whoever will die or who might die, maybe the entire Divine Realm will be fighting with us before then. It was exploded in the aftermath. Finally, fortunately, the reinforcements of 6 Great World arrived in time. The injured Thanos realized that the situation was bad, so he used the magic cube of the universe to open the wormhole and ran away with the dark sect.”

“All in all, the great decisive battle between Thanos and me at that time was quite unmatched, evenly matched!”

After listening to Qi Yu’s memories, the three servants’ faces appeared with horrified expressions, and their eyes were full of incredible colors.

In the eyes of their three people, the host has the world’s first Peak strength. until now is a symbol of absolute power. Under the full strength explosion, it is even enough to achieve the feat of a starburst. However, that Thanos can actually beat the host. Draw?

terrifying, it’s too terrifying!

No wonder that in the past 1000 years, even if Thanos’s blood washed a few thousand civilization planets, they still existed unharmed.

Because no one dares to find them in trouble!

Or, it cannot be ruled out that at first, there are indeed half of the remaining forces of a civil planet intending to take revenge, but even the remaining half of the population has been wiped out with no difficulty. There is one or more lessons from the past, so that the future No one dared to mention Thanos’ revenge.

“Too terrifying, you can even tie the game with your host. It’s a villain that makes the entire galaxy daunting!” Emil exclaimed.

“After listening to what your master said, I also began to feel that we are lucky in Earth. At least these few global threats caused by Thanos behind the scenes have been successfully lifted by your intervention, avoiding the genocide of human beings. The disaster. If Earth had become one of the 1000 civilization planets, it would be really miserable.” Magneto exhaled with relief, actually feeling a little bit distraught.

“Since Thanos is not weaker than your terrifying existence, then the master you just said to take the initiative to attack Thanos to find the accounts in person, when the time comes are you sure to kill him?” Dr. Destruction said curiously, he will The question came out.

Hearing this, Qi Yu’s mouth raised a disdainful arc, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Since 2 months ago, in the outer space of Igor Star, a full strength burst erupted, “Blast Star Roaring Fist” to explode the planet body of the god god group Igo, Qi Yu gathered the 1,000,000 evil life energy, and finally broke into Great Sage yearn for something even in dreams.

After the evolution from Overlord level Life Level to Great Sage Life Level, Qi Yu’s overall strength has increased by more than 100 times, and battle strength is simply deep and unmeasurable!

Today’s Qi Yu can be regarded as a frontline powerhouse in the vast universe. As long as it does not encounter the existence of the Old Monster that has lived for 1 billion years, or the True God level of Five Great Creation Gods, it can basically be invincible. .

In the eyes of Qi Yu, the current Thanos is still at a standstill, and Life Level is one step below oneself, just like the difference between humans and chicks. How can it be an own opponent?

“If it were only a few months ago, I could only tie Thanos.”

“But now that I am serious, I can kill him in one move!”

“When the time comes to his nest, let alone a Thanos, even if ten Thanos come, it is not my opponent at all!”

Qi Yu crossed his arms across his chest, and said with confidence.

Hearing Qi Yu’s words, the faces of the three servants couldn’t help but express embarrassed emotions.

The master has existed many times stronger than us before, but now the strength level has actually been qualitatively improved. Even the Thanos, the galaxy villain that was tied with the master, can now be wiped out with a wave of hand?

In this way, the master’s current strength is at least 1000 times stronger than us now?

simply is not an order of magnitude lifeform!

In the envy, admiration and awe of the three servants, Qi Yu sat down slowly.

With a light smile on Qi Yu’s face, he picked up a glass wine glass with a one-fifth serving and raised his head slightly to take a sip of red wine.

Putting down the empty glass, Qi Yu arranged: “Emil, Erick, you two are ready tonight, and set out with me early tomorrow morning. We three will leave Earth together to find the whereabouts of Thanos.”

“Obey, my master!”

Emil and Magneto stood up, cup one fist in the other hand nodded, a faint expression of joy on their faces.

If it was not to accompany the host, and let them go to Thanos alone to settle the accounts, they would not have the guts or the ability to kill Thanos, but since this time they just went with the host as a personal servant, the two were quite happy.

The Milky Way is so big, there must be countless colorful scenes in the bright starry sky, and there are strange things and you can travel around.

And once there is any danger, the two servants have Qi Yu in front, and their own safety can certainly be guaranteed.

Of course, Emil and Abomination are far less powerful than Qi Yu, but in fact their strength is also a lever. After all, they are Terrifying grade powerhouse. They can also rank in the top 100 in the galaxy, unless they encounter any real threats. Otherwise, you are fully capable of self-protection.

“Master, what about me?”

Dr. Destruction saw that the owner did not mention oneself, so he asked curiously.


Qi Yu touched the scum on his chin and replied, “You will stay on Earth and continue to grow the Latvian national cause and further consolidate your regime. At the same time, keep an eye on the situation on our manor, If the manor encounters a threat, you can help take action to solve it.”

After listening to the master’s arrangement, Dr. Destruction resembled a grieved young wife with a bitter smile on her slightly stiff expression: “Okay…”

Obviously, Dr. Destruction also wanted to follow the owner to see the bright stars and sea.

However, the master did not intend to take him with him. So he envied Emil and Magneto, and felt a little wronged.

“Durme Court Academecian, don’t do this.”

Qi Yu persuaded, and then explained, “The Milky Way is as vast as the sea, and it entered the Interstellar Grand Era. The number of intelligent civilizations developed is 10000. There must be many black technologies.”


Upon hearing the word “black technology”, the expression of grievance on Dr. Destruction’s face suddenly recovered a lot, and there was a flash of anticipation in his eyes.

As a Terrifying grade Master of Dual Cultivation of Magic and Technology, Dr. Destruction is usually most interested in these two directions of magic and technology, especially oneself’s former old bank is engaged in scientific research, so he still tends to Practice on the technology side.

“I give you a promise that this time our three servants went to the Thanos to declare war on the deep side of the galaxy. After the triumphant return, the black technology collected will be taken out for your research.”

“Many Thanks Master !”

Dr. Destruction raised his eyebrows, bent over and bowed his head, raising his cup one fist in the other hand to show compliance.

“Okay, after dinner, Emil and Erick, you two will go to pack your bags, take a good night’s rest, and we will leave early tomorrow morning!”

“As you bid!”

In the dark night, the new journey of the three masters and servants has quietly begun…

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