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Trapped in the nest of the Afghan indigenous warlords for a full three months, Tony Stark, with the help of the old scientist Ethan, used a pile of broken copper and rotten iron in the cave to create a complete pair of steel. Armor.

Although this original version of the steel armor is relatively simple and quite bulky, it is basically enough to use it to deal with the group of indigenous warlords who fight soy sauce.

So, Tony Stark wore this set of steel armor called a killing machine, fighting from the heavy defense of the indigenous warlords, and finally destroyed the entire base of the indigenous warlords.

Later, Tony Stark’s friend Colonel Roddy found him escape alive in Desert and flew back to New York with him safely.

However, as soon as he returned to New York, he dropped a bombshell at the press conference-announcing the closure of Stark Industries’ weapons department!

Needless to say, this quickly attracted the attention of the entire United States media and panic among Stark industrial stock holders.

As for the other 100 civilian surnames, to be honest, Stark Industries has nothing to do with them if they do not close the weapons manufacturing department.

Qi Yu saw the news of the closure of the Stark Industrial Weapons Department this morning from his 75-inch large-screen LCD extreme high-definition LED display digital color TV.

As a prophet who had seen the Marvel series before crossing over, Qi Yu knew that in the next few days, Tony would shut oneself in the basement of the sea-view villa in Port Malibu, and wholeheartedly put his energy into R&D upgraded version of Iron Man Armor.

The original version of Iron Man Armor was built by Tony in the cave with shabby gadgets. Now we are fortunate to safely return to a private high-end laboratory with sufficient funds and rich resources. The new generation of Iron Man Armor has been developed in various aspects. In terms of performance, far surpasses are bound to be the first generation Iron Man Armor.

At the same time, Qi Yu is also very clear that after a while, that big villain called Obadea Stan, the second largest shareholder of Stark Industries who apparently sympathizes with father and son of Tony, a sanctimonious ambitious and conspiracy Home, will show Tony his true face of evil.

speaking of which, Tony is one of the most eye-catching celebrities in Marvel world. He not only masters many technologies beyond this era, but also has a place in the top ten of the global rich list.

For Qi Yu, who has an invincible force, but has no military and political backgrounds, no business circle connections, and no black technology, wealth, and reputation in this World, make a world top of Tony. Great character is also a bit necessary, and can solve many problems in the future.

For example, Qi Yu has always wanted to equip the manor with a Peak security system since it bought the manor. Unless you are encountering an entire army or a very powerful super criminal, a Peak level security system can safely ensure the safety of the manor, and Tony has the security to provide this level of security. system conditions.

Tony has developed a super artificial intelligence system called “Jarvis”. The Jarvis system contains a number of subprograms such as medical subprograms, network subprograms, translation subprograms, weapon subprograms, security subprograms, and so on. If there is a Jarvis security system in the manor, it is a good thing for Qi Yu’s manor.

In short, there is a world-class great character like Tony behind him as a thick thigh, which will certainly solve a lot of worldly troubles in the future. Even more how Iron Man also Extremis, Heaven Dynasty Mandarin and other powerful rivals, Qi Yu can follow him justly. Brush a wave of experience.

“Well, it was so happily decided, I’m going to hook up Iron Man.”

Decided in his mind, a few days later, Qi Yu came to the backyard of the manor and picked up a smooth tile under the wall of his manor.

He took out the black bold marker from his pocket and wrote in English on the front of the brick, “Please contact me if you are in trouble. Of course, this is a charge!”

On the back of the brick, the own mobile phone number is attached.

Then, Qi Yu took the car to No. 10880 Marbury Harbour, which is the address of the sea-view villa where Tony lives.

He threw the bricks into the window of Tony’s house. After the bricks smashed the window, the spinning rolled into the hall. After confirming that the bricks had been thrown in, he hurried away.


“Sir, the system detected that the window outside the hall of the house was broken. A red rectangular unknown object 21 cm long and 14 cm wide entered the hall unauthorized. Initial detection showed that it was not a bomb.”

In the spacious basement of the ocean-view villa, Tony is further improving the performance of the Mark 2 Iron Man Armor and dealing with the icing problems that the Mark 2 will face in extremely cold and harsh environments.

An artificial intelligence steward Jarvis’ came in his ears to remind him that Tony immediately put down his job.

“Wouldn’t it be the love letter from the Victorian girl?”

Tony was joking with Jarvis as he walked up the spiral staircase in the basement to the upper hall.

Coming to the lobby, curiously picked up the unidentified object on the ground with black characters, and narrowed his eyes to identify for a while, then Tony was sure that he was really just a brick!

“Please contact me when you are in trouble. Of course, this is charged!”

Tony glanced at the words written on the front of the brick, and couldn’t help feeling that his brain was foggy. What does that mean?

He then checked the back of the brick and found that the contact information was written on the back.

“Is this a prank? Or, which mental illness is a good thing?”

According to Tony’s previous arrogant personality, he will definitely tell this person that someone broke his house’s window with a brick, and tell the NYPD party to do alarm processing, and try to let the boring bastard try to get to jail as much as possible.

However, since the kidnapping incident of Afghan terrorists happened three months ago, his entire outlook on life and values ​​have undergone tremendous changes in the past three months. Since he announced the dissolution of Stark industrial weapons at a press conference yesterday This can be seen in the decision of the manufacturing department.

Nowadays, Tony can be said to be transformed from an arrogant, arrogant, debauchery guy to a pretty good person. Of course, it is undeniable that even if he has become a good person in the general direction, he still has many personality defects.

At this time, facing this brick that should be regarded as a prank, Tony just politely dropped it in the trash, and no longer took it seriously.

He then returned to the basement and continued to deal with the icing problem of Mark 2 armor, further strengthening its comprehensive performance.

PS. Thank you for the support of the haggard 100 points!

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