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Fallen Night is a small reputation bar on Conte Aksha.

It is located in the prosperous capital of Southern Region and belongs to one of three 3 star rated bars in the entire Southern Region.

The consumption level of Fallen Night Bar is higher than most of the bars on this planet. Often, a single person can spend a few hundred stars in one night. If several friends come together, it’s even better. Prepare a few thousand stars in advance, don’t get drunk but don’t have enough money to pay the bill.

I drove a black jeep-style smart taxi in the city, Qi Yu, fatty traveler Harvey, red-dressed sexy woman Christine, also played the role of the owner of the Bill Prince and female entourage Diana, a group of 5 people Quickly came to the Fallen Night Bar.

At this moment, at night, Blink has colorful neon signs on the door of the bar, as well as the continuous flow of guests outside the door, which is enough to highlight the popularity of its business.

It is worth mentioning that the bar here is not like the Earth, just a hall of a few 100 square meters for 100 guests to drink and have fun.

Fallen Night is a large ten-story bar with several thousand square meters on each floor. It includes both a noisy and lively public bar area, as well as many relatively quiet private boxes. The building area of ​​the whole bar is wide, and at the same time can accommodate 1000 people to spend here.

After all, Bill Prince is a Prince from Bohet Star, a wealthy owner.

Looking at the out of the ordinary dress on his body, a blue-skinned bartender waited eagerly and greeted him immediately.

“5 distinguished guests, are you here to drink?”

The blue bartender asked with a smile on his waist.

“Nonsense, don’t drink at the bar, drink water?”

Bill Prince gave the blue bartender a glance, “Arrange us a high-end box, and open a few bottles of precious fine wine.”

After the order was over, Bill Prince took out a star coin with a denomination of 30 and gave it to the blue bartender.

The tip of 30 star coins can definitely be regarded as a take action. It is important to know that the tip given by most guests generally does not exceed 5 star coins.

Happy to take the money reward, the blue-skinned bartender immediately walked in front, bending down and reaching out respectfully, guiding 5 guests to the high-end area of ​​the 10th floor.

After taking the elevator to the tenth floor, 5 people entered a box and sat down.

Soon, a few valuable cocktails were brought up, and the bartender stepped back and took the door to leave, leaving a private space for the guests in the box.

As a woman who often walks between all the money men in the casino, Christine is very open-minded and very playful.

Immediately after the bartender left, she used the appliance to pry open the wine stopper and one after another poured wine for the wine glasses in front of the five people.

“Toast for our star journey!”


Qi Yu, Harvey, Bill Prince, and Christine raised their glasses and touched them together, then drank their heads and drank, and each sat down.

However, Diana was obviously out of the ordinary, and still a woman warrior with her own way, standing quietly beside Bill Prince, with a serious look at the surrounding situation. I don’t know if I should describe her as cold or cold, or should I say that she is too serious.

Bill Prince was used to it, and said nothing.

“Oh, Christine, which planet are you from?”

Bill Prince put down his glass and leaned against the soft Ao Nylon leather sofa.

“Zehou Berry Star.”

Christine raised her hand and wiped the condensed droplets on her red lips. “A planet being reborn from suffering.”

“Zehou Berry Star?”

Qi Yu frowned seems to think of something.

This star of Zehouberg seems to be the planet where Thanos’s daughter Gamora was born, and he was bloodbathed by Thanos when Gamora was 8 years old.

With interest, he immediately asked, “Did you have a major event in your planet more than 20 years ago?”

“Are you referring to the mad Titan Thanos taking the blood to wash our planet?”

See Qi Yu nodded, Christine shrugged, “In the disaster of that race massacre, half of our population at Zehou Berry was cleansed. At that time I was only 6 years old and witnessed the tragic situation on the spot. , In retrospect, it was a terrifying day, and my parents were reduced to half of the dead souls because of bad luck. I survived as the other half of the uncleaned population, and did not sleep for several months Good night, often waking up from nightmares in the middle of the night.”

Listening to Christine’s narrative of the past, Qi Yu, Harvey, and Bill Prince are all immersed in it, listening to her with interest and continuing to talk down.

Even the female warrior Diana, who was as cold as a machine, was slightly moved at the moment. A pair of beautiful eyes sneaked a glance at Christine, listening with keen interest pleasure.

“I thought our planet was over. After all, civilization was devastated and the clansman’s mouth was slaughtered in half, and everyone was immersed in the sorrowful feelings for loved ones, loved ones, and friends.

Christine brows slightly wrinkle, with a complex expression on her face, “but fate often likes to tease people. Slowly, many people have gradually come out of the shadow of sadness and hatred, and began to rehabilitate and develop planet civilization. Before being included in Thanos’ bloodbath list, our planet was overpopulated, and the limited resources allocated to everyone’s head seemed stretched.”

“It’s ridiculous that after being wiped out half of the population by Thanos, the resources available to everyone on our planet have increased. Gradually, many of the original social problems seem to be solved, and the reconstruction speed of planet civilization is also surprisingly fast. “

“Now when we go to see Zehou Bailixing, we will find that civilization has developed better than before, and people are living happier. There is no longer a huge social conflict caused by resource constraints. There is even a planet The paranoid faction actually began to believe in Thanos, the dark Titan god, and felt that the bloody cleansing was actually a necessary baptism to achieve racial self-salvation.”

Speaking of which, a bitter smile appeared on Christine’s face, “You said that a cruel demon who slaughtered a planet with a population of 10000000 million people was regarded as Savior by the remaining survivors. Isn’t this a great irony ?”

For a while, no one spoke.

In addition to the light music played by all around mechanical sound, there was silence in the box.

Someone is torturing own heart.

Someone is reviewing the meaning of the killing.

Someone is thinking about whether Thanos’s “evil” is as pure as widely circulated.

In the silent atmosphere, Diana behind Bill Prince suddenly leaned over, reached for the bottle full of wine on the table, and handed it to the mouth to bite the cork.

“I have a cup for you!”

Diana lifted the bottle and blew it directly at the bottle. In the eyes of everyone’s surprise, the whole bottle of wine was quickly consumed.

“Diana, didn’t expect your wine to be so good.”

Bill Prince unable to bear gave her a thumbs-up. The alcohol he ordered was generally not low, especially the bottle that Diana had just drank, it was a very strong alcoholic alcohol, and the ordinary person drank it with a glass. It will become a drunk ghost, not to mention a whole bottle.

“I am a high-level fighter from Dou Xing. In our Dou Xing, even lower fighters, the amount of alcohol is better than the overwhelming majority in this galaxy.”

Diana wiped the wine from the corner of her mouth, then raised her arm and smashed the empty wine bottle on the ground.

“Boom”, the bottle shattered.

The other 4 people were startled immediately.

“Are you crazy?”

Bill Prince was shocked, stroking the chest with his heart beating faster, and looked up at Diana beside him, looking sideways.

“I can prove that she is not crazy.”

Qi Yu spread out both hands and explained with a smile, “Because I have a friend who lives in Asgard Star Domain, he also likes to drop a glass after drinking.”

“Ha ha ha ha …”

In the music-filled box, the atmosphere was relaxed, and suddenly a happy laughter and cheerful voices came out.

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