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Fighting area.

Winning the title of Fighting Night for ten times in a row, Raymond, known as the undefeated myth, lay dead on the ground.

Starting from the lower jaw of the crocodile’s mouth, most of the upper crocodile head was pulled off by Abomination and left aside.

From the exposed blood vessels of the throat, from time to time, a stream of blood spattered upward as he circulated blood throughout his body.

Dark red blood stained a piece around the body.

A few muscled blue-skinned aliens, Muscular man, the staff of the Gate of Hell fighting field, immediately carried the stretcher to the stage.

2 The heavy corpse weighing more than 1000 pounds was used by several staff members to work together to feed the stretcher, and finally it was lifted up on the stretcher, and the official had already prepared for it. This stretcher is a special reinforced version, used 3 The meter-long steel structure has a load-bearing limit of several tons. Otherwise, if you encounter a super big man like Raymond, it will be easy to crush the ordinary stretcher.

Seeing Raymond being carried on a medical stretcher, Abomination came over with a grim expression on his face.

Frightened a few staff members quickly stopped, his face could not help but froze, his breathing was fast, as if fearing that this 3-meter-tall monster would tear them apart.

Even the hell messenger Raymond, who is known as the undefeated myth, was killed by him. They have no doubt that Abomination will rise up and even kill them.

But they soon relaxed, and this horrible monster not at all troubled them.

Abomination aimed at Raymond’s dropped head on a stretcher, a thick sputum gushed from his throat, and he spit out politely on Raymond’s crocodile’s face, conveying his contempt and reaction to Raymond Disdain after a successful kill.

Then Abomination waved his hand, indicating that they could go and take the trash away.

Several blue-skinned staff members were nodded with fear on their faces, and they carried the stretcher in fear and left the fighting area quickly.

“I-am-Abomination!” (I am Abomination!)

Abomination looked up and roared.

The sound was very powerful, and strong sound waves came out. In the audience seats closer, many people’s eardrums were almost burst, scaring them to cover their ears, and the expression on their faces twisted together.


Abomination raised high Thick arms, and then thumped his arm down.

The rocky ground beneath his feet was hit by this terror force, and he was immediately thumped out of a 7-8 meter wide pit.




Several 10000 people shouted Abomination’s name at the same time, and each emotion was extremely excited.

Pēng pēng pēng pēng !

As Abomination hit the ground continuously, the original pit was only 7-8 meters wide. The crack began to spread all around and the damaged area continued to expand.

Ten meters ……

15 meters ……

20 meters ……

2 15 meters ……

30 metres ……

Soon the whole fighting area was devastated by thumps.

People around the audience, their excited shouts suddenly dropped at this time.

Not because they are not excited anymore, but because Abomination keeps hitting the ground continuously, it doesn’t mean to stop it, and it’s madly smashed down in more than ten seconds. The entire area of ​​the fighting platform has been smashed. Now even where they are The all around auditorium is trembling violently.

So their excitement is gradually occupied by the sense of panic.

Even Qi Yu, who was sitting in the last row near the edge of the fighting field, trembling slightly under the seat of his buttocks, and occasionally shocked.

“Abomination, this guy is definitely over excited tonight.”

Qi Yu looked around all around and found that a lot of the audience had started to scream and left the seat, moved towards the main aisle exit and ran away, “If I continue this way, I am afraid that it will not take long, not only the surrounding auditorium area to be It shattered and collapsed, and even the entire fighting hall building collapsed!”

Realizing that if you don’t stop the emotional out-of-control Abomination, it will soon become a ruin and Qi Yu will take action.

His brow furrowed, and an invisible Psychic power was released, which directly enveloped Abomination’s brain.


Abomination suddenly felt dizzy, as if inhaling a large pot of nausea gas.

He stopped the thump in his hand and shook his head hard.

Then quickly, like a drunkard, he staggered, lost his center of gravity, stood unsteady, and fell to the cracked ground under his feet.

At the same time, the personality of Abomination was gradually sealed into extra dimensions, and the body quickly shrank and became shorter, shifting towards Emil’s personality.

The entire jittery building structure of the fighting field also became calmer.

The escaping spectators stopped and cast a curious look to the center of the fighting area, with a lingering fear.

They found that the earth-yellow fury monster of the send cold shivers down one’s spine just now has returned to its original normal appearance.

“Hu, I was just scared to death. I thought I was going to die here.” A red-skinned alien wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

“Too terrifying, after that guy became a monster, the power is so powerful, even relying on brute force can create a terrifying scene comparable to an earthquake!” A green-skinned alien was shocked and his heart was beating violently.

“This level of monster, even if we look at the bright galaxy of our entire civilization, is estimated to be eligible to be squeezed into the Galaxy Powerhouse List!” A sharp evaluation spit out from the mouth of a spooky alien.

“Fortunately, he was restored to his original shape, otherwise at least 10000 people would die here tonight.” Another middle-aged alien gasped and panicked.

The host of the fighting field saw that the building had calmed down, and that the monster player had also returned to normal. Then he sternly got out of the table.

Although the situation at the scene was terrible, the host work must continue.

The host trembling with fear stepped on the devastating fighting area, fearing that he would fall into the crack and fall or die.

Behind him were two other female staff members, one holding a square plate with a medal of honor and the other holding a bunch of large denominations of Galaxy Universal Stars.

3 people came to Emil cautiously.

“The final battle is finally over in an atmosphere of anticipation and tension!”

“The arrogant hell messenger Raymond was dried like garbage.”

“As you can see, the new champion of this fighting night was born.”

“He is our super warrior—”

“Emil Bronsky!”

The host raised Emil’s hand emotionally and announced the birth of a new champion!




The audience did not say much about the host, what a super soldier, what an Emil Bronsky, it was so weak!

They all stood up from their seats, and the tacit collective collective called the name Abomination.

In their hearts, they all agreed that only the violent horror monster just now was worthy of their approval and shouting.

“Okay I’m sorry.”

The host took off his sunglasses and raised his hands in a self-deprecating manner, “Our new champion is Abomination!”

“But since Abomination is one with this Buddy, let’s treat him as Mr. Abomination’s spokesperson!”

After talking, the host gave a glance to a female staff member next to him.

The female staff member stepped forward, stood on tiptoe, and hung a medal representing the honor status of the champion of Fighting Night on Emil’s neck.

Emil raised his hand and pressed his finger against his lips, blowing a kiss to the audience.

“Hey, Buddy, also this is the championship fund you got.”

Emil looked at the pile of stars worth a total of thousand, and his eyes suddenly released a light.

Hundred thousand star coins, the average galaxy has to work for 20 years to save enough.

And oneself got it in just one night, in the end it was still a fist!

‘hahaha, full thousand thousand star coins, this is the first pot of gold that Laozi earned on the planet outside, today is a memorable day! ‘

Emil thought this way, quickly removed the cloth bag on the plate, put all these coins into it, and then clutched it tightly in his hand.

Who dares to snatch, Lao Tzu immediately turns into Abomination and tears him away!

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