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I have to say that Tony’s desire to survive is still very strong.

A few minutes after Obadea’s departure, Tony had climbed into the underground laboratory with his tenacious survival will.

On a table in a corner of the underground laboratory, the original version of the small ark reactor was stored.

That small ark reactor was secretly manufactured by Tony when he was trapped in a cave in Afghanistan without the bald head.

He also relied on the energy supply of this original version of the small ark reactor to start the original Iron Man Armor, which drives the original Iron Man Armor, surrounded by fully armed indigenous warlords Killed a bloody road, and finally succeeded in escape alive.

Later, Tony returned to United States and redeveloped a small ark reactor with more sufficient energy and more efficient energy supply in his own home laboratory. Therefore, the old small ark reactor was thrown away, and he was not nostalgic anyway.

However, Pepper stored the old reactor well, and attached the commemorative message “Proving that Tony Stark has a heart”, and finally put it in a glass container and gave it to Tony as his birthday gift. Tony threw it in the corner of the laboratory at the time, but didn’t expect is now a great help.

The extremely weak Tony, with the help of the “stupid” robot, re-inserted the old small ark reactor back into his chest and finally survived.

After Obadiah snatched the reactor from Tony’s chest, he immediately returned to the 6th district of Stark Industrial Park and came to the Iron Monger armor that had already been built and owed only core energy.

Iron Monger’s armor looks very domineering, tough steel helmet, sturdy manipulator, heavy mechanical legs, all over and under Blink with cold silver rays of light. The left arm is equipped with a 6-shot miniature rattlesnake missile, the right arm is equipped with a 20mm caliber rapid-fire machine gun, the shoulder part is also an anti-tank rocket, and the two feet are equipped with flight thrusters, which is almost It can be called a cruel mobile arsenal.

Apart from this, Iron Monger’s armor’s load-bearing ability is also very good, and even a punch can even hit about 20 tons of impact.

Compared with super-villains like Doctor Octopus and Rhinoceros, the Iron Monger made by Stark Industries in District 6 at a cost of 1 billion US dollars is much larger than their stronger ones!

The Iron Monger in front of him is certainly domineering, but the disadvantage is that the now around it is filled with a dead breath.

This is because the core energy device of the upper boat reactor has not been installed in its chest. If there is no power source for the Ark reactor, it seems that the most powerful armor is basically the same as the bulky exhibition model.

With anticipation and excitement, Obadea opened the metal suitcase impatiently, pulled out the small ark reactor from inside, and cautiously installed it in the chest of Iron Monger.

Suddenly, the lifeless Iron Monger armor was quickly activated, and the whole body was filled with continuously sufficient energy, especially the eyes, emitting dim-blue rays of light!

At the same time, near the Stark Industrial Park.

3 high-end bullet-proof cars parked in front of the gate of the industrial park.

From the three cars, a total of seven people walked down.

One of them is Pepper, and the remaining six are all Agents of SHIELD. The six agents also include one of SHIELD’s core senior executives, Level 6 Agent Phil Coulson.

In fact, the reason why SHIELD was so attentive to Tony was that the level 9 agent Phil · Coulson personally followed up the whole case, mainly because they learned that Tony had developed a quantity that was beyond this era. Iron Man Armor that will even change the world’s political and military pattern after birth!

Originally, SHIELD has discovered that Obadea was the main actor behind the attack on Tony Stark Afghanistan 3 months ago, but there has been no evidence of conviction.

After Pepper submitted the evidence of Obadea’s crimes to SHIELD, SHIELD immediately sent several excellent agents to come to the 6th District to arrest Obadea according to law.

A few spear agents who were out of the ordinary, arrested a 50-year-old old fogey, completely enough.

Unfortunately, SHIELD did not expect that, just less than half an hour ago, Obadea took away the small ark reactor from Tony.

This also means that Obadea will soon be incarnation as Iron Monger, who the time comes not to mention trifling a few agents, even if a few hundred agents come, you must kneel!

“The 6th District 1 should be here.”

Pepper brought agents such as Phil to the yellow iron door with “16”, pointing to the “16” on the door and saying, “Unfortunately I don’t have a key.”

Undoubtedly, the unlocking of these SHIELD agents in suits and trousers is simply a matter of giving away points. In Phil raised hand, an agent came up behind him and handed him a miniature blasting time bomb.

Phil attached the tiny blasting time bomb made of magnet to the iron lock of the gate of the 6th district, and then flashed to the side.

After a few seconds, the bomb exploded, and the strong blasting force in a small area instantly blew the iron lock.

In District 6, Iron Monger’s armored storage room, Obadea heard an explosion from outside the door and realized that 80% of Pepper’s little B*tch had brought government personnel to arrest him.

Obadiah took the initiative, without any hesitation, gnashing teeth, and rushed to the Iron Monger armor…

Soon, agents such as Pepper and Phil, through the inspection of a house, finally came to this Iron Monger armored storage room.


A huge steel robot rushed out of the dark corner!

Several agents turned pale with fright and immediately raised their pistols to shoot at the huge monster in front of them.

ding ding ding~! ding ding ding~!

Iron Monger’s shell is forged from carbon steel, is extremely strong, and is completely immune to these bullets.

Standing inside the armor, Obadea lifted his arm to synchronously drive the steel giant arm outside the armor. The work of 3 times, 5 divisions and 2 took all the agents.

Taking advantage of the gap between the agents and Iron Monger, Pepper hurriedly ran out of his legs to escape, and after Iron Monger flew to catch his agents, it was moved towards the direction of Pepper’s escape. .

Pepper is just a woman, and still wearing high-heeled shoes with high mobility, how can he run past such a huge Iron Monger? But she was not so stupid, knowing to call Tony for help while running.

“Tony! Hurry up and save me! I’m outside the gate of the Stark industrial park. Obadea is wearing a huge set of steel armor to hunt me down! Phil a few of them…”

It’s a pity that Pepper hasn’t finished speaking yet, Iron Monger just got out of the ground and intercepted in front of her, so that Pepper’s mobile phone fell to the ground.

At the end of the phone, Tony, who lost contact with the call, realized that Pepper was likely to encounter an unexpected event next, and he became extremely worried.

Tony has just recovered from the severe state of nerve palsy and heart failure, and has not had time to wear the Mark 2 Iron Man Armor. It is estimated that he will wear the Mark 2 Iron Man Armor first, and then rush from the sea view villa to the Stark Industrial Park. There, it will take at least a few minutes for the whole process! I’m afraid when he rushed there, only Pepper’s body would be in sight.

“Jarvis, what should I do? I’m really useless. I can’t even protect a beloved woman!” Tony unable to bear blamed himself, his fists squeezed, and his heart was very painful.

However, what Jarvis said, it made Tony catch a glimmer of survival: “Sir, do you remember the other day, a brick was smashed into the villa hall?”

Hearing this, Tony’s eyebrows immediately stretched out: “You mean, the brick that says to contact him in case of trouble?”

“Yes, this is our only hope at the moment. The contact information on the brick was stored in my address book at the time, and now I am trying to dial his number… Dudu Du…… Sir, the phone is connected !”

Um, it all flashed away, the terminator pretending to be like the wind is coming!

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