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“Didn’t expect the group of terrorists actually has such high stealth technology that even the scanning system of the Nova Empire Space Sentry cannot detect anomalies.”

“It looks like the Guardians of the Galaxy are in a bad state!”

“Yeah, their energy shields are obviously cracked, and they shouldn’t last long before they break, and when the time comes Guardians of the Galaxy is dangerous.”

“I don’t know if the three guys have any real ability, wouldn’t it be a hindrance to the Guardians of the Galaxy? That’s even worse. Guardians of the Galaxy powerless to defend himself, they have to devote their energy to protect that. 3 guys.”

“Ai, I can only pray that they will be fine!”

When more than 1000 Viper fighters collectively fired the Guardians of the Galaxy’s energy shield, nearby passers-by and nearby Sandal citizens watching in front of the windowsills of high-rise buildings could not help discussing spiritedly.

The main theme is to worry about whether Guardians of the Galaxy can resolve the crisis.

However, they did not know that the three Qi Yu masters and servants who were ignored and underestimated by them, in fact, any one person can take out the 3 Viper Warrior units alone.

Not to mention Qi Yu and Magneto in the master and servant 3 person group, these two people can even kill the audience directly with a take action.

Qi Yu’s perversion at this level is not to mention, not to mention the number of 1000 miscellaneous soldiers. Even if this number is increased to 1000 to 10000 times, killing these miscellaneous soldiers is nothing more than a thought for him.

As for Magneto, which controls the electromagnetic force, one of the four basic forces of the universe, you only need to raise your hand, and the metal shell weapon held by the 4 Viper Warriors will be out of control instantly, but it is turned according to Magneto’s idea. Aim at them themselves.

At that time, Magneto only needed to bend his finger slightly, and all Viper Warriors would be directly killed by own weapons.

At this moment, Star Lord, Gamora Ra, Drax, Rocket Raccoon, Grub the Treeman, Mantis the Mantis, also Qi Yu, Emil, Magneto, 9 people stood back to back against the terrorist fighters outside.

The energy shield made by the Rocket Raccoon is gradually rupturing, and it seems that it will break up after a while at most.

At the same time, the citizens of Sandar who were watching the battle nearby squeezed the sweat for the Guardians of the Galaxy again, and their hearts were about to throat.

Guardians of the Galaxy are after all the great heroes who have rescued their Sundar planet. If they die in such a sudden death under the siege of the army of terrorist organizations, it is undoubtedly a regrettable tragedy for the entire Nova Empire.


Looking at the firepower pouring around frantically, also this gradually cracked energy shield, the expressions on the faces of the Guardians of the Galaxy members are not very good-looking, especially the Rocket Raccoon responsible for wiping the buttocks for the impulsive consequences of Star Lord. Is impossible to bear cursed.

“Ji jié jié, surrounded by my army of viper, you have no resistance! Don’t die, surrender, I can consider spare your life!”

An outdated word came out of Snake, the viper’s head bound by a metal chain.

“shut up!”

Gamora slapped him in the face.

Snake remembered the scene of being beaten and crotched before, and he quickly converged. After all, although this is a galactic terrorist leader, it is not a masochist.

“Damn! The shield is about to break, what shall we do next?”

Rocket raccoon anxiously said, looking up Qi Yu looking towards 1.8 metres, “Buddy, look at how calm you look, it seems you have a way to resolve the crisis!”

After all, Qi Yu was the powerhouse that once hung the Kerry Starship. The Rocket Raccoon had seen the horror of Qi Yu with his own eyes. Therefore, at this critical moment, he naturally turned his attention to him.

As soon as Rocket Raccoon said this, several other Guardians of the Galaxy members also turned their hopeful eyes to him.

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot also a friend who is so deep and unmeasurable!

“Qi, don’t you take action yet?”

Although the Star Lord is usually less tuned, when watching the protective cover about to shatter, oneself and his teammates’ lives may be here soon, a nervous expression also immediately appeared on the face, “If you wait until the last one Take action again in seconds, is that too exciting?”

“Ha ha ha ha, take action at the last second is exciting enough, I like it!”

Destroyer Drax is crazy with a smile, his brain may be amused, and it might be more appropriate to call him a lunatic.

Qi Yu spread out both hands and said indifferently, “Huh, who said I was going to take action?”

Hearing this, several people were a little stunned, and his face was instantly dim.

Everyone is counting on you!

In the stiff expression of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Qi Yu pats stood next to Magneto’s shoulder, and then said: “Although I don’t take action, but don’t worry, Erick take action is enough. Erick, this Quest will pay Here you are.”

Everyone heard a turning point, and everyone was relieved.

Magneto gently nodded towards several people, with a confident smile on the loose old face.

“But, this old man… is that okay?”

Although the Rocket Raccoon had seen Magneto on the Cree Star ship a few months ago, and Lin Lin had several connections, but he hadn’t actually seen Magneto take action with his own eyes, so whether this servant of Qi Yu can successfully resolve the current situation He is skeptical of this crisis.

“Little Triangle-face monkey, it’s time for this life-threatening life. Don’t you believe our iron buddies?”

Star Lord choked on the Rocket Raccoon, you can say in your heart that others are not good, but don’t say it directly. 10000 One person has true ability, but he offends others. If he is unwilling to take action, it will be worth the loss. Obviously, it would be too cost-effective to suffer for a while.

Sure enough, when Erick heard the little raccoon’s contempt, he slightly lowered his head and glared at him, making the little raccoon shudder.

“Trust Erick, that’s right.”

Qi Yu stooped and felt the fluff on the top of the rocket raccoon’s head, firmly.

Rocket raccoons are shrugged and no longer talkative.

Ka ka ka ……


The energy shield could not withstand the collective dumping of more than 1000 rounds of artillery fire, and finally shattered at the last moment.

Star Lord, Gamora Ra, Drax, Rocket Raccoon, Grub the Treeman, and Mantis, the Mantis Girl, all subconsciously closed their eyes at this moment.

at this time!

The corners of Magneto’s mouth raised, and his hands were suddenly raised.

The explosive guns held by the 1000 viper warriors around them instantly broke away from the control of their hands, and seemed to be held back by some strange power. They all flew towards in midair.

Magneto twisted his hands.

Correspondingly, the 1000 explosive guns suspended in the sky, in the eyes of the viper warriors puzzled and frightened, came a 180-degree turn, all of the muzzles turned to them. Me.


Looking around all around, it was found that all the 1000 troops under the command had lost their weapons, and the weapons were still floating in the sky, aiming at the soldiers. All the soldiers were locked by the huge explosive guns. The commander complexion greatly changed for a time.

He absolutely didn’t expect, what had originally been decided for the victory, why suddenly reversed the situation, from the hard-won side to the losing side?

A deep sense of fear came from deep in one’s heart.

At the same time, those passers-by who watched in the vicinity could not help starting.

They thought that in the face of the siege of 1000 armed elements, the Guardians of the Galaxy might have a way to escape, but they never thought that they would escape in this other way!

And, is this the great generosity made by the unremarkable old man?

With a slight raise of your hand, you can control the weapons of all the militants, and at the same time aim the gun at all the enemies.

Does this mean that, as long as the old man moves a little more, the large group of 1000 Viper Warriors will be bombed collectively?

God, what a terrible Transcender this is!

At the thought of this, the citizens of Shandal shuddered as they could not bear.

Some of them thought that the old man who looked more than 70 was a drag on the back legs, but now seeing this scene, I only feel that oneself has been beaten.

It should have been thought for a long time that someone who can mix with Guardians of the Galaxy will not be a simple character!

“Get rid of them.”

A simple command came out of Qi Yu’s mouth.

“Obey, my master.”

I saw a contempt in the corners of Magneto’s mouth, and his fingers bent gently.

Correspondingly, there were 1000 explosive guns suspended in the sky, and the trigger was pulled to fire.

Pēng pēng pēng ……

A burst of energy light burst into bloom, and in the wailing of one after another, the bodies fell one by one.

But within a few seconds, more than 1000 Viper Warriors had all died under their own explosive guns.

completely annihilated!

Seeing that the soldiers who came to the rescue were slaughtered, there were still several points of Snake, the leader of the Viper Organization who had regained the hope of freedom, and his expression suddenly froze.

The breathing breath and the accelerated heartbeat sound are very clear in this strange and calm atmosphere.

“Planted, completely planted.”

Snake murmured softly, his eyes dull, like a walking corpse who lost faith.

Immediately he collapsed on the ground, angry fireworks gradually filled his eyes, and the snake’s face was full of resentment.

Without the intervention of this horrible old man, it is estimated that oneself has been rescued long ago, and successfully boarded the Viper Invisible Universe Warship. Before the arrival of the new star Legion, he escaped from this planet.

The result was that a powerful variable was killed halfway through, which led to the destruction of the viper organization’s tightly arranged rescue plan.

“Shit! Qi, are your followers too fierce?”

Seeing that all the militants were killed, Star Lord tapped on the helmet twice, lifted the helmet, and opened his mouth in shock.

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Destroyer Drax, still the same 10000 year old head-up laugh reaction.

“This old man…oh no, this Old Mister’s ability is the most terrifying one I have ever seen in my life.”

The Rocket Raccoon looked up at Magneto and then shivered with arms folded, “Raising your hand can reverse the situation and wipe out the armed forces of 1000 people. It makes people feel have one’s hair stand on end.”

“I am Groot!”

Grote, the little tree man, raised a crappy thumb with his vine hand, and gave a thumbs up with a cute smile.

This Great Grandpa’s act of killing 1000 people made him think that oneself usually played the game console, and after pressing the big move button, he instantly killed all the NPC scenes on the screen.

As for Gamora La and Mantis, although they did not express the shocking expression on their faces, there was also a lot of shock in their hearts.

‘Even the followers have such terrifying power. This Qi Yu, may really be able to defeat my adoptive father, the dark Titan spurned by all beings…’

Gazing at Qi Yu, Magneto’s owner, Gamora secretly thought in his heart.

After more than 1000 Viper fighters were killed, Nova Legion also drove a small 8-man star Warship at this time.

A series of soldiers descended from Warship.

Some soldiers ran to occupy the Viper Organization Space Warship with high stealth function, ready to be transported to the headquarters research base to study its Peak stealth technology, to prevent the next invisible Warship from being able to pass the safety scan of the Shandal Space Station Detection.

Another part of the soldiers remained on the street scene and was responsible for cleaning up the bodies of the 1000 viper warriors.

The rest of the soldiers were all around with arms and vigilance, and together with the Guardians of the Galaxy, escorted the captured leader of the Viper Organization to the court to let him accept the trial from the Empire.

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