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“Although our Duan Kun is powerful, it can’t stand up to the overwhelming blow from their so many space sentry posts, and we can’t stand still like this again.”

“Emil, lift Duan Kun’s defense system and open the hatch!”

“The captain must take action personally and teach them a lesson!”

Qi Yu pats took Emil’s shoulder on the driver’s seat and gave him the command with the captain’s tone.


Emil’s mouth raised an arc, thinking his master would finally take action.

He fanatically believes that once the owner takes action, the current stalemate between the two parties will definitely be broken and turned into a one-sided crushing situation!

As the crusher, it is naturally the master.

After the operation of the Emil crackle, a hatch on the wing of the Duan Kun was opened, and a metal lifting platform slowly extended from below for the crew to board or disembark.

Of course, for the existence of this level of Qi Yu, such standing elevators, space suit compression devices and so on are completely unnecessary.

He flashed the silhouette directly, and went outside through the hatch.

Then he flew to the top of Duan Kun and stood awkwardly, wearing a domineering black skull mask, and the dark cloak behind his shoulders gently floated in space, facing the rows of space sentries on the opposite side.

With a ghastly atmosphere, the imposing imposing manner looks like a Death God from hell!

“Skull Death God Jack • Sparrow?”

The commander of the space station directly opposite saw Qi Yu standing on the ship, and was immediately curious, “Does it know that we cannot support our all-round artillery strike, are we planning to negotiate surrender?”

“Or is it fraud? Is there any conspiracy or something?”

The commander in the area next door immediately doubted, “No matter what he hell is happening, the command we received is to kill him anyway!”

“On the star battlefield, hesitation can cause Death for a second!”

“So, destroy him directly!”

The commander said this, and the commanders in several other areas also echoed, saying that no matter what, just turn on his firepower!

As a result, a large-scale electromagnetic gun fired once again formed a strong cover attack, and rushed to the side of Qi Yu’s Duan Kun.

“Hmph! Ignorance!”

A trace of contempt appeared on Qi Yu’s face.

I saw one side of his eyes, an invisible barrier of thought was formed in the sky in the front.

Dozens of large-scale electromagnetic bombardments from the collective bombardment hit the mind barrier, and burst like a dumb cannon.

And in the eyes of those commanders, this scene is that the formidable power accumulated together is enough to destroy a large electromagnetic cannon offensive force in a city. Suddenly, in the sky, as if encountering some kind of obstruction, they all collapsed in a strange way. Too.

The defensive power of this mind barrier is even more terrifying than the protective cover formed by Duan Kun’s fire energy from Eternity!

“Start the detection system and see what is going on!”

“Yes, sir!”

A technical pirate, bang bang, was operating on the console and used technical means to detect why his offensive of large electromagnetic cannons would be resolved.

The answer was quickly obtained.

“Reporter, in the sky 30 kilometers ahead, there is an unknown force field barrier. That force field barrier resists our electromagnetic cannon formidable power!”

“Unknown force field barrier?”

Commander gnashing teeth, cold sweat coming from his forehead, murmured: “didn’t expect, that skeleton Death God also controls such a weird ability and means.”

“Continue the offensive! I want to see if his force field barrier can persist…”

However, he hadn’t finished his words, and the eyes staring at the screen suddenly glared at Boss!

also The experienced technical pirate beside him, for a time, the heartbeat accelerated, the breath was short, and it was almost suffocating!

They saw that the screen originally showed that the peak energy was only 20 units of energy, and suddenly reached more than 999 units. Finally, the monitoring instruments were all “peng” with a smoke, Blink of “Tzzzzzzz” struck the arc, because it exceeded The load limit was monitored and scrapped.

At the same time, an extremely terrifying force is despering heaven extinguishing earth-like oppression, rushing into the rows of space sentries on the space orbit of the blood wolf star equatorial zone!

However, these are all fixed space sentry posts, and unlike the spaceships, they cannot be retreated or evaded and so on, and cannot be transferred at all.

Under the power of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, the space station formation of the Blood Wolf Pirates was completely unstoppable.

Bang bang bang!! !

Rows of space sentries began to explode in succession.

Like fireworks, a flare of fire appeared in space, and the entire planet’s equatorial space trajectory burst with sparks.

More than 2 space sentries were completely destroyed.


Qi Yu indifferently said in his mouth and took back his slap.

Yes, the great generosity of a total of more than 2 100 space sentry explosions on the planetary orbit of the blood wolf star just now was caused by the slap Qi Yu waved.

if not The power expelled by his slap cannot be turned. I am afraid that the more than 2 100 space sentries on the planetary orbit behind the blood wolf star will also be unbearable under the crush of this force and explode.

And if Qi Yu takes it seriously, now he who has achieved Great Sage, a slap is enough to smash the whole blood wolf star.

Only considering that the Supreme Chief Blood Wolf Sovereign, who wanted to capture the Blood Wolf pirate, went to the Nova Empire, so he deliberately converged most of the power and did not directly destroy the entire planet.

Otherwise, when the time comes Blood Wolf Sovereign even with the entire planet turned into cosmic dust, how can Qi Yu prove that he did it? Moreover, it is easy to expose the incomparable strength of oneself, which may cause panic in the entire galaxy.

Go out, it’s better to keep a low profile!

“Fuck! Master is mighty!”

Through the transparent front windshield, I witnessed the rows of space sentry posts scattered throughout the space orbit of the blood wolf star, and the whole scene of the explosion under Qi Yu’s slap, Emil’s excited pats thighs, full face The color of excitement.

The master is worthy of the master!

With just a slap, the Duan Kun side was transformed from the disadvantage of suppression by firepower into a good situation for a full turn.


At the same time, the general command room of the blood wolf star surface base.

The commander-in-chief Ace communicated with the commanders in charge of several space sentries in real time through dozens of mirrors on the central large screen, and issued combat commands from time to time.

Suddenly, dozens of small splitter screens are all disconnected, and collectively black screen for a while!

“Uh huh?”

Seeing this, Commander Ace immediately frowned and looked towards an elite-level technical pirate in the room, “What’s going on? Is it malfunctioning?”

I saw that the technical pirate crackle was operated, and after repeated investigations, it was finally confirmed that-

“Sir, report! Our communication system not at all has failed!”

“If there is no malfunction, why are all black screens at the same time?” Commander Ace asked, unclear what happened.

A trace of awkward look appeared on the technical pirate’s face, “Sir, the communication system of the commanders of dozens of space stations is not only as simple as going offline, but even the signal is completely not found.”

“What do you mean?” Commander Ace seemed to guess something, and there was a kind of unpredictable feeling in my heart.

“This means that the command rooms of dozens of space station commanders, with a total of more than 2 space sentries on equatorial orbit, seem to…” At this point, the technical pirates hesitated.

“Say!” Commander Ace said sharply, an undoubtedly iron-blooded officer.

“It is likely that at the same time, they all suffered devastating blows!” The technical pirate said his speculative conclusion. Although this conclusion is a bit unrealistic and even ridiculous, he can use scientific means to investigate it. The most probable reason for this is this.

“You mean, the Death God standing on the top of the ship’s hull destroyed our more than 2 space sentries in an instant!?”

Commander Ace’s face was stiff, and a little gaffey loudly said, “I don’t believe it! In the entire galaxy, there is a third unimaginable thing besides Thanos and Hyberon. Guys!”

“You must have made a mistake!”

He tried to comfort oneself, unwilling to admit this truth.

Because he understands the cruel fact that if the other party really exists as a galactic pinnacle of the level of Hyberon or even Thanos, then it means that if there is no accident today, the blood wolf pirate group can basically declare the end Too.

At the same time, the top of Duan Kun’s hull.

Qi Yu stood on the ship of Duan Kun, wearing a domineering black skull mask on his face, and the dark cloak behind his shoulder fluttered gently in space,

“Scum of the Blood Wolf Pirates, your Skeleton Death God is here!”

Qi Yu raised an arc in his mouth, exuding a strong murderous aura all over his body.

As the voice fell, he took advantage of the body of the ship Duan Kun, and the whole person jumped into the sky!

The entire Duan Kun thrashed violently.

The intrepid fleshy body pierced the planet’s atmosphere, rubbing out a beam of fire like a meteor, and directly moved towards the surface of the blood wolf star…

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