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Qi Yu left Earth this time and went to the deep galaxy to conquer Thanos. The plan is divided into three steps.

The slaughtered blood wolf pirate group became famous in the galaxy → Become a guest of the Nova Empire and obtain all the intelligence of Thanos from the imperial government → condemn Thanos and his forces based on detailed information.

Right now the 2nd Step has been completed by Perfection, and has progressed to this Third Step, which is the last step.

Information about Thanos’s nest’s cosmic coordinates, the situation and detailed distribution of its forces, the composition of Legion’s forces, Star Domain’s danger notices, and the history of the war against wars in the past are all fully recorded in the U disk given by Nova Paragon.

The so-called know yourself and know your enemy, fight every battle without defeat.

If there is only cosmic coordinate information, Qi Yu has no difficulty in killing Thanos, but it is bound to be difficult to completely clean up the remaining forces under his command.

And having this comprehensive information means that the entire dark force can be erased, and anyone who is loyal to Thanos will all die.

Qi Yu’s pursuit is to cut weeds and eliminate the roots, so that the power of Thanos can be completely removed from this universe, and there is no chance of turning over!

2 servants came to the hotel room they rented in the number one city of Shandar.

Qi Yu inserts the U disk into the interface of the multi-function watch on the wrist and starts to read the information stored in the U disk.

Other information can be omitted for the time being. The first thing you need to check is the cosmic coordinates of Thanos’ nest.


Qi Yu clicked on the holographic screen put on the wrist watch to open the subfolder information about the location of Thanos’ nest.

A holographic 3D galaxy star map quickly appeared.

In this holographic stereo image of the Milky Way star map, there is an area where the rhythmic Blink is dotted with red dots.

The nature represented by the red dot is where the Thanos site is located.

“right here!”

Qi Yu reached out to the little red dot and pulled to the 2 sides to enlarge the area of ​​the little red dot.

So it became a block of red.

There is a label on the holographic star map, which is called the dark Titan Star Domain.

The dark Titan Star Domain is about the size of the solar system, and its location is special. It is located deep in the galaxy. The Star Domain is surrounded by a special cosmic magnetic field, so that the curvature engine or Space Jump will approach the dark Titan Star Domain. Will fail.

If a civilian ship in the Milky Way accidentally drove into the dark Titan Star Domain, the ship would be destroyed as if it were involved in the Sea Territory of the 100 Mu Da Triangle.

This is why, except for a few high-ranking galactic powers, most ordinary galactics are unaware of the coordinates of the Thanos Laotian universe.

Even in the records of official books, this is only one of the many dangerous areas in the Milky Way.

But almost no one knows, in fact, Thanos and his forces are stationed here.

At the very center of the dark Titan Star Domain, there is a dark red planet, ten times larger than Earth. That is the dark Titan planet, where Thanos’ nest is actually located.

It is worth mentioning that, in fact, Thanos’ previous hometown was not here.

The original hometown of Thanos is on the other side of the galaxy. A planet named Titan is only due to the explosive growth of the planet’s population, while at the same time with limited resources and rapid consumption of resources, causing a full-scale war within the planet to compete for resources, so that civilization In the end, Oblivion is in the dust of history.

The current dark Titan planet is completely a new planet that he occupied, and he was named Dark Titan.

“Neither the curvature engine nor Space Jump’s space navigation can enter the dark Titan Star Domain, so how do we get there?”

Emil was puzzled when she saw the information prompt marked in the hologram.

“In the past 100 years, the Nova Empire has launched more than a dozen crusades against the forces of Thanos. Since this history really exists, there is a natural way to enter there.”

Qi Yu shrugged, then clicked on the screen and opened another file.

The document states how Legion entered the dark Titan Star Domain.

“Wormhole shuttle?”

Emil wondered.

Qi Yu’s eyes released a flash of light, lightly said with a smile, “It really is the same as I thought.”

“There is a sealed artificial wormhole on the Sandal star. In the dozen or so crusades that were launched against Thanos before, the Empire Legion teleported to the dark Titan Star Domain through this wormhole. But because of the opening and maintenance of this artificial Wormholes require huge amounts of energy, so only undo seal during war…”

Qi Yu quickly read the description on the intelligence material, and his eyes quickly shifted to the next page, “The large wormhole on the Shandal star is used for large-scale fleet shuttles, and is not suitable for single-person shuttles. However, in the Milky Way, the square ruler arm On Dou Xing, there is a small wormhole suitable for small-sized creatures or objects to cross over in space…”

The specific location of the small wormhole on Dou Xing is also marked on this information.

“It seems that our last stop in the official attack on Thanos is this fighting star.”

Emil looked at the information displayed on the holographic image, nodded.

“Fighting Star… It seems that the female warrior Diana I met on Conte Aksha was from this fighting star.”

“I don’t know if she returned to Dou Xing. In this huge galaxy, it can be considered destined to meet her again by fate.”

Qi Yu touch the chin, a smile appeared on his face.

He unplugged the USB drive and closed the interface, so the holographic image Tzzzzzzz disappeared.

“Oh, Emil, haven’t heard of Erick yet?”

Before entering the blood wolf star of the blood wolf pirate group, considering that Erick’s old man’s physique could not bear the continuous Space Jump, it might hang up after reaching 2 1000 times, so Qi Yu not at all took Magneto together The blood wolf star went to battle, and only took one Emil who played the role of a driver and was a far surpasses ordinary person. Magneto was left on the Shandal star.

However, since returning from the blood wolf star triumph a few days ago, Qi Yu tried to dial Magneto’s communication frequency band, but it has not been connected. Later, I don’t know whether it is because the communicator is running out or what is the reason for the shutdown sound. .

At this moment, Qi Yu instructed Emil to call again, and Magneto was still not contacted.

“It seems that Erick most likely happened.”

Qi Yu’s dashing eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and there is a hunch in her heart that is not very good.

But the strong Sixth Sense is telling him again that Magneto should be alive.

“Erick’s old man is also a powerhouse of the same level as my Abomination personality. Even if he is surrounded by 1000 to 10000 enemies, I believe he can reverse the situation and achieve anti-killing.”

Although he usually quarrels and so on with Magneto, Emil is really worried for him now, “I really don’t know what happened to him. Could it be a conflict with the guy on the Galaxy Powerhouse List?”

“In my judgment, although Erick is weak, he is skilled in controlling the electromagnetic force of one of the 4 basic forces of the universe, plus the metal particle balls and Vibranium cone hidden weapon that can be manipulated by him at his discretion. Those who are ranked lower in the ranking should not be his opponents. Even if they are ranked in the middle of the powerhouse on the Galaxy list, they will not necessarily lose.”

Qi Yu said lightly. He still has confidence in Magneto’s strength. Although the galaxy is huge, with 10000 to 100000000 million souls, there are really few who can defeat Magneto.

“Then what do you think, what happened to Erick?”

Erick asked.

hearing this, Qi Yu shook the head.

Even though he is the existence of the Great Sage level, it stands at the top of the galaxy, not at all to explore the past or Foreseeing Future’s ability.

“I need someone to help me investigate.”


“Captain Dee of Nova Legion.”

Qi Yu murmured.


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