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The 5 silhouettes seemed like 5 unacceptable murderous gods. They suddenly appeared in front of Qi Yu. They could also be said to be intercepted between Qi Yu and the Duke of Deville.

The Duke of Deville, frowned, quickly swept away with curiosity. When he saw the identity of these five silhouettes, his face suddenly changed dramatically!

“this is……”

“Rising Star Legion elite legendary…”

“5 100 commanders!?”

With wide eyes, he looked at the five captains who exude terrifying aura in front of him. Duke Deville’s face was stiff and motionless, and the corners of his mouth began to twitch from time to time.

He categorically didn’t expect that the abominable Her Majesty, when she secretly took the 5 strongest 100 captains of the Galaxy Peacekeeping Force, invited him to Douxing!

In the upper social circle of Dou Xing, everyone has heard about the relationship between Her Majesty the Queen of Stars and Paragon, the new empire, knowing that the two Galactic Empire leaders have very close personal relationships, not only maintaining good public relations Relationship is more intimate in private, and can be regarded as friends.

So at the moment when I saw that the comers were the five 5 captains of the new star Legion elite team, the Duke of Deville immediately realized that the major event was not good.

1000 is counted as 10000, but it will appear if you miss it!

Seeing that the Imperial Family castle is about to fall, oneself is about to seize power successfully, and I haven’t promised to produce such a big variable at this last moment!

Trifling 5 people, will decide the result of this court coup?

the answer is–


As everyone knows, the five 5 captains of the Nova Legion Elite Team, each of which is the top terrifying existence on the Galaxy Powerhouse List.

Rising Star Legion Elite Team Captain and 100 Captain Adora-ranked N0.6 on the list!

Rising star Legion elite team deputy Captain and 100 captain Wendell Vaughan, nicknamed quasar-ranked N0.12 on the list!

100 Captain Richard Ryder-N0.18 on the list!

100 captain Sam Alexander-ranked N0.24 on the list!

100 captain Malik Tozeur-ranked N0.30 on the list!

The five 5 captains of Nova Legion all belong to the famous presence on the Galaxy Powerhouse List, and are generally ranked high, even if they all have the amazing title of the 100th!

Five 5 captains joined forces in combat, complementing each other’s strengths and weaknesses. With the cooperation of each other, the overall strength exerted is even more terrifying. According to relevant records, they used to play back and forth in the hands of the hero of the bright Titan N100 in the Galaxy List N0.2, insisting on dozens of rounds before barely defeating.

Now that all the five killing gods have come, the chances of a coup before the Duke of Deville are even higher, the confidence is full, and now they realize that the chances of victory are all gone.

Although he is the leader of the rebel army, and the battle strength is also the strongest, it is only the existence of Ranked 10th 3 on the Galaxy list. Of the five 5 captains on the opposite side, only Captain Adora and Deputy Captain Wendell • Vaughan, the ranking of these two people is already higher than him, especially the 100th overall Captain Adora, even if he is alone, it is estimated that he can be won within ten strokes.

The further I thought, the cooler Duke Deville’s heart was.

The rebel army soldiers around are all fighting fighters. They have always been fighting for glory. They usually pay close attention to the dynamics on the Galaxy list. They are basically familiar with the information of the 100 people on the list.

When these 5 silhouettes came down, they immediately recognized the identity of 5 people.

The official peacekeeping force of the Galaxy, the 5 star powerhouses of Nova Legion are here!

There are 5 big brothers in the Imperial Family castle to support you, and you’re a fart!

The current situation, like a few 1000 Hydra soldiers, suddenly encountered 5 God of Thunder Thor dropping from the sky, and then a hair, just surrender!

For a time, the morale of the rebel army was low, and many people were even considering whether to give up their weapons and surrender. But everyone is watching, I am waiting for you, you are waiting for him, he is waiting for me, just waiting for the first companion to make a surrender.

When Qi Yu saw these five familiar and unfamiliar silhouettes, she frowned slightly.

Although this is the first time I have met these 5 people, he also pays close attention to the official ranking of the Galaxy Powerhouse List. I clearly remembered seeing the introduction of the characters of these 5 guys. I recognized them from the look of their image. The 5 goods are the 5 100 captains of the Nova Legion Elite Team. Speaking from a certain perspective can be said to be the 5 strongest battle strengths that symbolize the Nova Empire.

“5 Lord Captains, didn’t expect Her Majesty Queen, she actually invited you in, I admit it!”

Knowing that the resistance was in vain, Deville Earl simply threw away his weapon and raised his hand to surrender.

However, the other party’s reply made his brain feel awkward.

“Devier of Dou Xing?”

General Captain Adola was somewhat impressed by the Duke of Deville, after all, the top expert on the Galaxy list, “What are you doing?”


The Duke of Deville stood stunned for a while, his expression blank, without knowing the situation too much, and he said, “You… Isn’t Nova Paragon sent to support Her Majesty the Queen?”

“Nova Paragon sent us to support Her Majesty the Queen!?”

General Captain Adora shrugged, “I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

He pointed his fingers at Qi Yu, Emil and Magneto in the crowd a few meters away and said seriously: “We are instructed to arrest these three fugitives!”

“What? The fugitive?”

Hearing Adora’s Captain’s words, the expression on Duke Deville’s face became very weird, and a pair of eyebrows squeezed into Sichuan characters instantly. I thought that this god of killing was Her Majesty the Queen, please come and support Imperial Family Castle. The situation seems to have nothing to do with the court coup?

After came back to his senses, he continued: “That is to say, you actually came to catch the fugitive?”

“Yes! I can’t control what you are doing, and I don’t want to waste energy to control.”

Adora’s Captain’s eyes revealed fierce rays of light, he shook the head, “In short, the command we got above was to arrest these three fugitives, just grab them and get us away, then what should you do? Just continue, I will not interfere.”

After finishing speaking, the five 5 captains faced Qi Yu and Magneto in front of them, as if they were about to start playing.

“Ah? So you guys came to catch us three?”

Qi Yu opened his mouth wide, and it was a bit unexpected to learn about the news.

I thought it was an ally!

Didn’t see that the rebel army almost abandoned surrender yes or no after seeing the 5 of you coming? Duke Deville, the leader of the rebel army, was the first to throw away his weapon and declare his surrender!

After a long time, it turned out that I came to fight soy sauce to catch people. It has nothing to do with the Star Palace coup!

However, Qi Yu thought about it carefully and didn’t feel surprised.

Just two days ago, he took Emil and Magneto to escape from the Chian prison, and also killed 2 7 inmates in the process. It is not surprising that the Nova Empire sent people to come and arrest the case. It is not surprising. Outside, within reason.

It was just that Qi Yu didn’t expect that the efficiency of the Nova Empire was so high, and the investigation ability was so powerful, it was only 2 days to find the whereabouts of their master and servant and they came to the door!

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