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In the entire universe, the Milky Way can be regarded as a huge galaxy with a relatively bright civilization.

Even in this huge galaxy, Terrifying grade lifeform is extremely rare.

As for Overlord level lifeform, there are very few!

At present, the official records are only known as Thanos, the dark Titan god of Galactic List NO.1, and the Hebron, the god of light Titan of Galactic No.2.

Sovereign Ultimate Biological Weapon Demon Adam of Ranked 3rd in the Galaxy List, although extremely powerful, surpasses the Galaxy 10000 100000000 creatures, but it can only be regarded as a quasi Overlord level lifeform, and has not yet reached the true Overlord level.

At the moment, after the Abomination breaks open the gate of the temple, the purple giant sitting on the floating throne deep in the temple, is a Overlord level creature!

God of Dark Titan, Thanos!

Everyone in the temple knew that they were terrifying of the Holy Lord of Supreme.

With Thanos Holy Lord full strength going down, he can even exert destructive power at the starburst level!

It is terrifying!

It is this god of the dark Titan that has occupied the top spot in the galaxy for 100 years!

Over the past 100 years, countless powerhouses have challenged Thanos Holy Lord!

But, without exception, all failed!

Even Hebron in the Ranked 2nd of the Galaxy List once challenged him.

Hero of Hyberon, as strong as the bright Titan, also reached the limit only by holding dozens of moves in the hands of Thanos Holy Lord, and finally suffered heavy injuries and fled.

Looking at the entire galaxy, no one among his 10000 to 100000000 million souls is his opponent!

In the eyes of everyone in the temple, Thanos Holy Lord is invincible!


Therefore, they believe that even if the Death God has broken through several lines of defense all the way, from the outer space defense line of the dark Titan star to the Thanos temple, he has proved his strength with practical actions, but now he encounters the Thanos Holy Lord. Will be won!

“Ding! Eliminate 2 Terrifying grade evil lifeform and absorb 210000 life energy!”

“Currently, 66910000 points of total life energy have been collected, and 933110000 points of life energy are needed before evolution to True God!”

Outside the shattered stone gate of the temple, Qi Yu killed the 2 dark Titan warriors, and the sound of the strongest system sounded immediately in his mind.

As of now, 4 Terrifying grade lifeforms have been obliterated on this Titan star.

And Qi Yu can sense at this moment that there are more than ten Terrifying grades in the temple in front of him.

of course!

Especially strong is the breath of Overlord level from Thanos’s physical injury on the throne in the deepest part of the temple!

“Then… that purple giant is the legendary galactic chart No.1… is it crazy Titan Thanos…”

Diana hid behind Qi Yu, and the pretty face was full of frightened expressions, trembling.

She just saw that familiar silhouette, and there was a sense of anxiety of have one’s hair stand on end, as if as long as the other person looked at her directly, she would die on the spot!

The Magneto and Abomination around me feel that oneself is shrouded in Death breath.

Especially the violent Abomination, which has always been extremely violent, killing and tyranny.

But when he saw the purple giant on the floating throne, he could not help but quiet down suddenly, panting irregularly, even the heartbeat of oneself dong dong dong could be heard!

He could perceive that at least half of the nearly 20 villains in the temple are not weaker than oneself!

Abomination and Magneto are absolutely sure that if only they broke in today, there would be no back and forth, and they would never be able to walk out of this Thanos temple full of the terrifying atmosphere of the gloomy!

“Don’t be afraid, I’m here.”

Suddenly, Qi Yu turned his head slightly and said to Abomination, Magneto and Diana around him.

The tone when speaking is so indifferent, as if all this is under his control.

Don’t be afraid, I’m here!

This short sentence made Diana and her 2 servants suddenly feel relieved.

The fear that spread from deep in one’s heart has gradually disappeared.

Abomination and Magneto can’t help but laugh at themselves.

Yeah, with this godlike master, what else do we need to fear?

Thanos is strong, and even stronger than it has been for hundreds of years, and it has been invincible for hundreds of years.


Our master is stronger!

Rao grew up listening to the horror legend of Thanos, and the female star Diana, who was still shiver coldly, has quickly returned to her normal appearance. A pair of beautiful eyes is filled with the determination of the strength of Skull Death God!

This is God’s incarnation, even if it is the Milky Way Peak top powerhouse Thanos, it is defeated!

At this time.

In the vigilant eyes of everyone in the temple, Qi Yu took the first step and stepped on the ground in the temple.

Diana, Abomination, Magneto, 3 people disperse the fear of Thanos in their hearts, pluck up the courage, follow closely from behind, step into the ground of the temple!

da da da

The footsteps of the four people on the ground are particularly prominent in this quiet and terrifying temple.

“Hello, Thanos!”

Although Qi Yu wore a black skull mask, everyone seemed to be aware of the calm and confident smile on the real face covered under the mask when saying this.

No shaking!

No bowing!

No kneeling!

Some are just, no humble gestures!

As if, this Thanos Holy Lord of Supreme, the supreme ruler of the dark Titan forces, is not taken seriously!

What they do not know is that, in fact, Qi Yu has this confidence.

Even Thanos, the number one in the Galaxy list, doesn’t need to be too eye-catching!

A year ago, he and Thanos played once at Asgard Divine Realm. At that time, it was indeed evenly matched. Finally, both sides suffered and was tied.

But half a year ago, after the Qi Yu full strength explosion exploded the body of Tenjin Igo planet, and gathered 10010000 points of evil life energy evolution to Great Sage, the gap with Thanos has actually been completely opened.

Compared with the Overlord level Qi Yu, the Great Sage-level Qi Yu has a substantial improvement.

But Thanos is still stuck at the Overlord level.

To be honest, today, even if 100 Thanos go together, they are not opponents of Qi Yu Great Sage!

“Hello, Death God!”

Thanos put his hands on the armrests of the two sides of the throne, and the sound was extremely powerful, full of the masculinity of the dark Titan!

But he was not eager to stand up, still sitting on the floating throne symbolizing absolute dark hegemony.

The corners of the mouth are full of vertical stripes, raising a radiant arc.

In a pair of eyes, there is a thick fighting intent.

He vaguely felt that the opponent will be his strongest opponent in the past 100 years, except for the Terminator from Earth!


I don’t know!

In fact, Terminator is the skull Death God, and Skull Death God is the Terminator!

Qi Yu’s title on Earth is called Terminator, and when he stepped into this civilized galaxy, he used the new title-Skull Death God!

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