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After solving the trouble of the siege of Sovereign’s unmanned fleet, Qi Yu entire group rushed to the direction of the 5D cinema.

Fortunately, there was no time for it. When we got the ticket and arrived at the theater screening room, we just caught up with the opening of the film.

The word-of-mouth evaluation of the authoritative media film critics of Galaxy is not false. After watching the movie, everyone also unanimously applauded, feeling that this movie was well-made, and it also has a certain educational significance of peace. It is thought-provoking and persuades people not to be Galaxy pirates. Harm the starry sky, or sooner or later will be destroyed by the hero.

That night, the four-man squad didn’t have any trouble, and passed the night unharmed.

The next day, Diana suddenly received a call from her mother saying something was wrong at home, so she reluctantly bid farewell to Qi Yu’s three servants and prepared to return to the mother star Dou Xing.

Although Diana was responsible for the value of their four-member team, there was something wrong in the family. Qi Yu was not easy to retain her, and of course it was not easy to get involved in her family affairs, so let her go.

Qi Yu had originally planned to use the universe magic cube to open a wormhole to help transport her, but she insisted on taking oneself on the courageous spaceship, saying she wanted to enjoy the scenery along the way. Seeing her think this way, Qi Yu understood it, so let her go.

Then the three masters and servants continued to fly themselves, and played crazy on this Conte Aksha for another day. I have to say that the planet fish and dragons are mixed in together to a great extent. In a day, they encountered several provocations by ruthless passers-by, but they provoke the wrong people, and they were all killed by Emil and Magneto’s direct take action, and even kneeled There is no chance to beg for mercy.


In a bar in the bustling capital.

Qi Yu, Emil, Magneto, the master and servant are sitting on the sofa stool and drinking.

“In the past two days, I have played almost.”

Qi Yu took a sip of a hot alien cocktail, looked towards Emil and Magneto and said, “How about you two?”

The two servants glanced at each other and immediately nodded and replied: “It’s the same as your master.” True, as to whether it’s really enough, it’s unknown.

“We left Earth this time, the main purpose is to find Thanos and kill him, lest Earth be attacked by him again. Now that the goal has been completed, we can consider returning to Earth.”

At this point, he gently shook his head and sighed, “I don’t know if anything happened on Earth during the time we left the parent star.”

“As Master, the Savior recognized by Earth, although you are not on Earth, but there is your prestige asylum on Earth. Presumably, even if it is no longer a villain, it will also conquer his mind for doing bad things.”

Magneto said.

“Good! The master left Earth for a month, and those hidden villains certainly wouldn’t dare to take the lead easily.”

Emil looked up and took a sip of spirits, a happy “Ah” moaned, and then said, “Unless you have no news for a long time, you will not appear in the public eye for 3 years and 5 years. It is estimated that the group of super criminals, Only dare to gradually emerge from the shadows.”


Qi Yu shrugged. I thought Emil’s effort to shoot flattery also has a certain degree of enthusiasm. Just now, this sentence has already reached the realm of moisturizing people.

After taking a sip of wine, Qi Yu was lost in thought.

Although his strength level has reached Great Sage, which belongs to the Peak top powerhouse in 1000 to 10000 galaxies, he has no grasp of the power of foresight, and it is not clear whether there has been any major event on Earth recently.

Since he crossed over into the Marvel movie universe, as a huge butterfly that can affect the world, he also understands that the timeline of the Marvel movie universe must have been more or less affected.

Almost all the characters should be there, but the plot tends to and so on, which may change because of his existence.

Therefore, now he can only roughly deduce the future development of this universe, and he will not dare to pat his chest to ensure how high the accuracy is.

Anyway, in the development context of the original Marvel film universe, such as Spider-Man, Crimson Witch, Winter Soldier, Black Panther, Dr Strange, Star Lord, Tree Groot, and many other Marvel Daredevil in the original plot, including SHIELD Cyclops Thanos’ fingers snapped to gray. But in this universe time and space, because of Qi Yu’s cross-cutting foot, Thanos was slapped to death by his slap, so that the sadistic stories of the heroes turned into gray, but no longer exist.

“Before returning to Earth, I want to see my old friend, the Guardians of the Galaxy.”

Qi Yu tapped his finger on the desktop, indifferently said.

Immediately, take out the mobile communicator, find the communication band contact information of the Guardians of the Galaxy Star Lord Captain, and dial it.

After the phone was connected, Qi Yu corner of the mouth raise said, “Hey! Is it Lord Ye?”

“Oh, Shit!”

At the end of the phone call, the voice of Qi Yu was heard, Star Lord instantly widened his eyes, almost scared that even the communicator had dropped, and trembled, “Qi, is…is…is you?”

“It’s me! Why, listening to your tone, you seem to be shaking?”


Teasing the Star Lord to cover the communication microphone hole, a long take a deep breath, calming the inner excitement and… Then the fear he himself admits!

In the eyes of Star Lord, Qi Yu was just a horrible powerhouse. For his Guardians of the Galaxy Captain, he still can maintain a certain calm response.

But he has heard about the recent Legendary deeds of Death God.

So now that I think that this is a Great Demon Thanos that can even kill the No. 1 Galaxy List, and even wipe out the super metamorphosis of the dark Titan Star Domain 1 billion creatures overnight, Star Lord is unable to bear and feel a while one’s hair Stand on end, the small heart accelerates peng peng straight.

As if I was afraid that the next time I met, the other party wouldn’t be able to grasp his strength for a while, so I would shoot him directly into a scum.

“Don’t be nervous, Sir! I won’t eat you again!” Qi Yu cracking a joke said.

Being cracking a joke by the other party, Star Lord’s emotions gradually eased a lot, embarrassed said with a smile: “Sorry Ha, Qi. Just because I heard that you killed 1 billion soldiers overnight, TM gave me that night I’m scared of insomnia, so I’m a little nervous now talking to you.”

“Sorry!” Qi Yu slightly smiled on the phone, said, “What are you busy with recently?”

“Oh! Lord, I’m busy playing monsters on the outer planet recently!”

Star Lord reverted to a funny attribute and continued to explain, “There is a dead civilization planet that learns what biological weapons experiments people have done. As a result, a semifinished product experiment body was created, which was not under their control and killed the experiment. Many biochemists and staff in the room, guards, and escaped.”

Speaking of which, Star Lord is chuckled cheaply. Obviously, the reward offered by the gold master is not low: “And our heroic Guardians of the Galaxy, this Quest is here to help kill this out-of-control experiment.”

“Which planet are you in?” Qi Yu asked.

“In Bruno Star.” Star Lord replied and said curiously, “Qi, do you want to come too?”

“Well.” Qi Yu nodded. “I’m going back to Earth. Before leaving, I plan to visit some of your old friends.”

“Oh. Welcome, welcome!”

“Okay! That’s it first, I’ll be there in a moment!”

After that, hang up the communicator.

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