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“Come on! Cool old man playing iron!” Little raccoon hehe smirked, as if he had predicted the end of the Sovereign Warship.

Magneto took a few steps forward, slowly raised his head, and looked towards the mid-meter 100-meter golden Sovereign Warship.

He stretched out his arms and locked the Warship body.

Then the corner of the mouth was raised, and the arm was pulled down violently!


It is a bit of a surprise that the gold Sovereign Warship in midair did not react at all, and it seemed that it was not affected by the power of metal manipulation!

Seeing this, Magneto, who originally smiled confidently and smiled lightly, frowned.

The smiles on the faces of the other people waiting for a good show were also slightly frozen.

They obviously did not expect that Magneto will miss this time!

“Hahaha, that Transcender old man, you are not curious, why does own superpower not work?”

On the Golden Sovereign Warship, there was a burst of laughter, and then elaborated, “We will not fall twice in the same place! Since we learned that you have the power of metal manipulation, all of our Sovereign Empire Scientist Peak has developed an anti-magnetic device overnight and built it inside the defense system of this spacecraft, just to restrain your superpower! So now, your superpower will not work for our Warship at all. !”

After listening to the explanation of the enemy commander, Magneto grudged the gnashing teeth, but he had to compromise to admit the plant. Obviously, this time the enemy was prepared.

Secretly sighed, he frowned and turned his head towards towards Qi Yu. His eyes seemed to convey the apology that “Master I let you down”.

Qi Yu gently pats his shoulders, with a light smile on his face, and instead looks towards in midair, the golden Sovereign Warship, calmly opening, “Oh, is it?”

He stretched the take action slowly, and a force of thought was released, forming an indestructible thread of thought that instantly wrapped the Warship.

On the screen of the spacecraft cockpit, a red exclamation mark was displayed, which means that a huge threat energy was detected!

“what happened?”

The commander cast his eyes on the screen and quickly asked an adjutant in his side anxiously.

The technical lieutenant wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, facial expression grave, and replied: “Go back to your commander, our spaceship seems to be suppressed by a strange force field, and an unknown force from all directions is squeezing towards the center. !”

“Damn it!” The commander thumped the console angrily.

At the same time, the corner of Qi Yu’s mouth outlined a radian.


When the words fell, he squeezed his fist, and that thought squeezed the force field, instantly increasing tenfold!

Rao is 100 meters of gold Sovereign Warship’s shell is forged from high-strength metal, but it can’t bear the terrifying oppression force, “ka ka ka” rapid distortion.

Hong long long !

Until the end, with a deafening loud noise, the entire Golden Sovereign Warship exploded!


The commanders, adjutants, technical soldiers, soldiers, etc. in the spaceship, a group of normally aloof and remote, all incomparable Sovereign crew members, in the tumbling flames of the smoke, widened their eyes before they died, His face was frightened, and his unwilling anger roared!

Only, no medicine for regret in the world.

They used their lives to pay a painful price for their own pride and stupidity!


After the gold Sovereign Warship exploded, a large amount of hull fragments, accompanied by rolling smoke, fell down to Hua Hua.

That area, for a time, was covered with scattered spacecraft debris and 100 scorched dead bodies.

The original dense tree was also burning.

“Wow! Qi, you are amazing!”

Seeing that the enemy army had been wiped out, the Star Lord subconsciously lifted the red-eyed helmet, exaggerated, and gave Qi Yu a thumbs-up that expressed admiration.

The Rocket Raccoon on the side blew, but of course it wasn’t Qi Yu, but the Star Lord who had to squabble eight times a day. He glanced at the Star Lord, leisurely said, “Quell, people’s Another identity is the dignified Skull Death God, the top powerhouse of Ranked 8st on the Galaxy list. It belongs to the invincible existence in this starry sky, but defeated a Warship. As for being so excited, are you a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy anyway, Don’t make it as if you have never seen the world!”

“3-horned monkey, don’t give face to have no shame!”

“You idiot! Try again, believing or not I broke you down?”

Star Lord and Rocket Raccoon, as always, quarreled with each other.

A few teammates next to him, especially Gamora, saw the two enemies saying something different and intertwined. She couldn’t help but roll her eyes to cover her temples. She had a headache!

The kind mantis came forward timidly and cowardly, preparing to persuade two people, and just as she was about to speak, the two antennae on her forehead suddenly lit like a candle lit.

Mantis female brows frowned.

She turned around and looked into the wreckage of Warship according to the feeling of her spiritual tentacles.

She stretched her take action and pointed to the wreckage of Warship accompanied by thick smoke and fire, and the tone of her voice trembled a little: “Look at everyone! Then… what is that?”

Hearing this, the crowd started and immediately turned around. Star Lord and Rocket Raccoon also stopped squabbling, and looked towards the other side.

Suddenly found that there was a surviving fuzzy silhouette standing in the center of the wreckage, and the clothes were stained with fire, but the man did not have any painful howling or screaming. Instead, he was calm and calm, as if the high temperature flame could not produce any of it. damage!

“Gosh, that guy was burned by flames, but didn’t he feel anything?”

“Oh, my God! This freak is definitely a powerful Transcender!”

“It seems that the arrogant woman of High Priest Ayesha seems to have sent a tricky opponent this time!”

The members of Guardians of the Galaxy sighed one after another.

At the same time they were moved, the man took a step and fell from the wreckage area of ​​Warship, which was full of smoke and fire, and walked slowly to everyone.

As he walked through the wreckage area covered by smoke and fire, his blurry silhouette became clear.

In the eyes of everyone is a tall man over 6 feet tall.

He has a burly figure, a bronze skin, and muscles all over his body.

The outlines of the five officials are carved like sharp edges and three-dimensional power, just like the Great General sculpture in ancient Greece. A pair of deep eyes reveals a cold killing intent. Between walking, there is a breath of king who seems to be watching everything.

Awesome is the magician Adam, the Sovereign empire gathered the intelligence and resources of the entire planet, and developed it for hundreds of years to finally create the ultimate biological weapon that wiped out the hostile forces planet 100 warriors overnight!

The big horror of Galaxy List No. 3!

One, half Overlord level lifeform!

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