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Wakanda, under the cliff waterfall.

In the throne challenge, Eric unfortunately fell into the abyss, not at all died.

He relied on the tenacious life force and will to drift along the water, and finally wounded ashore.

However, the injury was not serious and had little effect on him.

After a little rest for an afternoon, his injury was basically recovered completely, and then in the vicinity to find some wild fruit to hunger, and soon his physical strength was completely restored.

“I will definitely take revenge!”

Eric stared angrily at the turbulent water in front of him, his palm slammed hard, and the hard fruit in his palm “popped” with a bang.

With the vengeance fireworks burning in his eyes, a radian arc gradually rose in the corner of his mouth.

In my heart, there is already a plan of revenge!

That night, he put on a night clothes and crawled quietly from the rugged rocks to the mountainside of the royal palace.

There is a forbidden place on the mountainside of the mountainside guarded by the heavy soldiers of the palace!

On the forbidden ground is a small vegetable garden.

Admittedly, it is not a small vegetable garden. The blossoming purple flowers are all heart-shaped grasses of inestimable value.

Heart-shaped grass is a plant unique to Wakanda.

It is a plant endowed with Divine force by Wakanda National Totem Spiritual God and Leopard Goddess Bast.

As long as you take it, you can lead to Soul World. After waking up, you will get the inheritance of the power of Black Panther, whether it is strength, speed, 5 senses, or flesh strength, endurance, immunity, etc. In short, each body In terms of quality, there will be a great degree of improvement, which can be called a qualitative transformation!

As a member of the Wakanda family, especially the old Wakanda Prince, who also got along with him day and night, Eric naturally heard the legend about this heart-shaped grass from his father.

When his father died, he learned from Nichob’s old notebooks at home that he had almost all the secrets about the country of Wakanda, such as the specific location of the heart-shaped grass cultivation, which is recorded above.

Following the route of the memory map in his mind, Eric quickly found the forbidden place.

By virtue of the latent ability of the king level of mercenary, which has been trained through simulation training and actual combat for many years, he sneaked into the forbidden land without knowing it.

Like a dormant scorpion, his eyes stared at the guard in the forbidden place, motionless waiting for the opportunity to move.

Finally, he quickly rushed to the edge of the vegetable garden, reached out to pick a heart-shaped grass, and then quickly walked away.

When he returned to the withering cave in the middle of nowhere, according to the ceremony recorded in his father’s notebook, he first smashed the heart-shaped grass into a juice, drank it, and then jumped into oneself’s prepared bunker, making oneself big Buried in half.

In the soul realm, after having exchanged tears with his dead father, he suddenly awakened from the bunker.

Eric was breathing heavily, and the meridians and veins on his body were terrifying abruptly. After the breath gradually stabilized, he took a long breath.

The whole person’s spirit is very trembling.

He felt that oneself was full of strength all over his body, as if he punched seriously, even if a rhino came over, he could kill it!

“T’Challa, also the Superpower User who secretly laid hands, you two, is dead!”

Eric gnashing teeth said, eyes full of vengeance.

The words fell, he punch towards, and the erected rock standing in front of him was directly blocked by the waist.

After obtaining the inheritance of the power of Black Panther, his latent ability can be said to be more terrifying. If he said that he belonged to the latent ability of the King level of mercenary, then the current him is the Mutants who have the invisible ability. Compared with Superpower User, it is not too much!

Immediately afterwards, he lurked Wakanda Research Base again and stole a set of yellow panther armor from inside. The performance of the yellow panther armor and the Black Panther armor is basically the same, mainly because of the difference in color, one is black and the other is yellow.

However, at this time, during the slipping process, Eric accidentally touched on the latest anti-submarine device. The alarm of the scientific research base sounded, after all, it was a high-tech base, and the defense system was not so scum.

It’s just that even if the alarm goes off, it’s actually useless.

When Eric put on the indestructible yellow leopard armor, the battle strength rose to another step.

The Wakanda guards who came to hear the sound, 3 times, 5 and 2 were taken over by Eric, who controlled the mercenary king’s fighting ability, Black Panther’s power, and Vibranium armor.

“A group of trash!”

Eric accelerated and ran quickly, directly breaking through the high-altitude glass of the scientific research base, and jumped down from the top.

With the body of Black Panther and Vibranium armor body protection, even if he flew down from such a high place, he was fine.

Patting the dust and gravel on the buttocks, after 2 places in the heart-shaped grass forbidden area of ​​the palace, Wakanda Research Base, he rushed to the third place again, the residence of the leader of the border tribe!

“I want to see your tribal leader, Wakabi!” standing in front of the tribe’s gate, Eric shouted loudly.

“Who you are? Not everyone in our tribe can see you!”

4 black light head guards wearing traditional tribes of border tribes guarded immediately, holding lance and stopped, collectively showing a vigilant look.

Seeing these little watchdogs, he dared to point his finger at oneself, and after gaining the power of Black Panther and the yellow panther armor, Eric’s mentality expanded a lot, and he directly flew the disrespectful man.

The other three guards have great courage and are not afraid. The angry one is coming to catch this guy who beat their companions.


At this moment, a loud voice like Hong Zhong came from behind three people.

Everyone looked sideways and found that Wakabi was coming.


The three guards withdrew the lance and immediately made respectful paid respect.

Only that Eric, still standing in the same place, holding his head high, seems to be more noble than Wakabi’s identity. But to be honest, as the eldest son of Wakanda Prince’s son, Eric’s identity is indeed not lower than Wakabi.

“my king.”

When he saw Wakabi, he covered his chest with one hand and bowed his head slightly, calling Eric “king”.

Obviously, in the minds of the reactionaries such as Wakabi, only Prince like Eric, who is decisive and decisive, has broad vision, and has lofty ideals, is worthy of his willingness to be called a king!

“Black people raised the banner of revolution and never had enough advanced weapons and resources to fight the oppressors.”

“And this dark history will start tomorrow and stop here!”

“I have spies in every country in the world, and they are all ready. I know how the colonists think, so we will deal with them according to their strategy!”

“I want to send Wakanda’s Vibranium weapons to our spies and let them be distributed to the oppressed people all over the world so that they can resist, so as to kill those in power who oppress and exploit them!”

“The global situation is going to be turbulent. At this time, we blacks will have the upper hand!”

“Wakanda will be under my leadership and become the sunless empire of this World!”

Eric swears methodically and seriously. Although he didn’t say it straight, unspoken implication is self-evident, he is sending an invitation to Wakabi to join hands!

Wakabi, as the leader of the border tribes, also serves as the defense commander of the Wakanda country, and has the military power of Wakanda.

With the help of such a colleague, his hegemony will definitely be like a tiger that has grown wings!

“The world is changing, the world is getting smaller and smaller. The world outside is gradually catching up with our Wakanda, and soon the situation will become, if we don’t become conquerors, we will become conquered.”

Speaking of which, Wakabine’s black face flashed a stern smile, “And I would rather be the former!”

2 people slap, clasped tightly together.

This scene means that the descendants of the escaping Prince, and the most courageous and warring border tribes of Wakanda, have formed an alliance to overthrow the existing Wakanda regime!

“I want to lead all African compatriots who have been oppressed for years and conquer the whole world!”

Eric said righteously, in his eyes that looked directly at each other, he was full of vows to die and to complete this supreme ideal of firmness!

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