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Considering the time difference, when Wakan in eastern Africa is in the morning, it is actually early in the morning in United States New York.

So after leaving Wakanda, Qi Yu not at all went home directly.

After flying himself on the African continent for a few hours and relaxing his emotions and realizing the beauty of nature, Qi Yu teleported back to his manor in United States New York through the wormhole vortex made by the magic cube of the universe.

In the two days when Qi Yu was away, the manor still looked the same as before, and it was organized by steward and servants.

When he came outside the big iron gate, two guards immediately bowed their heads respectfully: “Welcome the master to return.”

“Open the door.”

Qi Yu raised his hand and the two immediately opened the big iron gate and sent him in.

On the manor’s goose stone road, the Danish maids who met along the way all politely greeted the manor.

“Is Erick old man at home?”

Qi Yu caught a sweet-looking maid and asked her.

“Back to the host, Mr. Lansell is playing chess with Bronsky in the backyard.” The maid’s sweet voice was replied.

“Well, I am understood.”

Qi Yu nodded, and then came to the backyard.

Sure enough, Magneto and Emil, these two early in the morning, played chess in the backyard, not to mention how laid-back and comfortable, it seemed like two retired boss Boss.

Seeing that the master is back, the two immediately stopped playing chess, stood up together and bowed to Qi Yu to salute: “Master, you are back.”


Qi Yu nodded his mouth and said, “During the two days when I was away, what happened to the manor?”

“No, everything is normal.”

“That’s good.”

Qi Yu each minding their own business sat down, sat on the stone bench, looked at the crystal pieces on the chessboard, and pondered with interest how to play the chess, suddenly frowned and asked, “Yes, Erick, You should be over 70 this year?”

“Yes, master, if you say ominous, I am afraid the old slave will not live for a few years.”

Magneto shook his head mockingly and sighed, “Especially recently, whenever I use superpower to control a relatively large metal object, my head will hurt afterwards. After all, it is not as good as a young adult.”


Qi Yu laughed, and immediately looked up, “Then I have good news to tell you.”

“What good news?” Magneto smirked.

Qi Yu’s pretending to be mysterious did not answer directly, but snapped his fingers and took a delicate box from the storage space of the strongest system.

It was the box with ten heart-shaped grasses that he got from the back of Old Sovereign. The box body was forged by Vibranium elements, which was light and indestructible. It was also equipped with a high-tech code lock.

“this is?”

The two servants glanced at each other.

Obviously, Rao is one of the two top international agents who once belonged to experienced, and one belongs to the well-known Mutants big boss. They don’t know what is in this box.

In the curiosity and expectation of 2 princes, Qi Yu entered the correct password and opened the Vibranium box.

Immediately, a faint purple rays of light almost blinded 2 servants’ eyes.

“Baby! Absolutely baby!” Emil’s face was longing.

“This plant, unheard-of what I have seen, certainly seems to be a valuable good.” Magneto touch the chin, judged.

“Very expensive?”

Qi Yu rolled the eyes, “The value of this thing is simply inestimable, okay! Just take one and you can achieve a Daredevil character.”

Hearing this, Emil and Magneto shuddered, looking towards the eyes of the ten comfreys in the box, full of surprise.

Qi Yu cautiously, take out a heart-shaped grass from it, then close the box and store it in the storage space.

He held the heart-shaped grass with purple glow in his hand and gave an introduction: “This is called heart-shaped grass, and it is a unique plant from Wakanda.”


Magneto froze, turning his eyes and said, “I have heard of this country, which is said to be a mysterious country in the eastern part of the African continent. It recently joined the United Nations and began to be gradually revealed in the public eye. It is even rumored that it is a permanent member of the UN Security Council. The governing countries seem to have won a seat. But in my impression, it is just a backward agricultural country.”

“A backward agricultural country? The overwhelming majority of people in this world, I am afraid they will all glance at you, and the impression of Wakanda is completely wrong.”

Qi Yu shrugged, then said, “Wakanda, due to the lack of clansman, although the overall strength may not be comparable to the US emperor, but the technological level of the entire country, absolutely belongs to the Peak level of our Earth. It is just their family, until now It’s all hidden too deep.”


Emil and Magneto, the chicken nodded like a peck, listening to the master’s education.

Qi Yu looked towards the heart-shaped grass in his hand, and then said, “And this heart-shaped grass belongs to a kind of sacred relic in the Wakanda kingdom.”

“It was given the divine force by Totem Spiritual God of Wakanda and the Goddess Bast of 10000 faiths. Once taken, it can open the way to Soul World. When you wake up, you will get the power of Black Panther Inheritance, whether it is strength, speed, five senses, or flesh strength, endurance, immunity, etc., all aspects of the physical fitness of the user will form a great degree of improvement, which can be called qualitative transformation!”

“Captain America Steve • Rogers, you know?”

“We know this.” 2 The servant was nodded.

“Steve Rogers during the Second World War, because of the injection of Super Soldier Serum, has evolved into a super soldier, coupled with his own efforts and heroic achievements, has become a Renowned Captain America. And the role of this heart-shaped grass , Basically the same as Super Soldier Serum!”


Hearing this commentary, 2 the servant couldn’t help but sigh in relief.

didn’t expect this heart-shaped grass, so powerful!

And the owner has ten heart-shaped grasses in his hand, does that mean that the owner can create ten perfect humans like Captain America! ?

“Well, Erick, this is for you.”

With that said, Qi Yu handed the purple heart-shaped grass to Magneto.

“For … for me?”

Magneto pointed to oneself, froze in place, for a while, he was a little confused, wondering if oneself had heard it wrong.

“Do you want it? Don’t count.”

Seeing the other party’s delay in taking it away, Qi Yu exasperated, pretending to take back the heart-shaped grass.

After Magneto responded, he quickly extended his hands and took them off from Qi Yu. Cautiously held them in the palms of both hands and bowed excitedly: “Many Thanks Master gift!”


Qi Yu smiled, nodded. “As long as you follow me and mix well, the benefits will be great in the future.”

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