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This magic array is urged to continue to run for one minute. Rao is the magic power of Dr. Destruction no matter how strong, the consumption is huge, and I feel a little tired now.

He took a long breath and said right away: “The magic array ceremony is over. The power of Pym particle has been accompanied by those magic photons and merged into your within the body.”

“Thank you, Victor!”

Emil heartbeat from the disappeared magic array, the excitement of his face could not be covered.

Encouraged by the magic energy of just one minute just now, his whole body was also burnt a lot now, and he looked devastated, ragged, and a little azure scorched.

On his left chest, which is the heart, a green shimmering mark was clearly visible.

“what is this?”

Qi Yu pointed to Emil’s left chest and asked Dr. Destruction.

The host didn’t say that Emil hadn’t found it yet. He looked down at the green mark on his chest and looked at Dr. Destruction curiously, asking for an explanation.

“That’s the magic Talisman imprint of Pym particle.”

Dr. Destruction stepped forward and ripped Emil’s tattered top directly, and touched the green mark on his chest, saying, “Next, I’ll teach you three stages of incantation, one of which is used to activate’body shrinkage ‘Magic incantation, a section is used to activate the’increased body’ magic incantation, also a section is the’restoration of normal body’.

“As you taught me, is that kind of incantation of summon Abomination personality?” Emil said curiously.

“Well, the nature is the same.”

Dr. Destruction nodded, “The magic Talisman imprint of the Pym particle has been incorporated into your heart. When you recite the corresponding incantation, the body will shrink or grow accordingly.”

paused, he continued: “Okay, let’s start now! Listen!”

Dr. Destruction read the 3 paragraphs of completely different effects incantation slowly, word by word, and then read it again at the normal rate.

No matter how you say it is also a perfect human physique, Emil’s memory and learning ability is still very strong, after the other party 2 times before and after, Emil has already memorized it.

“Remembered?” Qi Yu asked.

“Remember.” Emil replied.

“Okay, let’s try and show us.” Qi Yu reached out and asked.

“Follow, master!”

Emil smiled excitedly, to be honest, he also impatient wanted to see for himself, the new ability of oneself is getting bigger and smaller enough!

At this time, Dr. Destruction reminded aside: “Try to make me smaller first, don’t try to make 10000000 bigger here.”

After he finished, he pointed to the ceiling above. The meaning is self-evident. This laboratory is so big, the height does not exceed ten meters. If you play huge here, I am afraid that the ceiling of his Dr. Destruction experiment base will be all To the top, the old man will lose money to him.

“Oh, understand!”

Emil thumped his chest, and then closed his eyes slightly according to the way taught by Dr. Destruction, so that the spiritual consciousness resonated with the Magic Talisman script imprint, and at the same time he read an obscure ancient incantation.

Immediately afterwards, the other two people saw that Emil’s body seemed to have many overlapping illusory shadows, and his body became smaller and smaller.

Until the end, it condensed into a little person who looked as big as an ant.

“Haha, great!”

Underground, Emil looked at oneself’s smaller body, excited.

In his vision, all objects around him, whether it’s the floor, the test bench, or the instrument, the owner, and Victor’s brother, have correspondingly grown to 1000 to 10000 times at the moment. In contrast, oneself is only as small as an ant.

Of course, he also understands that such a small body does not mean low or weak and so on derogatory, but it means that he has many unique and unmatched advantages. For example, lurking, jailbreaking, escaping, stealing, assassinating, etc., since then, have occupied a favorable situation in many aspects.

Even in battle, he encounters an evenly matched strong enemy of the same rank, but because he still has a special ability that can become a small Antman, the winning rate of subduing the opponent will also be greatly improved!

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

Emil whispered to restore the incantation and returned to the normal Russian man’s figure.

“how does it feel?”

Dr. Destruction asked, his face was also a bit excited. After all, the magically modified Pym particle was developed by him personally. “Are you aware of any uncomfortable side effects?”

“Very wonderful!”

Emil gave Dr. Destruction a thumbs up in praise, and then said, “As for the side effects, I didn’t find it, and my body feels normal.”

“That’s good.” Dr. Destruction’s mouth raised and he was very satisfied with the masterpiece.

Emil clenched his fists, looking excited and expectant. “Next, I want to try the tremendous ability.”

“It’s possible to try, but…”

Dr. Destruction pointed to Emil, who was opposite him with a happy face, and solemnly warned, “This is absolutely not the case with this king!”

He didn’t want this world-class experimental base that the Kingdom of Latovina spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to be rammed by Emil’s huge body, causing irreparable damage.

“This is easy!”

Qi Yu snapped his fingers and used the universe magic cube to create a wormhole vortex.

Three people stepped in, and in a blink of an eye, they came to the northern part of the Eastern European continent, located on a cold climate island at high latitude Sea Territory.

Cold wind whistling, into the eyes, World of Ice and Snow, Liao Wuren.

“This is not a civilian settlement, and there are no buildings that will be destroyed. You can rest assured to make it huge.”

Qi Yu indifferently said, and immediately thought of something, saying, “Oh, you can transform into Abomination first, and then make it bigger. I want to see what level you will reach after your Abomination becomes huge.”

“Abomination has a huge personality?”

Emil froze for a moment, then looked at him with joy, nodded and said, “Understood!”

After he finished speaking, he took his steps and quickly walked to the area outside the dozens of meters. He couldn’t help but wonder how powerful oneself was, whether it was on top of the Erick old man after strengthening.

So, he first transformed into a 3-meter-high earth-yellow Abomination, and then according to Dr. Destruction’s enlarged enlargement, that strong and rough voice, began to concentrate completely completely meditation.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Yu and Dr. Destruction could see with naked eyes that Abomination’s body was expanding rapidly.

Abomination covered his head, and he had a headache for a while!

Its already explosive muscles are becoming more and more swollen…

The body is getting stronger and stronger, more and more burly…

The size is getting bigger!

Ten meters ……

20 meters ……

30 metres ……

4 ten meters ……

50 meters ……

6 ten meters ……

seventy meters…

8 ten meters ……

9 ten meters ……

100 metres! ! !

Abomination’s body has been soaring to a height of about 100 meters before finally stopping.

It looks like a huge Ancient Devil!

By this time, the headache he had experienced in the process of becoming bigger had dissipated a lot.

“roar! !!”

Huge Abomination looked up and roared angrily in the sky, bowed the waist plate, raised high fists hit fiercely on the ground and hit homeopathically!

Hong long long !

The island under the feet was directly smashed and shaken violently.

A series of cracks in the ground spread rapidly along his soles to all around!

The entire ice island with a diameter of about ten kilometers wide will soon split up and in pieces, completely broken up in large areas, and began to sink into the seabed.


Seeing this scene, Dr. Destruction on the side was shocked.

Obviously, I did not expect that after the opponent became a huge Abomination, only one punch produced such terrifying destructive power!

It can be said to destroy the city!

At the same time, he was very excited, after all, this powerful monster in front of him was created by his own help.

“I remember that even Antman’s battle suit had a gigantic upper limit of more than 20 meters. It seems that Victor, the guy, has enhanced the Pym particle sea to a higher level.”

Qi Yu turned his head gently and glanced at Side Dr. Destruction, looking towards his eyes, revealing a hint of admiration for talent.

“I don’t know, what kind of new height has this huge Abomination reached?”

Thinking this way in his heart, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and with the assistance of the strongest system evaluation criteria, glanced at it.

Quickly evaluate and explore.

The result was shocked to find that the strength level of this huge Abomination across from the 3rd Abomination form Terrifying grade, soared to a very terrifying level!

Impressively-half Overlord level!

A quasi-overlord level lifeform between Terrifying grade and Overlord level, a breakthrough Terrifying grade Peak, lower than the true Overlord level!

“In the future, just call you—”

Qi Yu raised his head and looked at the huge 100 meters Abomination, with a shallow arc of satisfaction rising from the corner of his mouth, indifferently said, “Hate it!”

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