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“That’s all that’s all, since you regard me as a true friend, then I also assure you, this is the last time today! From now on, I no longer think about how to drain you!”

Qi Yu stood up, and ashamedly patted the chest of a pitiful senior palladium poisoning patient, Tony.

Seeing Qi Yu show such a determined attitude, Tony laughed happily and crooked his neck, “So, please show your secret weapon!”

Qi Yu nodded, then walked to the wall in Tony’s curious and expectant eyes, as if about to uncover a big mystery, pause for a few seconds, and then lift the cloth covering the “secret weapon” curtain.

“Dang ~ dang ~ dang ~ dang ~!”

Qi Yu unveiled its true face.

It is the idle item in the office of the president of Stark Building.

This blueprint model of the future city has been idle in Tony’s office for many years, and it is almost useless. However, it is one of the relics left after his father’s death, so Tony has always let it be there, not taking it as Dispose of garbage. Anyway, the area of ​​the office exceeds 100 square meters, and it is not a problem to rely on such a model board.

It goes without saying that Tony recognized it, and it was the model of the Stark Industry Fair in 1974, a blueprint for the future city designed by his father Howard Stark.

“Are you teasing me?” Tony stood up, leaning on the armrest on the side of the wooden chair 2 and walked towards Qi Yu in a fog.

“You’re not mistaken, it really belongs to the property of the president’s office of your building.” Qi Yu shrugged unintentionally, and then cleverly shifted the topic cleverly, “However! It’s not the blueprint model of the future city that is worth a few hundred dollars in your eyes. It is not a relic of a loved one who has no other value than the value of “reminiscence”!”

Speaking of which, Qi Yu pointed to the side wall of this future urban blueprint model board, and Tony was asked to look at a wooden token on the side wall that was about the size of a playing card.

On this wooden token the size of a wooden token, there is a string of not so striking English capital letters:


This means that the key to the future is here.

Seeing Tony’s brow furrowed, an expression that seems incomprehensible, Qi Yu went on to explain: “You go back to your home’s underground laboratory, first scan this 4 square meter blueprint of the future city to build an operational projection Digital model of the picture. Then, all the bushes, trees, landscapes, parking lots, etc. are eliminated. Finally, with the most central as the nucleus and other surrounding buildings as the structure, protons and neutrons are formed. You can create a brand new element.”

Tony deserves to be the scientist of the cream of the crop on the world, a genius amongst geniuses. After listening to Qi Yu’s explanation, the expression of the whole person has changed.

It seems that when a big dream wakes up, I suddenly realize it, and suddenly, suddenly enlightened!

“I understand! I understand! I understand!”

Tony repeated this sentence with great excitement, and then, as if injecting Super Soldier Serum, he actually carried this heavy blueprint model board of the future city directly by brute force.

The potential contained in a person within the body is so easily stimulated by the stimulation of the desire to survive.

Tony hurried out of the manor, came to the road and stopped a van, stuffed the model board into the van, and quickly returned to the sea-view villa.

Following the method guided by Qi Yu, Tony quickly created a model of a new element in a simulation experiment.

And that night, using a variety of high-end equipment stored in the laboratory warehouse, a new reactor was created in a practical sense, which was formed by the polymerization of a large number of new atoms!

Tony replaced this reactor formed by the new element with the reactor formed by Palladium and placed it in his own chest.

At this historic moment, Tony’s chest and neck, those poisoned meridian blood vessels highlighted in a deep black state, gradually faded away.

The problem of palladium poisoning was finally solved! !

In addition to solving the problem of palladium poisoning and gradually improving the health of own health, this new element reactor has brought another benefit to Tony that cannot be ignored.

That is, the energy contained in this new element reactor is actually purer, more abundant and more powerful!

There is no doubt that this means that using this new element reactor as the core of Iron Man Armor’s energy supply will inevitably improve Iron Man Armor’s overall battle strength to a higher degree!

At that time, Tony boldly authorized Jarvis to transfer Qi Yu’s account to 10,000,000,000 US dollars as the remuneration agreed by the two in advance.

People in United States pay attention to the spirit of contract, especially the great character of one word worth nine sacred tripods like Tony, say it is 10,000,000,000 US dollars, and 10,000,000,000 US dollars when it is done, absolutely unambiguous!

Tony why Qi Yu knows how to create new elements, Tony has no plans to delve into it. It is a secret of others, and oneself is not very good to ask.

And the other party is still a friend of his own, and he shouldn’t secretly investigate him, not to mention whether he can find any valuable information. If he can’t investigate other people’s things, he will be discovered off to the end of the person’s home, and finally even his friends. Have to do.

As for Qi Yu, after receiving the $10,000,000,000 transferred from Tony, the mental outlook of the whole person is quite different.

Anyway, from now on, as long as you don’t burn money, you will never have the embarrassment of lack of money again. Sitting on a net asset of 10,000,000,000 US dollars in cash is completely enough to be called a real local tyrant!


In the next half a month, New York is considered a major event.

Iron Man’s deadly enemy, the former Soviet scientist Ivan Wanke, was secretly jailed by mercenary, the president of Hanmer Industries, who was dispatched by Justin Hanmer.

After the successful escape of the whiplash, in return, of course, is also the request of Justin Hammer, he helped Hammer Industry build a steel army.

It’s just that the steel army made Justin Hammer a little dissatisfied. They were only controlled remotely by the computer, and could not be driven by humans.

The whiplash first started the entire steel army remotely, and then oneself drove a large set of guys to go out in person, fighting with Iron Man and the war machine one after another. The result was invincible and ended in a disastrous defeat.

The entire major event piece, Qi Yu did not blend in, but lived his big local life, enjoying the blessing.

Those cold machine products simply do not belong to lifeform, even if they wipe out their entire steel army, they will not be able to contribute even one point of life energy to him.

Oh, maybe kill that whiplash, maybe it can absorb 1 point of life energy, but 1 point of Life Source Qi Yu said that he really is not interested…

PS. “Iron Man 2” “Perfection” is over, the next volume is “Blackheart and Ghost Rider”!

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