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Brooklyn, a large stadium.

The auditorium area, which can accommodate 10000 people, is almost empty at the moment.

Because today there is a show with the highest record of sprinting motorcycle stunts, which will be performed here.

And the motorcycle sprinter with the highest record is the leading figure recognized by the motorcycle stunt industry, Johnny!

There were 10000 people who bought tickets to enjoy the show, including Qi Yu and Hannah, a young couple.

Johnny Blaze is one of Hannah’s favorite idols. She wants to see Johnny’s performance live with her own eyes, so she entangled Qi Yu and booked her to bring her over to play.

The fare in the front row of seats is the most expensive, and it is even several times more expensive than the fare in the back row of seats. However, for Qi Yu, a local tycoon who currently has a net worth of 100 100000000 million US dollars, 2 VIP noble fares Really nothing.

Hannah was quite complacent about the boyfriend who helped oneself book the first ticket.

Hannah knows that one of her classmates seems to be sitting in a row with a pretty boy in the middle. Not only is it far from the performance scene, but you can’t see the idol’s style, but there are people crowded there, and you can’t keep your pockets Someone like someone’s wallet or mobile phone is passed by. In addition, if you want to go to the toilet halfway, you also have to cross the crowded long distance with difficulty. Of course, it is not without coping strategies. Don’t drink water a few hours before entering the venue. No, it will work!

In this comparison, Hannah feels that her boyfriend Qi Yu is really capable. I am so happy that she meows!

speaking of which, Hannah is wearing a very beautiful dress today, she has been looking pretty, and now with this silver-gray dress, it looks like the Dili Reba dancing Latin dance with Brother Tao from the sea Like, beautiful!

“In another minute, Johnny’s performance will officially start.”

Qi Yu looked at his watch and reminded Hannah sitting next to him. When talking, don’t forget to pinch on Hannah’s soft chest, anyway, don’t need money.

At the moment, Hannah’s eyes are full of anticipation, looking excitedly looking forward to the debut of Johnny.

Qi Yu was a little skeptical. Hannah wore such a good-looking dress today. Was it for his genuine boyfriend, or for her idol Johnny Blaze?

One minute time passed quickly.

In the intense expectation of 10000 fans, the next historic motorcycle stunt show finally officially started!

Ka ka ka ……

The steel roof of the large gymnasium suddenly opened a crack from the middle part, and then the two steel roofs gradually separated to the left and right sides.

Most people don’t know what the organizer is doing. Doesn’t the organizer say that Johnny is going to cross 50 cars? Why should he open the roof of the museum over 100 meters?

“Explosive Johnny no longer crosses 50 vehicles today!”

“Instead… flying over 6 Blackhawk helicopters!”

“This is an unprecedented Death Speed ​​stunt!”

The broadcast in the gymnasium broadcasts reports to all the audience in the auditorium while the steel hall is divided toward the two sides.

When the audience heard the challenge of “flying over 6 Blackhawk helicopters”, they suddenly understood the organizer’s intention to open the top of the steel pavilion.

This is a new and unprecedented challenge in the field of motorcycle stunts! !

The tens of thousands of people are enthusiastic, and they stood up from their seats, cheering their arms, and the cheers were filled with great anticipation!

In the warm cheers and applause of 10000 fans, the brave fire Johnny finally rode his top configuration motorcycle and rushed out of the background!

If we say that if we cross 50 cars, even if it fails, Johnny will only break his bones. However, it is now a challenge to fly over 6 Black Hawk helicopters. Not only has the challenge increased in difficulty, but even the danger level of the challenge has doubled.

Above the Black Hawk helicopter, there is a high-speed rotating metal propeller!

Once Johnny fails the challenge, he will have great probability and be twisted into bloody and eroded minced meat in the high-speed rotation propeller!

Among the 10000 people in the auditorium, there are many people in their hearts at the moment, and they even hope that Johnny will fail the challenge, so that he can enjoy the real bloody show of flesh and blood splashes. I have to say that there are many kinds of birds in the forest. Among the 10000 people, there must be some guys with three wrong views and abnormal tastes. They are strongly eager for Johnny to die under the strangling of the propeller later, so as to stimulate their nerves. To get them excited.

“Oh! My God! Johnny, how could he make such a dangerous decision? Flying over 6 Blackhawk helicopters…a little carelessness, you might lose your life!”

Hannah looked at the six Black Hawk helicopters that gradually landed on the lawn of the gymnasium. Hearing the sound of the propeller cutting the air at high speed, he couldn’t help but feel that he had one’s hair stand on end. She snuggled up in Qi Yu’s chest, clutching his clothes in fear and anxiety, sincerely wishing Johnny the challenge to succeed, and not wishing to witness the cruel scene of the idol being crushed by the propeller.

After all, the organizer is too greedy, otherwise, when making the ticket, you should attach a line of Warning below the ticket: if you are timid, please carefully consider entering the venue to watch!

wū wū wū wū woo …

Johnny took a straight posture, sitting half-prostrate on the mat, twisting the throttle handle with his unique skills, and continuously accelerating the top-level motorcycle under the seat.


Johnny screwed the throttle handle all the way down, causing the motorcycle to rush down the gravity ramp to accelerate down the runway.

call out!

The motorcycle immediately left the runway and sprinted violently into the high-altitude area, that is, above the six high-speed Blackhawk helicopters.

At this moment, almost all the audience in the auditorium stood up with their heartbeat accelerated, and their expressions complicatedly witnessed the historic moment when Johnny hit the new world record.

also a small number of the audience who did not stand up, not because of calmness, but precisely because they were timid and their legs were so frightened that they could not stand up for a while.

To be honest, for the first time to do this kind of Death flying stunt challenge over 6 helicopters, Rao Shihuo Johnny belongs to the highest motorcycle driver. When flying to midair, there is also a large amount of adrenaline secretion, the heartbeat and breathing of the whole person It’s almost still.

Johnny closed his eyes, remembering his childhood love, the smile of beautiful and kind Roxanne Simpson…

First love gives me strength! ! !

When Johnny opened his eyes again, he has successfully completed this unprecedented Death Speed ​​stunt, and the challenge is successful!

Witnessing witnessing Johnny’s suicide historic feat, he suddenly burst into thunderous applause from the audience.

The warm cheers, like the stormy sea, continue to wrap around your ears, enduring…

PS. Thank you for giving 100 points of support to Yan!

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