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Full beard Deputy Captain led this heavy firepower team that came to support it. With their heavy firepower support, the riot was clearly suppressed and was backed up by a series of large caliber bullets.

And this only suppresses the monster. Because of its defensive ability to resist physical damage and physical damage self-healing ability, it is still difficult to defeat him by these physical attacks.

Just as the riot was about to rush through the rain of gunfire, suddenly a rocket was fired from the front.

If you know that the rocket is full of explosive energy of high temperature flames, the riot will definitely choose to evade, but unfortunately, the first time you come to this planet, it is not clear to the rocket used by the Earth people its formidable power, thinking that it is still that kind of physics Sexual attack means, but I do not know that in fact this thing will produce a high temperature flame after explosion.

As a result, “hong” made a loud noise, and the riot was screaming and wailing in the rolling flames!

Although he quickly extinguished the flames contaminated by his body, he had obviously produced some irreversible damage on his body, and the scorched black smoke was scorched with scorched tobacco.

It was actually injured.

However, the injury is not serious. After all, there was only one rocket. If several missiles were launched from all directions at the same time, then I am afraid that this time will be seriously injured. The high temperature flame is ultimately the weakness of their family.

At the moment, the heavy firepower team happened to discover the monster’s weakness.

“This ugly monster is basically immune to bullets, but it seems to be unable to withstand the high temperature flame!”

Analyzing the weaknesses of monsters means that there is a chance to kill each other. Full beard Deputy Captain looks happy and shouts to the teammates around him.

The observing bald Captain also quickly judged that the monster was afraid of fire, so he shouted loudly: “Squad Alpha! Go back to the arsenal to get the flamethrower!”

Alpha Squad had a few living people left. After hearing the order, it shouted and received it, then turned back to the arsenal. The arsenal is not far from here, and running at full speed will take you about 3 minutes.

Within these 3 minutes, the armed security personnel present can temporarily suppress and control the monster, and then wait for the Alpha team to come with the flamethrower, then the chance of defeating the monster is greatly increased.

The riot was naturally not a fool. He heard the stakes in this command at once, so he endured the pain from his body, jumped, and intercepted in front of the Arda team who was about to go to the arsenal. Sweeping his arms horizontally, he split the entire team of Alpha into two and a half.

Upon seeing this, Captain Full beard quickly ordered that the man carrying the rocket launch another rocket.

It’s just that at this time, the soldier’s movement was a little slower. The riot jumped a few meters away, and directly lifted his hand to split it from top to bottom. so on crash-bang flowed to the ground, it looked disgusting.

“Change to grenades!”

Also 2 people in the team were equipped with grenades. At the order of full beard Deputy Captain, the 2 people quickly hung their guns on their bodies, took the take action grenade and pulled down the safety lock, and threw it hard.

Regrettably, this riot had a precautionary mind. He was agile and easily avoided the grenade throw, and then rushed forward to kill the two.

Without effective flame attack, the battle strength of the Life Foundation team can be said to be greatly reduced. There are about 40 people on the bald Captain side, about 20 people on the full beard deputy Captain side, and there are a total of 60 armed forces. It began to decrease at a rate that was visible to the naked eye. Within one minute, the number of people was less than half, and fresh corpses spread all over the floor. If it weren’t for the last 3 minutes of the rocket launch countdown, I am afraid that the riots would not be able to bear these bloody smells, squat down on the ground and start tasting their bodies.

On the side of the Life Foundation team, realizing that this monster is so fierce, there is no longer any thought of resistance. Bald Captain and full beard deputy Captain took the lead to order, and the remaining dozen of live mouths began to flee to all around.

Among these dozens of live mouths, Qi Yu is also included.

Of course, Qi Yu was completely pretended just now. As a security guard, he was completely pretended to be an ordinary combatant with low battle strength. In fact, with his ability, let alone a punch, even if only used With a look, the riot will be wiped out.

However, he naturally would not do this. His main reason for being mixed in the team is to ensure that the riot can win, to ensure that this monster can ride on the spaceship, and return to space to help him find the meteorites hosted by the symbiote race. This is his purpose, and all actions now must serve this purpose.

There are only 3 minutes left for the rocket to propel into the sky. The riots must compete for seconds. Do not chase after cornered enemy. It is cheaper for these human beings. He was just coldly snorted, and he turned to continue to the rocket launch site.

In the fleeing team, Qi Yu sneaked into an unmanned corner, then changed direction and ran to track the riot. He needed to observe the other party secretly to ensure that he could enter the rocket launch site smoothly.

Soon, the riot climbed over a long steel tunnel, then ran forward from this road, and finally reached the rocket launch site.

At this time, there are only two minutes left before the final launch countdown.

Standing at the launch site, the riot raised its head and looked at the rockets and spaceships standing on the support, and the ugly corner of the mouth showed a exaggerated arc.

“My clansman, here I come!”

The riot laughed evilly, and then its legs were like a frog, leap forward, ready to climb into the cockpit of the spaceship on the rocket propeller!


at this time!

The riotous Sixth Sense told him that an unknown danger is coming!

He turned his head violently, and suddenly found that a large iron block that looked full of tons was not far away, and was rushing towards oneself.

“Oh! Shit!”

The riot suddenly stopped suddenly, flashing to the side, dangerously avoiding the smashing of the big iron block.

The sharp claws were caught on the steel launch pad, and two deep scratches were drawn, and finally fell freely.

The big iron block hit the steel launch pad bracket, and the shell was obviously recessed with a vortex-like dent.

“Hey! Buddy! Good evening!”

The riot greeted the audience and found a strange man in a red and blue spider-web-like costume, crouching on a launch site structure not far away, greeting him.

Amazingly, the people of New York have good neighbors–


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