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The riots displayed their skills, spraying dozens of iron thorns and covering Qi Yu.

If the attacked object reacts slower, I am afraid it will be shot into a sieve. Of course, this is relative to the characters of the same level as his riots. Fleshy body strength like Qi Yu is already stronger than Adamantium. Many times as large as terrifying existence, these iron-strength iron thorns, even if standing still and letting each other stab, he will not cause any harm, as if the soft hair stuck him. However, he doesn’t want to destroy or damage his own hero’s battle suit, so the defense still needs to be defended.

I saw Qi Yu standing in the same place, his feet did not move, but one arm moved.

He raised his right arm, 4 fingers were bent, but only one index finger suddenly appeared, and the index finger swayed quickly, and the metal sound of “ding ding ding~ “continued to sound.

Soon the dozens of iron thorns were all bounced off by one of his index fingers.

Seeing this scene, the riots cannot be stared wide-eyed.

He didn’t expect that the opponent’s speed was as fast as terrifying, but it was easy to resolve the own big attack with just one finger. Doesn’t that mean that the opponent’s strength is far greater than oneself? ?

Thinking of this, the riots were ashamed and gnashing teeth were resentful for a while.

Damn it, why are there always human beings who come to me to make a trip!

Seeing that my plan to revitalize the symbiotic community and occupy Earth is about to succeed, but at this critical moment, such a big obstacle suddenly appeared…

“Ahhh! No one wants to stop me! I fight with you!”

The riot was almost mad, and the right limb changed into a ten meters long blade. All the strength of the whole body was gathered on the arm of this blade. Both feet were firmly stabilized, and even the metal walkway under the foot was depressed. See how solid he is at the moment.

With a loud roar, the riot raised the arm of the blade, and it was a fierce wave.

If Qi Yu escapes, and the riots have not recovered in time, I am afraid that the entire spaceship behind Qi Yu will be forcibly chopped out of a large gap, or even split in half.

It is enough to see that the riot has almost lost its mind, and the only idea in the mind now is to get rid of this abominable human obstacle with full strength.

However, immediately after the riots, he was disappointed.

Even if this is his blow to gather full strength, even a mountain can be broken, but it is a pity to attack Qi Yu, a ridiculously strong universe level gangster.

I saw that Qi Yu just bent her index finger slightly, staring at the trajectory of the blade, and then when the blade was close enough, the index finger flicked forward.


The ten meters long bladed arm shattered Shattered!

Dozens of pieces shattered, and even backed backwards, a large area of ​​thorns stuck on his own body.


The severe pain caused the riot to wail immediately.

“I’ve played enough, you can die.”

Qi Yu raised his fist and tried to throw a fist to beat the ass and dispersed smoke.

The riot was full of sorrow and joy, and he laughed a little bit crazy, he covered his aching body, bowed his head and said, “Terminator, you kill me. It does not matter. But my 1000000 clansman will definitely replace it in the future. My revenge, jié jié jié jié 桀!”

In the eyes of the riots, even if he died today, this huge meteorite still hosts his several million symbion clansman, although he cannot transfer them to Earth today, but he believes that in the near future, there must be Also a new turnaround, his clansman will certainly have a solution, nothing more than a matter of time that’s all. And when the time comes, in the face of revenge from the symbiosis of several millions Venom, this human hero will definitely die. A Venom spit, he could drown him!

“1000000 clansman takes revenge for you?”

Hearing this, Qi Yu felt funny and subconsciously withdrew his fist and said, “Well, I will let you live for a while longer.”

“Jié jié jié, why are you afraid?”

The riot grinned, thinking that Qi Yu was afraid of his threatening words, so he planned to let him go.

It can only be said that this stupid monster really thinks too much, not even Thanos and Qi Yu are afraid of you, or are you afraid of a trifling symbiosis? You think you are a group of gods who have lived a few hundred million years!

“You really think too much. What I mean to make you live longer is to let you see for yourself whether your 1000000 clansman has a chance to avenge me.”

coldly snorted, Qi Yu stretched take action, exerted his thoughts, and threw the wounded riot on the metal walkway onto the spaceship shell and attached it, and fixed it with a few long and narrow pieces of iron, so that his eyes were facing directly. oneself here.

“You… what are you doing?”

The riots faintly felt deep in one’s heart, and a strong ominous rush came. In fact, it’s not just a hunch. At the moment, it’s just the kind of self-confidence that was observed from the human hero. The riots can feel the major event is not good. It’s just reasonable to tell him that no one in this world can deal with the symbiosis of several millions Venom. You know, the symbiosis of several millions Venom, except for the very few planets with extremely powerful civilizations, put them on the overwhelming majority planet in the universe. Can occupy the planet in just a few days!

Several millions Venom symbiotic army, even in this Boundless Starry Sky, belong to a powerful army that cannot be underestimated!

And now, that human hero, this is intended… to deal with all by one person?

This… think too much fantasy story!

“You look carefully, and soon you understand.”

Qi Yu glanced back at the riot, indifferently said, then turned his head, driven his body, and flew into the space ahead.

He was suspended in space. Opposite him, there was a blackened meteorite that was several kilometers wide. Several millions of Venom symbiotes were attached to the meteorite, begin to stir.

Qi Yu floated quietly in this way, but a pair of vision slowly became fierce.

He didn’t stand alone, but was doing preparations before swallowing and absorbing.

Even though Qi Yu is currently a Great Sage-level Life Level, he possesses the frightening ability to burst stars with one punch, and spread into 1000 to 10000 galaxies. It belongs to a solid universe level powerhouse, but this is after all a million millions Venom symbiosis, several millions Venom symbiosis of Transcendent grade! Although he is already so strong, he must pull himself together, full strength to take it seriously!

At the same time, the Venom symbiotes attached to the meteorite naturally noticed the strange movement of Qi Yu.

They don’t know, what does this human hinder want to do?

But they didn’t worry too much. Let’s get together a few 1000000 clansman, how much power, and are you afraid of a trifling human powerhouse?

I’m just curious, what on earth is this human being doing…

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