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In order to prevent the second group of Tenjin from coming to Earth, keep them as far away from the solar system as possible, so Qi Yu simply intercepted them directly outside the Milky Way.

After all, once the battle of the Great Sage level is actually started, I am afraid that the entire solar system will be destroyed. Qi Yu dare not take the risk. Earth is his homeland, the hometown where he has lived for many years. It is usually okay to deal with some ordinary Supervillain and so on. If you want to deal with the Universe level powerhouse like the Tianshen group, you cannot naturally rush to play on Earth. In short The farther from Earth, the better!

This situation is like, have you seen a tank war break out on the ice?

The ice can’t bear it!

Earth is a very uncomfortable battlefield for both Qi Yu today and the Tenjin group. Of course, the Tenjin group doesn’t matter, but Qi Yu cares a lot!

at the moment.

Suffered by the Qi Yu barrier made by Qi Yu, the celestial body of the Tenjin group collided, and the front part was damaged, but not at all affects the space flight ability and Space Jump function. The core source of the celestial group spacecraft comes from God’s Force. In fact, even if half of the spaceship is scrapped, it can still shuttle through the universe at high speed as usual, that is, it doesn’t look very beautiful that’s all, which damages the dignity and image of the Tenjin group.

“Let me go out and meet him. I want to see how powerful this mortal killer is!”

The god of gold in the sphere-shaped spaceship shouted and got up and left the spaceship to go to Qi Yu to settle the bill.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that the entire spacecraft was moving uncontrollably.

He stopped his movements, and like the other four gods, he quickly looked out, and then he suddenly realized that he was the ghost of the mortal killer.

They saw that Qi Yu stretched out an arm and opened 5 fingers wide, aiming at the spaceship where they were.

At the same time, as if driven by a special force, their spaceship was moving towards one side in space, as if attracted by the gravity of a massive celestial body.

Of course, this is not the gravitational effect of a massive celestial body, it is entirely the result of Qi Yu’s thought control.

Qi Yu exerted his thoughts and drove the sphere-shaped spaceship, which was several kilometers wide, to fly in one direction in the sky. Although the mass of this spacecraft reached 100000000 million tons, there was no resistance under Qi Yu’s thought control. force. After all, now Qi Yu’s mind manipulation is even powerful enough to shake a huge star and control a trifling spaceship several kilometers wide. It’s a piece of cake.

Soon, the spacecraft flew to a nearby planet.


The spacecraft fell, and the tremor violently shook a few times within a circle of 100 kilometers above the planet, breaking up a huge crater.

If this is Earth, there are humans and various animals living on it. I am afraid that more than 90% of the biological species on Earth are directly extinct. You know, in the past, Ultron lifted the entire small town of Sokovia to in the sky based on scientific speculation of disaster simulation. It was precisely to use this to destroy the human world and the ecological circle. Sky, how deep the damage to Earth’s ecological environment is.

However, this planet is different from Earth. The planet is a desolate planet without lifeform inhabitation. It is not at all life formed on it, so this large metal ball with a width of several kilometers and a size of 100000000 million tons falls down, at best it only affects it. The geological structure and landforms are just that, and the sky is dusty.

Qi Yu follow closely from behind, the silhouette is like a stream of light, and then came to this unmanned planet in a flash.

This is a completely different planet from Earth. It is located in the third orbit of this planetary system, and a giant star of Crimson around the center is in orbit. Its diameter is more than ten kilometers, and its volume is more than 3 times that of Earth. It is slightly larger than the parent star. Compared with this planet, Earth is not even an infant, and at most it is equivalent to the gap between a pea and a basketball.

The oxygen content of this planet is also extremely low, the gravity is more than ten times that of Earth, the normal temperature is also above 100 degrees, and the climatic environment is particularly harsh. If you put an ordinary person class on it, I am afraid that if you fail to live one minute, you will die. Even just after landing, the own bone will be crushed by excessive gravity.

Admittedly, for Qi Yu and the five gods who came to it, the natural environment here is not worth mentioning. In fact, even if both of them put in a fight in the stars, there is no problem.


After the spaceship landed, there was a burst of smoke, followed by the opening of the cabin door, and from the inside out of 5 gods wearing different types of armor.

The gods of gold, the gods of wood, the gods of water, the gods of fire, and the gods of earth, each of which is up to 1000 meters, is covered with special armor of the fully enclosed gods group, and the chest of each armor All of them are engraved with special ancient characters, symbolizing the gods of 5 elements: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth.

Even though Qi Yu is a Universe level powerhouse, after all, he has not studied the characters of the Tenjin group, so he does not know what the pictorial symbols on their five chests represent. But, intuitively, he can still roughly distinguish the abilities of the five gods, but he is not sure, but after the official fight, then of course everything is clear.

“Mortal killers, you are more powerful than we thought!”

The god of gold spoke, and the body of the giant on 1000 meters, so that when he spoke, the sound was like thunder. If the ordinary person is here, I am afraid that just hearing this thunderous voice, all of them will bleed to death.

When the heavenly gods spoke, the other four heavenly gods around them also stepped forward, and the five heavenly gods stood side by side, with a huge array and strong oppression! It seems that the entire planet will shatter at any time!

Qi Yu didn’t say anything about the other party’s praise, but just whispered softly, not taking it seriously.

“I won’t say more nonsense!”

Qi Yu straight to the point, cut straight to the point, “If I didn’t guess, you should be a Tenjin group, what is your purpose?”

“Godslayer, are you to ask a question, when already knows the answer?”

Jin Yutian pointed to Qi Yu loudly said, “Not long ago, a group of 4 gods died in your hands. That is what our gods group sent to kill you, the god killer. The last group of gods and our shape You don’t recognize the same but the same?”

“Oh, what you said, I remembered it!”

Qi Yu shrugged disapprovingly, with a scornful smile on his face, “So, did you two groups of gods come here to die?”


The god of fire next to the god of gold couldn’t help but scold, and his armor was burning with blazing fire, which seemed to be even hotter and more intense than the flame of the sun!


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