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“You… you even broke the golden prison cage of this god!?”

The god of gold looked at Qi Yu in the sky, his eyes were full of incredible colors, but because the body was blocked by a fully enclosed armor, the true expression inside could not be seen from the outside.

The other 4 gods also looked at Qi Yu in disbelief.

In their view, the strength of Qi Yu has exceeded their expectations.

Everyone knows that the Golden Prison cage of the Golden God is one of the killing moves. It has powerful lethality and its strength has reached an extreme level, but even so, it can’t threaten the other side, just like that mortal The God-killer is a special existence that cannot be controlled.

Qi Yu’s power is beyond their original imagination.

“Even in the headquarters of the Tenjin group, among the more than 1000 Tenjin groups, there are no more than 20 who can crack the cage of the divine gold of this day. It seems that his strength, even if placed in our Tenjin group Among them, it can be ranked in the top 20. The power he controls is at least equivalent to a super god with a billion-year divine force…”

I have to say that the analysis ability of Jinzhitianshen is still very difficult to deal with, and these important data were evaluated in a moment.

And when he said this, the other 4 gods around him, but each and everyone’s face changed, and the state of panic was exposed.

Although they also belong to the high-end battle strength in the Tenjin group, they control the divine force for more than 100000000 million years, but the highest divine force present is the god of fire. In fact, it is only about 300000000 million years. The divine force that’s all is the most The weak earth god, the divine force controlled is only 150 million years old.

When it comes to heads-up, there is no doubt that none of the 5 gods present will be Qi Yu’s opponent. Because according to their speculation, Qi Yu’s strength may be equivalent to a horrible god who reaches 1 billion years!

“In this way, our chances of winning are not big?”

The god of wood on the side wondered, and could not help feeling a little nervous.

The god of the golden god nodded, who is good at analyzing the battlefield situation, facial expression grave, then said, “But it does not mean that there is no chance of winning. The gap between our five and him is not too big, and as long as cooperation is in place, I believe there is still a chance.”

“Damn, it seems that there is something wrong with the message the superiors have sent us!”

The god of water squeezed his fist, disappointed the hook the head, he remembered very clearly, this time five of them before the departure, the above senior officials told them that the intelligence information is that this mortal god killer can slaughter 5 Overlord level Yes, that is, the previous batch of Tenjin group, judging its strength is approximately equivalent to a god between 4 7 million years and 80 million years, roughly in this interval.

Therefore, it is almost inevitable to send them 5 divine forces between the gods of 150 million to 300000000 million years, and defeat the probability of the target mortal killer.

In fact, if the intelligence data is correct, even sending only the god of fire, that is, the god who is in control of the divine force of 300000000 million years in the past, is enough to destroy the other party.

However, now that they saw the strength of Qi Yu’s performance, they suddenly realized that this was not the case!

This guy is much stronger than what the intelligence says!

Even if they go together with 5 gods, they may not be able to defeat him!

The information is wrong!

Of course, speaking from a certain perspective, their intelligence information is not at all wrong.

It can only be said that the intelligence is “expired”.

During the period when their five gods rushed to the galaxy, within a few days, Qi Yu engulfed the symbiosis of several millions Venom, and merged with the symbiosis of several millions Transcendent grade, making oneself break through the one-star Great Sage’s Restricted, successfully evolved from one star Great Sage to two star Great Sage.

That is to say, the information a few days ago was correct, but no one expected that after the past few days, Qi Yu gained a further leap in strength through this great opportunity, so that the moment happened 5 A situation in which the gods were surprised.

If the Tenjin group knew in advance that Qi Yu is now a 2 star Great Sage, it would certainly not rush to send only these 5 Tenjins with a divine force of 200000000 years to 300000000 years, but doubled and doubled, Even the top leaders of the Tenjin group personally went out! You know, the top gods of each group, each of God’s Force in control, has exceeded 5 billion years! Even 2 billion years, 1, 2-3,000,000,000 40 divine force have! The real high-level team of the Tenjin group is out, and this mortal killer of the mortal will definitely lose!

Unfortunately, at this moment, they can only be carried by five of them…

If there is no chance of winning, even if they are a dignified group of gods, they will run without the slightest hesitation instead of die in vain to play against a powerful opponent that cannot be defeated.

However, they feel that there is still a certain chance of winning against Qi Yu, so at this moment not at all summons escape, but decides to talk about it first!

Right now, the devastated planet is on the ground.

After the Golden Prison Cage was broken, the Golden Deity exhibited the second killing move again.

“100000000 pierce the heart!”

With his a violent roar, there was suddenly a metal thorn, just like a lance hit by the sky, coming to Qi Yu.

The densely packed golden lance swept through the sky, as if even a planet would be penetrated throughout!

That strong imposing manner, the oppression is extremely strong!

But for Qi Yu, the heat is still a little bit worse.

“Yes, it’s fun to play like this!”

Qi Yu took a hook at the corner of his mouth and immediately stretched out his right arm, exerting a serious level of mental barrier against the front.

Innumerable golden energy lance, dragging the energy flame tail, stabbed on the mind barrier.

As the golden lance stabbed more, the mental barrier also trembles more, and there is a feeling that it can’t hold it. At the back, Qi Yu has to stretch out his left hand and use 2 Use one hand to maintain the defensive power of the mind barrier.

It’s impossible to play handsome with one hand.

But to be honest, when these two hands are used together, the effect is reflected.

Until the so-called 100000000 million thorns of Jin Zhitian God were completely pierced, Qi Yu’s mind barrier did not completely collapse, although many cracks were obviously damaged on it.

Qi Yu squeezed his hands hard, the mind barrier disappeared, and the residual energy lance stabbed on it also disappeared.

“Hehe! It’s my turn to attack!”

Qi Yu smiled ghostly, raised his arms, and concentrated the energy of within the body into his right arm continuously.

The golden god opposite instinctively prepared to move the footsteps, but suddenly found that oneself wanted to move, but the legs were like heavy lead, and it was very difficult to move, and it was particularly slow.

“Serious series-God Slayer fist!”

As the words fell, Qi Yu’s fist of surging energy surged, with enough force to explode the huge planet at the sole of his feet, and waved at the fiercely of the golden god…

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