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Bang! !

2 Fists full of destroying heaven extinguishing earth’s power blasted together, sending out a doom-like rumbling sound!

An invisible force spread out to all around waves. The huge planetary crust, because of the aftermath of the force, was crushed on the spot into a giant crater with a diameter of 10000 kilometers. Almost half of the planets turned into giant craters!

2 people were shocked!

Because the anti-impact is too large, both the God of Fire and Qi Yu were reverse-shocked from the planet’s surface and directly flew out of the planet’s outer space.

Qi Yu raised his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He was slightly injured.

As for the god of fire on the opposite side, it suffered more serious injuries.

“Continuous serious punches!”

Qi Yu locked the opponent’s position, chased by victory, turned into a stream of light and rushed forward, then used 2 hands together, hitting dozens of punches in an instant!

Fist and fist have the formidable power to destroy a huge planet!

It has to be said that in terms of size, sometimes the small size is more dominant. For example, at present, the giant body of the god of fire is up to 1000 meters, which leads to the dozens of punches that Qi Yu swung in an instant, but he could not even avoid it.

Every punch is firmly on the body.

After Qi Yu’s dozens of punches all fell, with a cry of “ao ——”, the god of fire is like a ripe watermelon, burst!

The fiery-red gods of light 4 overflowed and were extremely dazzling. For a time, the entire Star Domain was illuminated!

“Ding! Eliminate 1 Great Sage lifeform and absorb 10010000 life energy!”

“Currently, 116310000 points of total life energy have been collected, and 883710000 points of life energy are needed before evolution to True God!”

After the god of fire was destroyed, the strongest system sound came from Qi Yu’s mind.

With one hit, he gained 1,000,000 life energy, and he made a one-time move towards the top of True God, and made a remarkable progress of 1%.

“Although you are strong, it is still a lot worse than me.”

Qi Yu corner of the mouth raise, looking at the Divine Fire light in the sky, whispered softly.

Immediately, his face became dignified again.

Among the 5 gods, 4 gods are dead, and the last injured water god is still left, still waiting on the devastated planet.

At the same time, the god of water seemed to perceive Qi Yu’s eyes on him, and subconsciously cast the Water Element God’s Force, freezing the entire space in front of the planet, forming a frozen barrier.

Of course he knew that his freezing barrier could not withstand this powerful mortal killer. The purpose of this is not to defend, but to block Qi Yu’s sight in this way!

After freezing the space in front of the planet, the god of water dragged the injured body, a huge giant body with a height of 1000 meters, full horsepower, and rushed toward the other side of the Star Domain at full speed.

He wants to run away!

“Want to escape?”

Qi Yu is not a fool. After a little thought, he realizes the purpose of the other party.

So he didn’t delay, turned into a stream of light and rushed forward, casting “continuous ordinary punches” halfway, breaking the frontal ice barrier.

Then suspended in in the sky, calm down and glanced around.

He saw that in the distance there was a tail of ice fog extending into space, which seemed to be the traces produced by the god of water moving at high speed.

However, Qi Yu feels that things are not at all simple.

He is not an impulsive person, but can remain rational most of the time.

Sure enough, when he carefully perceived the space of this Star Domain, he suddenly discovered that there was a breath of life energy behind a planet by the direction of Northwest. Although the energy breath has obviously converged, it seems that he is afraid of being discovered by others, but he still has not escaped Qi Yu’s perception.

This is a desolate unmanned Star Domain, there is no creature at all in this area, so who is the energy breath is naturally self-evident.

It is the god of water!

The other party can create a tail of ice fog moving forward at high speed, creating the illusion that he himself seems to be escaping to the Foreign Domain, but in fact he is hiding behind a nearby planet, apparently preparing to see Qi When Yu chased that false “oneself”, then took the opportunity to reverse and run away.

Good abacus!

It’s a pity that Qi Yu hasn’t been able to hide Qi Yu and was seen through.

And being seen, it means Death…

“It seems that this guy is hiding behind that.” Qi Yu’s mouth raised, lightly said with a smile.

He didn’t see it, he didn’t tell it, in order to prevent the god of the water from knowing the true whereabouts of oneself and then escape, thus easily affecting his attack and locking. It’s better to pretend to be stupid and let the other party think that oneself hasn’t found that he is actually hiding there.

Qi Yu’s eyes gradually became sharper.

He squeezed his fist and infused the powerful energy within the body into the right fist continuously.

When the energy accumulated to a very terrifying level, even enough to destroy a star with one punch, Qi Yu finally aimed at the planet of God’s Storehouse in the water sky, and punched fiercely with one punch!

Bang! ! !

A loud noise!

In the calm and dark universe, a burst of dazzling rays of light suddenly broke out, which was the big scene formed when the entire planet shattered.

The God of Water hiding behind him has not yet reflected how the other party found him hiding here, just under the punching power of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, together with the crumbling week…

“Ding! Eliminate 1 Great Sage lifeform and absorb 10010000 life energy!”

“Currently, 126310000 points of total life energy have been collected, and 873710000 points of life energy are needed before evolution to True God!”

After killing the god of water, the strongest system sound came again from Qi Yu’s mind.

With the death of the god of water, since then, this crosses the vast sea of ​​the universe, the second batch of gods that came to the Milky Way to invade Earth, and announced the annihilation of the whole army.

5 gods, respectively in charge of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Five Elements strength of Element, all belong to the high latitudes of the Great Sage level.

The strength of oneself can destroy the terrifying existence of their 5 gods. To be honest, even in the vast universe, it can be counted. Which one does not belong to the powerhouse in the universe level powerhouse?

At present, Qi Yu is barely considered to be among the upper middle level in the universe level powerhouse.

Further up, it is the strongest god who has lived 100 to 100000000 million years, and even the level of the Marvel universe Five Great Creation Gods.


Qi Yu breathed a long sigh of relief in the dark universe.

He wiped the sweat flowing from his forehead, looking at the planet fragments that shattered with the corpse of the god of water in front of him, and he couldn’t help feeling.

He felt a little tired, really tired…

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