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Erik Seven, Captain of this terrorist attack team, is the only one in the 6-person attack team that survives.

But his destiny is actually more painful than alive.

It became the little white mouse used by Iron Man to extract Extremis for armor upgrade experiments. After being tortured, it is undoubtedly more guilty than directly dying.

The teammates died when they died. It was very simple. He was the only one left, and he needed to continue to suffer in the laboratory.

“You have a good night’s sleep!”

Qi Yu hacked it with a knife, using less than 100000000 in 1 force to knock him out.

Then Iron Man carried his comatose body and flew into the seabed villa.

Although 80% of the area above the foundation of the sea-view villa, whether it is the floor, the ceiling, or the walls or the rooms, has suffered tremendous damage, what the outsiders do not know is that there is actually a huge basement hidden below the foundation.

The overall area of ​​the basement is even wider than the sea-view villa above the foundation.

Inside, there are a lot of steel armor. When Iron Man is usually fine, he likes to come here to study the armor.

This is simply Iron Man’s private secret base!

After throwing the comatose Erik Seven into a confinement room made of special alloys, Iron Man and Qi Yu left here.

The next destination is the pseudo-Mandarin stronghold, the secret stronghold of the Pioneer AIM organization ruled by Kirian!

The recent terrorist attacks in the United States have actually issued orders from there, the source of crime.

“Brooklyn, New York, a private manor on the outskirts of 8th Avenue, on Monday, 5th, I will build an optimal road map!”

In the helmet, Iron Man is instructed to the artificial intelligence system 5th week.

It is worth mentioning that he used Jarvis before, but since Jarvis wrongly derived the evil artificial intelligence of Ultron, Tony did not dare to use Jarvis anymore, but restricted the related programs and created the week. 5 This week without autonomous treason thinking 5.

“Okay, sir.”

The soft female electronic voice sounded in the ear.

Starting from high-speed computing on Friday, according to the New York map, a special intelligent optimization algorithm was carried out, and soon a feasible path was found and displayed in the helmet interface.

“The road map is available and it is expected to arrive in ten minutes.” Iron Man said to Qi Yu.

“Ten minutes is too long.”

Qi Yu waved his hand and said, he took out the magic cube of the universe, opened a wormhole directly in the sky, and shook his head at Iron Man, “Come with me!”

“Is this?” Iron Man asked, pointing at the strange energy vortex in front of him, saying that this seemed to be quite similar to the wormhole he saw on the battlefield of Chitauri led by Loki on the New York battlefield a few years ago. Meaning.

“You can call it a wormhole!”

Qi Yu curl one’s lip said.

Then the two entered the wormhole and saved a long journey. In just a moment, they crossed most of the United States and came to a private manor on the outskirts of New York.

Outside the manor, several guards in suits and leather shoes stayed there.

Seeing that two people came out in midair, the subconsciously raised their guns and aimed at them. However, when they found out that they were Iron Man and Terminator 2 heroes, they were so scared that they even dropped their guns.


Iron Man was not soft-hearted, a few energy cannons knocked several people to the ground.

These people have not injected Extremis, so defensive power is not very good.



Inside the manor, the alarm of the loudspeaker came immediately.

From inside shua~ shua~ shua~ a large number of armed guards ran out, from superhuman warriors injected with Extremis to ordinary terrorists/terrorists.

However, the previous scene can be described as strangely reappearing. These people were not so nervous when they saw Iron Man, they were ready to have a big fight, but when they looked at the silhouette of Terminator beside them, it was simply, each and everyone’s It’s scared to pee.

Terminator who is that?

That’s the terrifying existence that can destroy a spaceship with one punch!

The formidable power of his punch is even stronger than the massive doomsday nuclear bomb of 200000000 million tons!

Can we handle this level of existence?

Everyone you look at me, I look at you, are waiting for someone to take the lead in surrender.

In midair, Qi Yu glanced at one of the bad luck below, with only one look, that person turned to ashes on the spot.

This scene stimulated the eyes of dozens of other people.

In an instant, someone surrendered to the bear on the field and dropped the weapon first. Others saw the situation and dropped their weapons one after another. In less than a few breaths, everyone in the audience surrendered and fell to their knees. The ground, as if kneeling down to the legendary spiritualual god.

Qi Yu in the sky is like a Death God.

At this time, the leader of the Pioneer Science and Technology Organization, Ordrezi Kirian came out. As soon as he came out, he saw this scene on the field and couldn’t help but be furious.

He spent money to raise these wastes, even if he encountered an enemy attack, even if he didn’t resist, he would still kneel on the ground and bow down?

Waste, waste, all waste!

“Why, this man, how does it look familiar?”

In midair, Iron Man was surprised when he saw the leader of the terrorist organization appear. This guy looked a bit familiar, but it was unclear at one and a half. It should belong to oneself. The kind of memory used to be too short. Time is in contact, it doesn’t matter a nobody.

Qi Yu cracking a joke on the side said: “That guy, wouldn’t it be one of the enemies you have offended in the past?”

Iron Man gave up his hands helplessly, shaking his head and saying that he still didn’t remember.

“Hey! Buddy, do I know you?”

Iron Man looked down at him and asked directly.

“Know, of course!”

Kirian shrugged, loudly said, “Just, Tony Stark, don’t you really remember me?”

“I don’t remember.” Iron Man shook the head. In fact, if the other person’s image is 20 years ago, with sloppy long hair, rickety back, and crutches, then he can still recall, but now the other party has completely replaced the perfect shape of a successful person, and even The lame man is cured, and Iron Man is naturally not easy to remember who the other party is.

“Okay, let me recall it for you!”

Aldrezi Kirian laughed, that smile, both helpless and has several points of reluctance to look back at the painful memories of the past, “20 years ago, the night of the New Year’s Eve…”

With Kirian’s little narration of the past, Iron Man’s memories of that night were also activated a little bit…

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