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In unconsciously, time has passed for almost a month.

In this month, Qi Yu did not want to use a good child grenade.

Because Qi Yu has encountered ordinary villains these days, that is, rubbish villains who molest girls, rob banks, and don’t give money at all, it is not worth throwing such precious grenades at them.

In fact, even if the other party is the evil lifeform of Transcendent grade, Qi Yu doesn’t plan to use good child grenade to him.

His plan is to always stare at the timeline of Marvel world, waiting patiently for the appearance of the terrifying grade evil lifeform that can be counted on one’s fingers, when the time comes to throw another good child grenade at the other side The other party becomes own good child!

The so-called good steel should be used on the blade, referring to Qi Yu’s bold idea of ​​brainwashing Terrifying grade powerhouse!

In fact, Qi Yu also had a bolder idea before. He hoped to use good child grenade on Overlord level lifeform such as Thanos or Dormammu. Unfortunately, the strongest system told Qi Yu that good child grenade can only be used than the user. On the low-level lifeform.

This means that the most suitable throwing object is the Terrifying grade evil lifeform.

United States New York, Manhattan, Chinatown.

Chinatown is the largest concentrated Chinese community in the entire United States.

Traditional Chinese medicine shops, physical bookstores, restaurants, supermarkets, clothing stores, fish and shrimp markets, and traditional archways are everywhere.

The shops on row upon row, the endless stream of Chinese passers-by, and each other complement each other, highlighting the bustling and prosperous Chinatown, a scene of great prosperity in China!

The total area of ​​this street is 4 square kilometers, which is simply understood from the mathematical concept, that is, the area of ​​2 kilometers by 2 kilometers, roughly equivalent to the area of ​​a small town.

The shop opened in this section full of Chinese flavor is basically all the Chinese and overseas Chinese with the body flowing with yellow blood.

At this moment, Qi Yu was in a remote corner of Chinatown, inside an old Chinese medicine massage hall operated by an old overseas Chinese.

In the private room of the old Chinese medicine massage hall, Qi Yu is lying on the warm bed with a slight smell of medicinal smell, relaxing on the whole body, enjoying a massage with a pretty-looking girl employee.

This is a private room, although the price is twice as expensive as the outside hall, but after all it belongs to a romantic couple’s world. No one else disturbs. While enjoying the girl’s pinch on the shoulder and listening to the light music of classical Chinese style, it is quite quite Quiet and comfortable.

The skill of Junior Sister is good. I can press Qi Yu bone and soft bone crisp, I feel comfortable all over the body, I forget everything, I want to be immortal~

Just when Qi Yu was pressed comfortably, his coat hung on the coat rack beside the bed, and the cell phone ring in his pocket suddenly rang.

The process of enjoying the whole body and relaxing, was interrupted by a phone call. Qi Yu said that he is not very happy now, but it is only a little unpleasant. After all, what does it matter if the person calling is really what matters?

“He’s meowing, who called you at this time?” Qi Yu subconsciously Xiaoxiao tsukkomi said, twisting his head slightly, and said to Junior Sister, who is standing by the bed to give oneself a massage, “Comrade, please help me. Hand over the phone.”

After hearing Qi Yu’s request, Junior Sister gently walked to the coat rack, took out the ringing mobile phone from the pocket of Qi Yu’s coat, then came to Qi Yu and handed him the phone.

However, in the process of handing the phone to the guests, the afterglow of the corner of this Junior Sister’s eyes was aimed at the incoming contact on the screen of the phone, and the name and avatar of Tony Stark were displayed!

Seeing this scene, a small arc immediately appeared on the dimple of Junior Sister. It seemed to be mocking, and it seemed to be scorning. In short, the essence means that she does not believe that the guests she is serving now will Meet the super rich tycoon, super genius scientist, Daredevil many top titles in one body, Renowned Iron Man Tony Stark! Moreover, it was actually Iron Man who called you actively. You guy still looked disgusted. Do you think the old lady was still the stupid girl who was cheating? Comrade, the old lady is not up to date!

Coincidentally, when Qi Yu picked up the phone, he also captured the questioning color on the pretty face of Junior Sister. It seemed that he didn’t know Tony · Stark at all, but he deliberately set the contact to the name of Tony · Stark. .

Qi Yu originally planned to answer the call in the regular mode, but now that he saw the disdainful expression on Junior Sister’s face, he had to temporarily change his mind and chose the “video answering mode”.

Immediately, the real-time picture of the other end of the phone was displayed on the screen of the mobile phone. Sexy 8-character Hu, capable short hair, charming eyes, that was clearly Tony Stark himself! !

Qi Yu didn’t feel much when he saw Tony’s real-time profile picture, but the Junior Sister next to him was so shocked that the flowers looked discolored, and the pupils in his eyes expanded due to the shock of his heart.

Skill Junior Sister 10000 10000 I didn’t expect that a Chinese who came to her massage shop in this small shop really knew Tony Stark, the iron man who famous throughout the world! And it was Iron Man who called him!

Seeing that Junior Sister is trying to cover up the surprise on her face, Qi Yu deliberately tilted the angle of the phone screen towards her line of sight, as if to say, girl, you see clearly, I didn’t lie to you, it’s a real person Right?

Knowing the meaning of Qi Yu, Junior Sister laughed embarrassingly at him, his ears could not help becoming red, and his two cheeks were red like two ripe red apples.

The following, her attitude towards Qi Yu’s service has also become exceptionally good. It looks like a little daughter-in-law who wants to try to please her husband who has the ability.

“Hey, Qi, good evening! Something to find you!” Qi Yu said to him immediately after the call was connected. Seeing Tony’s appearance, it seems that something bad happened.

“What’s the matter? From your expression, I smelled troublesome smell.” Qi Yu slightly frowned, said to Tony on the screen.

“If I guess right, you must not be watching the news now.” Tony tilted his head, and the tone of his speech was a little urgent. “What happened specifically, you yourself go to the news, it’s a big news!” That’s it, I set off first, see you later!”

tone barely fell, Tony hung up the phone, activated the energy thrusters on the hands and feet of the Iron Man Armor, and rushed out of the sea-view villa to the destination at high speed.

Seeing the phone screen showing the end of the call, Qi Yu realized that something really might happen this time, so she no longer enjoys the technique of Junior Sister massage massage.

He got up from the warm bed scented with Chinese medicine, picked up the remote control on the bedside table, and quickly opened the LCD digital TV on the wall of the private room. The current channel is the New York news channel.

The news picture in Qi Yu’s eyes is an earth-yellow monster about 3 meters high. It is in a bustling neighborhood in Manhattan, wreaking havoc on city buildings, and it is very unscrupulous, like a natural god of destruction!

Whether it is a small tonnage car or a ten tonnage bus, the earth-yellow monster with bone spurs on the back can be kicked with just one foot, and there are explosions, fires, calls for help, and screams everywhere Not only has public and private property been damaged to a great extent, but also the lives of the surrounding citizens are facing great threats.

“As you can see, the earth-yellow monster is arbitrarily destroying the city. Nearly half of the entire prosperous 100 Broadway Avenue has been destroyed beyond recognition.”

“Although the military dispatched an armed force of hundreds of people to hunt the monster, the situation is not optimistic. The monster’s body is so strong that even heavy machine gun armor-piercing shells and rockets can’t hurt it!”

“Fortunately, with the evacuation of the local police station, most of the citizens have now been safely evacuated.”

“It is said that the military just contacted Iron Man Tony Stark to seek the help of this controversial Daredevil, hoping that Iron Man could kill the monster, and may God bless America!”


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