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Qi Yu had just crossed the long and dark aisle and was about to enter the hall exuding the hazy rays of light, and saw two armed guards standing by the entrance of the hall.

Qi Yu silhouette flashed and quickly raised his hands to split the 2 armed guards to the ground. Considering that the janitor of the janitor 2 would work for oneself in the future, Qi Yu not at all gave up his hands, just put them both Just stunned.

This underground base is big and small, and there are more than 20 different rooms in total, and there are not many guards, only a few.

In addition to the two guards responsible for guarding the entrance of the underground base hall, there are also two other guards at the door of the core laboratory where Dr. Destruction is experimenting.

In the next scene, these two guards were stunned by Qi Yu.

In less than half a minute, 4 guards in the underground base had been laid down by Qi Yu as a ghost, but Dr. Destruction had not noticed any abnormalities.

The current Dr. Destruction is concentrate attention completely in the laboratory, with no distractions, together with several well-educated Court Academecian, conducting high-end esoteric research on Fantastic Four.

On the surface, this is a team of scientists, but in fact Dr. Destruction is the leader and soul of the team, and other scientists basically lay hands on him.

“Lyle Court Academecian, go to the cell and give me the blood sample collected from Human Torch.”

In front of an experimental table filled with various test tubes, flasks, and glassware, Dr. Destruction was intensively conducting complex chemical experiments, and suddenly instructed to the nearby Court Academecian.

Upon hearing the instructions from Dr. Destruction, Hair Grey-white Lyle Court Academecian complied respectfully and immediately left the laboratory and walked to the cell in the next room.

Lyle Court Academecian came to the door of the cell and pressed 4 digits on the electronic combination lock, so the metal door of the cell slowly opened.

At this time, a sudden hand suddenly patted on the shoulder of Lyle Court Academecian, stunned Lyle Court Academecian on the spot.

Yes, this hand is Qi Yu Old Brother’s.

“Give you a blood sample from Human Torch?”

Qi Yu sneered, and outlined an arc of planning strategies in the corner of his mouth.

With a thought, he took the last good child grenade from the system space, held it in his hand, and walked into the laboratory where Dr. Destruction was.

At this moment, Dr. Destruction is focusing on the chemical experiment in front of him, and several other Court Academecians are also busy with the things at hand, so they did not look at Qi Yu, subconsciously thinking that the person who came in was just Lai who had just gone out. Court Academecian.

Qi Yu walked to Dr. Destruction’s side unhurriedly, pulled out the safety of the child grenade calmly, and handed him the grenade, “Durm Court Academecian, this is the blood sample you want.”

“Well, thank you.” Dr. Destruction was lightly nodded. Because he was too focused, he didn’t look at Qi Yu. He reached out and took the “blood sample test tube” handed over by Qi Yu.

Oh, no!

Why does Lyle Court Academecian’s voice seem to change?

And the feel of the test tube of the blood sample seems wrong?

Dr. Destruction looked down suspiciously and looked at the “blood sample test tube” in his hand. When he found that oneself was holding a grenade with a safety plug in his hand, he was completely shocked.

“Shit! This is impossible!”

Unfortunately, when Dr. Destruction responded that oneself was overcast, it was already too late.

His tone barely fell, and the child grenade exploded in the palm of his hand.

A gleam of bright mysterious rays of light was instantly released from the grenade and transferred to Dr. Destruction’s brain.

After a struggling headache, Dr. Destruction was thoroughly brainwashed and turned into a good child who listened to Qi Yu alone.

“Sir Father, why did you come here? Why don’t you come here and say it in advance, I’m ready to welcome you!”

Dr. Destruction presented a respectful expression and said respectfully to Qi Yu, a youngster who looked only in his 20s.

Hearing the title of “Sir Father” blurted out by Dr. Destruction, several other scientists were blank and distorted.

God, what’s the situation? Dum Court Academecian What’s wrong with him?

Noting the startled expression on the faces of several other scientists, Qi Yu was right, and eyes showed the ominous light asked: “cough cough, do you have any questions?”

These scientists were originally kidnapped in half by Dr. Destruction, and since seeing a disobedient scientist tragically died in the hands of Dr. Destruction, they are now afraid of Dr. Destruction. Hold an awe-inspiring attitude. The evil Dr. Destruction is now controlled by the Chinese, so several of their scientists naturally closed their mouths in a hurry, lest the other should be unhappy to kill oneself.

“From now on, this underground base belongs to me!”

After Qi Yu’s remarks, several of their scientists did not dare to breathe and looked directly at Qi Yu’s eyes. The state was like hiding the underwear of the little girl in the neighbor’s house under the bed when they were young. same.

No one dares to question Qi Yu’s authority!

After successfully conquering Dr. Destruction as his third servant, Qi Yu then ordered the release of Fantastic Four from the cell.

Of course, in view of the fact that Fantastic Four could not be found where his secret base was, Qi Yu deliberately made Dr. Destruction throw a stun magic bomb when he let them 4 Daredevil leave, and blasted 4 of them again. The dishes were gone, and then they were thrown back to their Baxter Building base in Washington, DC.

As for Dr. Destruction, a talent of magic and technology Dual Cultivation, Qi Yu did not take him back to United States, but let him stay in Latovnia and arranged a difficult Quest for him, so he must be in Within 3 years, become the dictatorship of Latovinia, a small country, and have full control of the Latvian government!

The timeline has progressed here, and Qi Yu’s 3 good child grenades have been used up one after another.

Comparable to Hulk’s violent warrior Abomination, Magneto who controls the electromagnetic force, and Dr. Destruction of the Dual Cultivation, all became good children of Qi Yu.

Originally, all three of them should call Qi Yu “father”, but Qi Yu always feels that this name is a bit of a violation, especially the old man Magneto in his 3s, which can obviously be regarded as his grandfather generation. The character is there, but he wants to sell him and call him father. People who don’t understand the situation see this scene and think that this family is slipping out of the mental hospital group.

Of course also the most important reason!

If Hannah hears someone calling him father, it is estimated that it will kill people. It’s terrifying for a woman to go crazy…

Therefore, for various comprehensive considerations, Qi Yu still commanded their three people. From now on, it would be fine to call him “master”, “Boss”, “Boss” and the like.


PS. Thank you L Zimo for your 300 points support! Thank you Dingxi for your 100-point currency support!

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