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Because the Vampire bases of the world 8 great powers are all under independent rule, this Vampire king is only the king of American Vampires.

King Vampire like him, and each of the other 7 Vampire kingdoms also have one.

And since the United States Vampire base is the nominal headquarters of the Vampire base in 8 countries, speaking from a certain perspective, the status of this United States Vampire king is slightly higher than that of the other 7 countries.

Looking up at the huge old castle in front of him, Qi Yu sent emotions to the Blade and Emil around him: “True didn’t expect, under the ground of a classical manor, there is also such a place of charm and beauty Underground City.”

“History dates back to the Middle Ages, the Human Race is relatively weak, and the Vampire family is strong. Vampire often dominates a human city on the ground as a racial stronghold. Even the kings of many countries meet the King Vampire with respect and courtesy of 30%. In addition, a large number of living people, Ayesha, are regularly presented to the Vampire family. At that time, the Vampire family was respected and powerful.”

Speaking of which, Blade looked around all around and couldn’t help feeling, “Unlike now, after the Human Race has thrived with the power of technology, these Vampires can only hide like a mouse in a hidden underground city. Struggling on whilst at death’s door, which is incomparable with the prosperous era of 1000 years ago. Especially when the world’s nuclear powers, just authorized to launch a nuclear missile of sufficient equivalent, it is enough to completely wipe out the entire Vampire Underground City from Earth.”

Blade was sighing, and suddenly Qi Yu hugged him and Emil’s small waist, and a strange smile appeared on his face, “cough cough, are you two ready this time?”

After a little stunned, Blade and Emil soon understood what Qi Yu was doing.

“Ready!” The two nodded, holding their mouths and clenching their teeth to hold their breath, ready to move at a high speed later.

call out!

A residual image rushed towards the night sky. In the next scene, a silhouette of three people appeared inside the castle, outside the private study room exclusively enjoyed by the king.

At this moment, King Vampire is reading at night in the antique study.

Although he is more than 60 years old, he is often nourished because he often sucks the best quality blood, so his appearance is well maintained. It looks like he is only in his 40s. He is full of spirit and radiates all over his body. A capable and steady atmosphere.

There are two more powerful Vampire Knights outside the study room, and two of them are responsible for the security of the monarch.

Unfortunately, the two met Qi Yu Old Brother, and Qi Yu slapped them as scattered and ashes and dispersed smoke.

After the doorman’s hum 2 was about to be shot to death, Emil stepped forward and slammed open the door for the master.

“Who are you?” After seeing three strange faces in the doorway of the study, King Vampire put down the book suspiciously and stood up to ask. Without his permission, no one can come in to disturb him, so it is not difficult to speculate that the two gatekeepers of Vampire Knight should have been killed by them.

However, just after the words were spoken, he immediately recognized one of the three-


Black complexion…

Wearing sunglasses on his face…

Take a katana with you…

“Shit! Are you Blade!?”

Although King Vampire had never seen this Blade in person, he had at least seen it on certain confidential information many times, so he quickly recognized that the black sunglasses man on the opposite side was the renowned Blade, which made many Vampire stunned. , A trembling butcher!

However, in the view of King Vampire, Blade is powerful, but he himself is also a Transcendent grade lifeform. The noble Dracula lineage flows in the body. If you really fight with Blade, when the time comes The unknown!

Among the approximately 4000 Vampires in the entire United States, this Vampire King is the most powerful!

“Relax, please don’t be so nervous?” Blade shrugged with a smile on his skin. “Actually we are here, we just intend to discuss something with you.”

“Discuss what?” Vampire Wang’s vicissitudes of brows slightly wrinkle, the tone is slightly stronger, and does not fall into the style of the king, “If this king does not agree?”

Hearing this, Blade put his hand on the handle of silver katana, and put on a posture that he always needed a knife to cut people. Lightly threatened: “If you don’t agree, then don’t blame me for destroying you.”

“It’s a big breath!” King Vampire growled loudly, and a strong cold breath suddenly burst out from within the body, blowing Qi Yu and the others’ clothing corners against the wind.

Seeing this scene, Blade’s face was slightly startled, and he could not help but hold the knife handle tighter, “It seems that the Vampire king who is in power is not a purely weak and incompetent person, the power of this tyrannical atmosphere, It’s almost like me.”

“Hmph!” Vampire Wang converged on the chilly breath of the outside, and said with a serious face, “You know, this king is not afraid of you. The reason why he hasn’t done it, but he doesn’t want to fight you both sides suffer , That’s not good for you and us.”

Speaking of which, King Vampire stretched his right arm out of the study door, “So, Blade, as long as you now take your 2 younger brothers out of the castle and return to your human world, this king will break into you here. Things are not to blame!”

“Hehe, what a blame!”

At this moment, Qi Yu, who had been silent, suddenly spoke and stepped forward from behind Blade.

Qi Yu just thought that Blade had been dealing with Vampires for several years, and he had rich experience. All that was to let Blade communicate with King Vampire. However, when this King of Vampire saw that he had been standing silently behind Blade, he naturally mistakenly thought that Blade was 3. Boss in the group!

Hello, don’t make a mistake, Qi Yu Old Brother is the master behind the scenes, is the real boss?

Hearing the laughter from the younger brother behind Blade, the Vampire king brows tightly knit, with a somewhat sullen expression, pointed to Qi Yu scolded: “What are you? This king is talking to your boss, when is your turn to interrupt!”

Vampire Wang was very uncomfortable with Qi Yu blindly coming in and the negotiation process between him and Blade. If the Chinese kid agreed with his proposal, he wouldn’t be too angry, but the problem was that the Chinese kid said clearly I’m messing with the water and want to do things!

Instinctively angry, Vampire opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, “If you are not looking at Blade’s face, this king will suck your blood away now!”

Uh… You can shoot dead goods in the palm of your hand. Boast shamelessly said that Qi Yu’s blood should be drained. Qi Yu himself feels both angry and funny.

Hearing this, Qi Yu took two steps forward, came to the front of Vampire King, rolled up his sleeves, stretched out his forearm, and his face didn’t care about the expression: “Come here, suck my blood, grandfather is standing Don’t move here, let your old dog suck for free to see how much blood you can suck away.”


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