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The first thousand three hundred and eighty-eight chapters

“who are you?”

The youngster, who was refuted by the youth, looked ugly.

“I am? Everyone calls me Da Gouzi.”

Youth lightly smiled, walked to the youngster who was chased first, and looked at him up and down. “Like, really like.”

“Da Gouzi?haha! Also someone called this name!”

A group of young people laughed.

“uncle, what is it really like?”

The youngster, known as the bastard, looked up and looked forward to Da Gouzi.

“You and I used to be like being bullied. You won’t have a younger sister?”

Da Gouzi said with a smile.

“how do you know?”

The youngster was surprised to look forward to Da Gouzi, and then he showed a hint of vigilance in his eyes, apparently treating Da Gouzi as a trafficker.

“really have?”

Da Gouzi was slightly startled, then a smirk of the group of young man after the sweep, indifferently said: “Why are they chasing you.”

“Hey! Don’t worry about it, do you know that we are the younger generation of that family?”

The group of young man sees Da Gouzi seems to be nosy, and immediately blows up.

“I… my younger sister is ill, I want to ask the cultivator to see her. When I am tired, I accidentally fell asleep at the Wang Family gate and soiled the floor, so…”

Youngster seems to have noticed the good intentions of Da Gouzi, hesitant.

“I can cure your younger sister’s illness. As for this group of small ……”

Da Gouzi waved his hand, and the group of young men suddenly made a mess and rolled down from the observation deck. They stood up in anger and yelled at Da Gouzi, turned and fled, apparently going to the rescue.

“Uncle, their background is very terrifying, you are running away, I can give them a maximum of ten!”

Youngster 椤挎椂镌€镐ヨ捣鏉ャ€

鈥滈 冿纻涓 粈涔堣阃冿纴褰揿垵 粈涔堣阃冿纴褰揿垵 Young Master 宁 “垜铡籅eggars Association 鏁慙ittle Yue鈥檈r 镄勬椂 chain 欙纴鏄庣煡阆揿鏂 殑鑳屾櫙鏄疕uangfu Family 镄勫ぇSteward 锛屼篃浠庢湭阃冭 纴 纴 孻 oung Master 闾f椂 chain 欑殑韬 锛屼篃涓嶈 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢 鏄疢竴钖峛astard 鈥[€[€

Da Gouzi lightly smiled 锛宨n one鈥檚eyes flash a hint of 锲炲繂涔嬭壊锛屼笉鐭ヤ笉n夛纴鈥檚ss flash a hint of娓愭笎镄勬贰铡 纴鍞湁鍦 纴鍞湁鍦 ragon ragon Slayer Marquis Residence 镄勯偅娈 椂闂 纴璁 纴璁 纴璁 繂娣卞埢銆

鈥淗uangfu Family 锛熷緢寮哄悧锛熲€

Youngster chain

鈥 畻鏄緢寮 畻鏄緢寮 粖镄刉 粖镄刉 粖镄刉 ang family 鏄竴镙 鏄竴镙 鏄竴镙

Da Gouzi said with a slight smile.

Trifling 涓€镣烽涔嫔悗锛岀獊鐒秙omeone 璧 笂 傛櫙鍙 傛櫙鍙 傛櫙鍙 傛櫙鍙 槸涓 槸涓 钖崭腑骞碿 钖崭腑骞碿 钖崭腑骞碿 钖崭腑骞碿 钖崭腑骞碿 钖崭腑骞碿 钖崭腑骞碿Gouzi gallium 撹窇镄剏oung man 銆

鈥渌ld Ancestor 锛佸 ammonia鏄粬锛佸鎴慦 ang Family 鍑鸿█涓嶉€婏纴涓轰涓 涓狰astard 锛岀珶鐒 暍 暍 chain 濇垜浠姩 gallium 嬶紒鈥

鐜嬫鲜鍐峰喎镄勬寚镌€Da Gouzi 锛宎nd said銆

闾d腑骞碿ultivator coldly watch Da Gouzi 锛岃韩涓婃映鍙戝嚭鑻ユ湁鑻ユ棤镄凲i Refining 阒跺穮宄 addiction ura 銆

Youngster 瑙佺姸锛屽悡镄勮翰鍒瘅a Gouzi 镄勮儗钖庛€

鈥渨ho are you 锛熷彲鐭ラho are you

Cult cultivator said coldy 銆


Da Gouzi lightly smiled 銆

鈥 巹鐪熶簩瀛椾唬琛ㄧ潃浠 涔堬纴浣犱笉浼 涔堬纴浣犱笉浼 涔堬纴浣犱笉浼 涔堬纴浣犱笉浼 墦鎴慦 墦鎴慦 ang family 镄剏ounger generation 锛屼綘鏄笉鎯Worm

Cult cultivator sneered 銆

鈥滃康鍦╩y family Young Master 镄勪 涓婏纴鎴戝彧涓嶈 涓婏纴鎴戝彧涓嶈 涓婏纴鎴戝彧涓嶈 杞         浠栦 涓 涓嬭 涓嬭 涓嬭 涓嬭 涓嬭 涓嬭 涓嬭 涓嬭 涓嬭 涓嬭 屽栦 鍙缮 鍙缮 夊懡锛熲

Da Gouzi 娣$瑧涓€澹like €

Our测our family Young Master 锛熲€

涓 cultivator 绁炶壊寰井涓€鍙桡纴Da Gouzi 濡傛镐佸害锛屽€掓槸璁╀粬鎽镐笉镌€澶 剳锛岄毦阆 粬瀹 o o oung Master 涓嶹ang Family 涔熸湁鍏崇涔熸湁鍏

鈥滀笉鐭our family Young Master 鏄綍浜 monkey 纻鈥

涓 cultivator 绁炶壊璀 “儠镄勯死銆

鈥渌ld Ancestor 锛屼粬鏄湪鍞綘 纴涓嶈涓巘 纴涓嶈涓巘 his person 搴熻瘽锛岀洿鎺ラ晣铡嬩 research 鏄紒鈥

鐜嬫鲜angrily said 銆

Cult cultivator in one鈥檚eyes flash a hint of awkward look 锛岀帇鎸箖鏄偅涓€鏀剦镄剏ounger generation 锛屼粬铏 劧杈堜 姣斿叾楂 姣斿叾楂 笂璁 笂璁锛屽嵈涓嶅缑涓岖湅鍦ㄥ鏂筄ld Ancestor 镄勯 涓婏纴涓 粬鏉ュ嚭杩椤彛 粬鏉ュ嚭杩椤彛 粬鏉ュ嚭杩椤彛 粬鏉ュ嚭杩椤彛 粬鏉ュ嚭杩椤彛 粬鏉ュ嚭杩椤彛 粬鏉ュ嚭杩椤彛 粬鏉ュ嚭杩椤彛 粬鏉ュ嚭杩椤彛 粬鏉ュ嚭杩椤彛 粬鏉ュ嚭杩椤彛 粬鏉ュ嚭杩椤彛 粬鏉ュ嚭杩椤彛

鈥滀綘鎯崇煡阆搈 y family Young Master 鏄皝鍟婏纻锽忥纴Young Master 灏卞湪闾i噷銆傗€

Da Gouzi 娣$瑧镌€facing Ning Qi 镓€鍦ㄧ殑鏂鍦ㄧ殑鏂鍦ㄧ殑鏂悜锷姫鍢

Our测our family Young Master 鏄偅缇aw Manifestation Realm cultivator 涓殑涓€浣嶏纻鈥

涓 cultivator 寰 well startled 銆

闅忓嵆鐪 腑 腑 腑 腑 € € € €

濡傛灉鐪熸槸杩欐牱锛岃 umbrella鍙vil qi 杩榥o good 鍑哄憿銆

鈥淟aw Manifestation Realm cultivator 鍙埚浣曪纻my family 鐜嬫捣Old Ancestor 锛屽墠娈 椂闂 椂闂 垰鍒歜 reakthrough 鍒癓aw Manifestation Realm 涓湡锛屽凡缁忔垚涓缁忔垚涓Led 锛佲€

Fresh sneered 銆

鈥 帇娴 帇娴 纻鈥

Da Gouzi 鐪   纴闅忓嵆娣 纴闅忓嵆娣 纴闅忓嵆娣 瑧涓 瑧涓 family family family family family family family family family family my family Young Master 銆傗 €


Cult cultivator 竴鍙桡纴 竴鍙桡纴 竴鍙桡纴 face showed a hint of 涓嶆暍缃俊涔嬭壊锛屾湁浜涙侪鐤戜笉瀹氱殑鐪嬬潃Da Gouzi 銆

韬Da Gouzi 韬悗镄勯偅钖峺oungster 锛岃韩浣扑篃鏄庢樉涓€碉纴碉纴暗囨侪镄勬姮璧峰ご銆

鈥沧偍锛屾偍鏄鈥[orth Profound Old Ancestor 鏄偍镄勨€[€oung Master 锛熲€

涓 cultivator chain 変簺鑹 纴宸茬粡鐢ㄤ笂浜嗗皧绉 纴宸茬粡鐢ㄤ笂浜嗗皧绉 纴宸茬粡鐢ㄤ笂浜嗗皧绉 €

鈥沧槸鍟婏纴鎴戜 鎽 鎽 潃 Young Master 涔熻瑕佸嚭鍏 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 嶈 嶈 嶈 嶈 鏉ユ帴浠栧憿銆傗 鏉ユ帴浠栧憿銆傗 鏉ユ帴浠栧憿銆傗

Da Gouzi lightly smiled 銆

涓庢钖屾椂锛宎path of break奖breaking space 屾潵锛岃惤鍦ㄥ 屾潵锛岃惤鍦ㄥ 缁忎箙镞犱 缁忎箙镞犱 鐑熺殑 腑骞碿 腑骞碿 腑骞碿 腑骞碿 腑骞碿 腑骞碿 腑骞碿 腑骞碿 腑骞碿 腑骞碿埌鍏 腑鍑犻 腑鍑犻 腑鍑犻 韬 韬 涔嫔悗锛岃 瀛愬繊涓崭綇寮 瀛愬繊涓崭綇寮 瀛愬繊涓崭綇寮 濮嬮 濮嬮 鎶栬捣鏉ャ 鎶栬捣鏉ャ 鎶栬捣鏉ャ

“Old, Old Ancestor?”


鐜嬫捣    浠栦竴鐪硷纴浼 〔 〔€[€[€

寰堟樉鐒讹纴浠栦笅闱(3)殑younger generation 澶锛屾牴chain涓嶆竻鐜嬫鲜杩椤佛浜虹墿銆

鐜嬫捣鎯 笉鍑 笉鍑 笉鍑 Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go綘鏉ョ殑鍙湡镞┿€傗€

鈥滀笉鏉ユ棭镣癸纴镐庝箞鑳界涓€镞堕棿鎺ュ埌Young Master 銆傗€

Da Gouzi said with a smile.

Cult cultivator 鍜岀帇鎸粬浠凡缁忓交搴旷浉 ′ 简 D Da Da Gouzi 镄勮瘽锛岀溂涓悍绾穝howed a look of dismay 锛屼笉鏁(1) 啀 chain 変 浣曡 璇 璇 璇

Eternal Life Realm 浠ヤ笂镄刢ultivator 锛岄兘镒熻鍒 简 N Ning Qi 闾h 镄刟 镄刟 ura chain 変簺寮傛牱锛屼竴涓帴涓 涓︻殑璧跺埌 涓︻殑璧跺埌 傛櫙鍙纴涓冨骇宸ㄥ煄镄勮鏅彴鍑犱箮涓嶅鐢纴浣欎笅镄勪 纴涓冨骇宸ㄥ煄镄勮鏅彴鍑犱箮涓嶅鐢纴浣欎笅镄勪 灏 绔嫔湪 涔嬩腑锛宖 涔嬩腑锛宖 涔嬩腑锛宖 涔嬩腑锛宖 ing ing ing ing 濂 濂 濂 濂 濂 濂镄勫紶 chain to €


At the same time, Ning Qi knows the evil essence of the sea, only the 10% of the rice grain. After the last few crazy sucks, the essence of the evil Shura is finally exhausted.

Ning Qi The skinny body is gradually filling up, the skin is crystal clear, and you can see the bones that seem to be shining.

“Xianji Yugu?”

The nine secluded eyes changed slightly, and the look of the eyes flashed a look of horror that was hard to detect.

The change has not stopped, Ning Qi’s body gradually becomes transparent, and in the end, as if there is a gust of wind blowing, his fleshly body is turned into a little starlight.

Everyone saw this scene, and even the look of Jianxi had changed.

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