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绗竴鍗冨洓锏绗竴鍗冨洓锏洓鍗佸叓绔 镡熶汉

Emerald belly this Pill Dao inheritance 寮 钖纴姣忎 钖纴姣忎 浠欐浈镄 ill ill Refining Master 镵 洘鍙湁涓や quot quot quot湰韬纴鑻ユ 夊叚锷 犵墿涓诲潗闀囷纴杩炰竴涓 犵墿涓诲潗闀囷纴杩炰竴涓 犵墿涓诲潗闀囷纴杩炰竴涓 u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u垜闄﹄綘涓€璧峰幓锛熲€

Ning Qi laughs at Hehe’s way.

榛戞 涓 涓 expression expression expression expression expression 锛屼簩浜哄 缁忎笂璺 缁忎笂璺 缁忎笂璺 鏆涓 鏆涓 鏆涓 鏆涓 鏆涓 鏆涓 鏆涓

浠庣巹澶滀粰 濊 濊 濊 杈 杈 杈 杈 杈 纴鍒 纴鍒 纴鍒 纴鍒 鏆涓 鏆涓 鏆涓 鏆涓 鏆涓 鏆涓 鏆涓 鏆涓 鏆涓Stretching the chain, smashing and smashing

鈥滃畞缁熺浼氱偧鍒禭 NUMXth rank 澶﹄笂澶 缮涓癸纴瓒 缮涓癸纴瓒 缮涓癸纴瓒 缮涓癸纴瓒 缮涓癸纴瓒 缮涓癸纴瓒 璇佹槑浣犵殑 ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill犳 涓纴浣嗘垜鍏鍒嗘槑锛屼笉浼 涓纴浣嗘垜鍏鍒嗘槑锛屼笉浼 綘搴斿缑镄勪竴鍒囷纴 綘搴斿缑镄勪竴鍒囷纴 this this 鏆涓 剦 剦 剦 剦 剦 剦 剦 钖纴钖勬 钖纴钖勬 钖纴钖勬淳鍑篽eaven鈥檚chosen 鍙effect姞锛屼綘镄刢 ultivation base锛屼綘浠庣巹澶滀粰 chain 濆幓銆傗 chain濆幓銆傗

榛戞 涓 涓 皧 indifferently said 銆

鈥滃姝わ纴 chain掕many thanks 榛戞 涓 涓 皧浜嗐 傗€傗€

Ning Qi lightly smiled.

榛戞 涓 涓 皧涔熸 夊缑 夊缑 夊缑 夊缑 Ning Qi 浼氱浉 粬杩欑旸璇濓纴涓や 粬杩欑旸璇濓纴涓や 粬杩欑旸璇濓纴涓や 鐜 鐜 湪璨屽悎绁炵锛屽彧瑕佽 ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing 涓 剦锛岃繘鍏 o Dao inheritance 镄勬姠澶 箣涓纴浠栨湁镞犳暟绉嶆 箣涓纴浠栨湁镞犳暟绉嶆 箣涓纴浠栨湁镞犳暟绉嶆 璁 璁 璁 璁 kming Qi 姝荤殑涓嶆槑涓岖槠锛岃皝閮 涓嶅嚭浠讳綍reason 銆

浠庢渶钖庝竴涓﹄紶阃侀樀鍑 潵锛屼袱浜 潵锛屼袱浜 潵锛屼袱浜 潵锛屼袱浜 杩椤骇宸ㄥ煄锛孨 杩椤骇宸ㄥ煄锛孨 Qi 璺熺潃榛戞 璺熺潃榛戞 璺熺潃榛戞 涓 涓 涓 涓幓锛岄粦姘 灏婃晠镒忔兂璇曟帰涓 灏婃晠镒忔兂璇曟帰涓 涓婲 涓婲 Qi 镄勯 熷 熷 熷 熷 熷 熷 熷 熷 熷粬 ご鐪嫔幓锛屽嵈鍙戠幇 ご鐪嫔幓锛屽嵈鍙戠幇 Ning Qi 涓嶈韪 镄勬椂 镄勬椂 紦缂撴斁鎱 紦缂撴斁鎱 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五

鈥淓n 锛焧his child 鍒板摢读屽幓浜嗭纻鈥

榛戞 涓 涓 涓 皧绛夊 欎 欎 浼 浼 浼 浼 浼 锛屽嵈渚濈劧娌 湅 湅 丯 丯 Qi 镄勮 褰憋纴鑴 褰憋纴鑴 褰憋纴鑴 褰憋纴鑴 璧 璧 璧鏋滀粬鍗婅矾阃冭窇锛岄偅浠栫殑 撶畻灏辫惤绌 撶畻灏辫惤绌 撶畻灏辫惤绌 锛岃缮锏 锛岃缮锏 锛岃缮锏 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 u u u u


鈥渂reakthrough 涔嫔悗锛屾灉鐒剁灛鎭 涓 噷镄刴 噷镄刴 噷镄刴 噷镄刴 噷镄刴 涔熸彁鍗囦 涔熸彁鍗囦 涔熸彁鍗囦 涔熸彁鍗囦 鎭箣闂 鎭箣闂 鎭箣闂岀殑璺濈鈥 [[” Umbrella 镙 殑阃熷 殑阃熷 锛屼笉鐭ヤ粰鐜嬬骇镄勫瓨鍦纴鑳 锛屼笉鐭ヤ粰鐜嬬骇镄勫瓨鍦纴鑳 惁杩 惁杩 惁杩 惁杩 惁杩 惁杩

A few days later.

Stay up late with Danmai.

杩欓噷镄刴ountain range 浠庤 澶勭湅铡 纴 纴 mountain range 涓娄豢浣涙煋涓娄 涓 鐗囩墖绾 鐗囩墖绾 鐗囩墖绾 四 四 四 四竴鐗囩墖绾(4) 鑹茬殑鐭 滠銆

杩欎簺绾(四)鑹茬殑鐭冲ごご岋纴闅愰殣変竴涓変竴涓 ire Qi 鏁e彂彂屽嚭锛岄殧镌佽佽佽佽佽夊缑鐑皵夊缑鐑皵夊缑鐑皵夊缑鐑皵戦锛屾暣鏉 锛屾暣鏉 锛屾暣鏉 锛屾暣鏉 锛屾暣鏉 锛屾暣鏉 锛屾暣鏉 X X X X X X X X X 70-80%

Ning Qi 娓愭笎鏀 阃熷 阃熷 阃熷 锛屾牴鎹粬鍗婅矾涓娄 瑙 瑙 埌镄勪 埌镄勪 埌镄勪 埌镄勪 ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill Pill Refining Master 镵 洘涔濆ぇ涓 笣涔嬩竴锛屾毊澶滀 笣涔嬩竴锛屾毊澶滀 濇墍闀囧畧涔嫔湴锛屼篃鏄疨 Refining Master 镵 洘涔漡 洘涔漡 reat forbidden land 涔嬩竴锛岄櫎浜嗘湁 Pill Dao inheritance 寮€钖殑镞跺 欙纴浼氲澶栦 欙纴浼氲澶栦 欙纴浼氲澶栦 杩涘叆锛屽 杩涘叆锛屽 杩涘叆锛屽 欙纴鏄浜庡叧闂姸镐侊纴鏂 欙纴鏄浜庡叧闂姸镐侊纴鏂 欙纴鏄浜庡叧闂姸镐侊纴鏂 欙纴鏄浜庡叧闂姸镐侊纴鏂 欙纴鏄浜庡叧闂姸镐侊纴鏂 欙纴鏄浜庡叧闂姸镐侊纴鏂 欙纴鏄浜庡叧闂姸镐侊纴鏂 欙纴鏄浜庡叧闂姸镐侊纴鏂 欙纴鏄浜庡叧闂姸镐侊纴鏂 欙纴鏄浜庡叧闂姸镐侊纴鏂湴鍩燂纴鍏ㄩ儴閮界缃╁湪涓€灞傛贰娣$殑绂佹硶涔嬩笅锛岃繛涓€鍙︼殜铏纴閮戒笉鍏佽鍏ュ唴锛

鈥滈 佹浘缁忚杩囷纴 ill Pill Refining Master 镵 洘 変笁鍗佷笁钖峊 変笁鍗佷笁钖峊 e Im Im Im Im mort mort mort mort mort mort mort mort mort mort mort mort mort mort 悕涓瑰笣锛屽緢鍙兘閮芥槸浠欑帇绾 т 涓婄殑瀛 涓婄殑瀛 湪锛屾渶寮 湪锛屾渶寮 湪锛屾渶寮 湪锛屾渶寮 湪锛屾渶寮 悕锛屽簲璇ユ槸鍏姭阃犵墿涓 悕锛屽簲璇ユ槸鍏姭阃犵墿涓 悕锛屽簲璇ユ槸鍏姭阃犵墿涓 悕锛屽簲璇ユ槸鍏姭阃犵墿涓 悕锛屽簲璇ユ槸鍏姭阃犵墿涓 悕锛屽簲璇ユ槸鍏姭阃犵墿涓涔熶笉鐭ヨ umbrella 鏆涓 笣鏄墠 笣鏄墠 key 咃纻鈥

娓愭笎镄勶纴褰揘ing Qi 瓒婂彂闱犺繎鏆涓 剦镄勬椂 剦镄勬椂 欙纴涓 搴 搴 搴 骇濂囧纾 骇濂囧纾 潃寮傛棌椋庡懗镄勫 潃寮傛棌椋庡懗镄勫 潃寮傛棌椋庡懗镄勫 潃寮傛棌椋庡懗镄勫 潃寮傛棌椋庡懗镄勫纴鍑虹幇鍦∟ing Qi 闱(一)墠銆

Here, it should be the night and night city. It is the place where the Dan Tong servant, who usually stays in the night, is living in the Dan dynasty.

Ning Qi sensed thousands of aura in it, and somehow it came for Pill Dao inheritance. How much is itself the day and night of Dandi.

In front of the city gate, Ning Qi went straight, the defending city cultivator stepped forward, and did not speak, Ning Qi took out the jade plate and lost it.

This jade plate can prove that he is the identity of the Xuan Yexian dynasty Jiangnan City.

“What is the black water Dan of the mysterious fairy dynasty? How can you only be one?”

After observing the token and confirming the authenticity, the defending cultivator lost it to Ning Qi, and then some coldly looked at Ning Qi, and said.

They are the men of the day and night, not to mention that Ning Qi is just a small governor, even if Ning Qi is Dan Sheng, they may not come up with a good attitude.

“Black Water Dan has something to delay, and it will take some time to get there.”

Ning Qi said with a slight smile.

The speed of Black Water Danzun, even if it is full flight, there is no such thing as five months, and it will not be here.

“Pill Dao inheritance will only start in about half a year. During this time, you live in the night and night city. Don’t make troubles. Otherwise, even if you are the governor of the Pill Refining Master Alliance, there is no feeling to talk about, remember? ”

Shoucheng cultivator cold road.


Ning Qi nodded faintly.


The degree of heat in the city is much higher than that of the outside, but this kind of heat does not hinder Ning Qi. However, the general Law Manifestation Realm cultivator is estimated to be uncomfortable, as if it was lost. In the fire.

“A new Human Race cultivator, I don’t know if it is the Pill Refining Master Alliance, or which influence?”

“Strange, Law Manifestation Realm cultivator? Such a presence, dare to compete for this Pill Dao inheritance?”

“It looks like it should be the cultivator of the Pill Refining Master Alliance. Their Pill Refining Technique falsification can make up for the deficiencies in the cultivation base. To put it bluntly, every time the inheritance is turned on, the person who gets the inheritance is Pill Refining Master. Alliance cultivator.”

A pair of unscrupulous eyes, when Ning Qi just entered the city, fell on Ning Qi, all of them are aliens, the cultivation base is the weakest, and the aura is also equivalent to the black water Dan, which is strong, it should be The three robbers, Ning Qi, stood in the same place, face to face with each other for a while, then they lifted their feet and walked toward the city.

“Ning, brother, are you here too?”

A pleasant voice sounded.

Ning Qi looked up and saw the direct disciple of Lumen Immortal. He was beckoning him in the distance, standing beside him, still standing with a beautiful woman, she looked at Ning Qi’s eyes, with A touch of coldness.

“Sink big brother, how are you here?”

Ning Qi smiled and went up to the curiosity.

When he killed the evil spirits before, he heard the rules of Pill Dao inheritance, according to the rules, except for the Pill Refining Master Alliance, the Tool Refining Master Alliance, and the seven strongest Sects in the Central Plains. Race or influence, only the existence of the king of the expert, only have two quota, Lumen True Immortal is only three robbers, according to reason, there is no quota at all.

“haha, I am the light of the public granddaughter Lady, but you, I can’t think of this Pill Refining Master alliance will be a quota for you.”

The white is laughed.

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