Strongest Dragon Slayer System
Chapter 1451
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绗竴鍗冨洓锏句簲鍗佷竴绔 灞卞吔镞
Mad Dragon 涓 皧 皧 frowns 锛屾墦 忎 N N N N ing ing ing ing 滀綘鏄摢涓湴鏂 滀綘鏄摢涓湴鏂 滀綘鏄摢涓湴鏂 滀綘鏄摢涓湴鏂
鈥 巹澶滀粰 濇睙鍗楀煄缁熺瀹丯 orth Profound 銆傗€
Ning Qi lightly smiled.
鈥 巹澶滀粰 chain 濈殑鈥 [€ [€
Mad Dragon 涓 皧 皧 皧 皧 皧 皧 皧 皧 皧 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆
榛戞 涓 涓 涓 皧杩炲 皧杩炲 皧杩炲 皧杩炲 皧杩炲
鈥滀綘浠巹澶滀粰 chain漃ill Refining Master 镵旗洘娌’汉浜嗗悧锛熸嵁鎴戞墍鐭ワ纴闾i噷闄や简浣犱箣澶栵纴杩樻湁锲涘悕涓瑰皧鏄竴锷€犵墿涓汇€傗€
Mad Dragon 涓 皧 皧said coldy 锛气沨沨his Pill Dao inheritance 闱炲悓灏忓彲锛屽涓€钖嶉€犵墿涓犵墿涓纴灏卞涓鍒嗗姏锛屼綘鍗鍒嗗姏锛屼綘鍗鍒嗗姏锛屼綘鍗甫涓涓狶aw Manifestation Realm 缁熺鍓嶆潵锛熲€
鈥淢ad Dragon 涓 皧 皧 ill ill Pill Refining Technique 阃犺闱炲嚒锛屽鏋沧垜涓嶅甫浠栧墠鏉ワ纴鍙€曡仈鐩熷唴浼歴omeone 垜鍏姤绉佷粐銆傗存垜鍏姤绉佷粐銆傗€
榛戞 涓 涓 皧 皧 皧 N N ing ing Ning Qi 涓€鐪硷纴laughed evilly 锛宎nd said銆
榛戞 涓 涓 皧 indifferently said 锛气沨hi humble one is disciple 鐜嬮浑锛屾鍦ㄥ畞缁熺镄勬 涓€傗€
姝よ█涓€鍑猴纴鍦ㄥ満镄勭粺绠ooked towards Ning Qi 镄勭溂绁炲 鍙 鍙 缑棰囦 缑棰囦 涓嶅杽锛岃 涓嶅杽锛岃 涓嶅杽锛岃 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿 阔凤细鈥滈粦姘翠灏婃湁涓灏婃湁涓 浠 簨娌 簨娌 °C湁璇存竻妤 纴瀹 纴瀹 for Taiwan 涓婃槸浠杁 isciple 鐜嬮浑锛屽厛瀵 畞缁熺涓嬫 畞缁熺涓嬫 锛屽畞缁熺鍙槸杩 浠栦竴鎺岃 浠栦竴鎺岃 屽 屽 屽 屽 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 簨锛岄 簨锛岄 簨锛岄 簨锛岄 闂ㄤ粰 闂ㄤ粰 € € € € € € € €
榛戞 涓 涓 涓 皧鐩厜鍐 喎镞犳瘮镄勬浈璇 喎镞犳瘮镄勬浈璇 喎镞犳瘮镄勬浈璇 瘽涔嬩 瘽涔嬩 瘽涔嬩 瘽涔嬩 瘽涔嬩
鐞呯悐涓瑰皧涓€鐩寸珯鍦ㄥ悗闱纴Ning Qi 鍒 鍒 垰 chain 掓槸娌 °C 湁娉ㄦ剰鍒 粬锛屼笉杩囦粬鐜 湪寮 鍙 鍙 镊 镊繁璁茶瘽锛孨ing Qi 渚挎浈鍏剁瑧镌€镣镣镣偣澶
P 鈥滆 浜涗簨鎴戜笉鎯 綇浜嗭纴 綇浜嗭纴 讳箣浣犱 綇浜嗭纴 綇浜嗭纴 this Pill Dao inheritance 锛屽鎴戝緢 嶈锛屽鏋滀綘浠箣涓皝鏁(二)搮镊煋鎸囷纴闾e ammonia 鏄€夋嫨涓庢垜涓夋嫨涓庢垜涓晫銆傗
Mad Dragon 涓 皧鐪 皧鐪 皧鐪 皧鐪 寰 锷纴蹇冧腑浼 锷纴蹇冧腑浼 锷纴蹇冧腑浼 锷纴蹇冧腑浼 锷纴蹇冧腑浼 N N N N N N N N N N ing ing ing ing 殑 殑 殑 殑涓 涓 鐪硷纴璇濊铏 鐪硷纴璇濊铏 鐪硷纴璇濊铏 鐪硷纴璇濊铏 鐪硷纴璇濊铏 鐪硷纴璇濊铏 锛屼笌 锛屼笌 锛屼笌 锛屼笌 锛屼笌 锛屼笌 锛屼笌 锛屼笌 锛屼笌 Mad Mad Dragon浜哄镄凪aster 锛岄偅鍙槸Pill Refining Master 镵旗洘洘ultivation base chain寮寮寮殑殑╂彁涓╂彁涓笣锛屼粬璇村笣锛屼粬璇吨锛岀敋镊宠秴杩囨辉浜涗腹浜涗o紒
浼椾汉镣圭偣澶达纴蹇冧腑涓嶆效琛ㄩ琛ㄩ no good 娴侀湶鍑 潵銆
鈥淧ill Refining Master 镵 洘镄刭 uota 铏 锛屽嵈瑕佸 锛屽嵈瑕佸 浜 o Da Da o Dao inheritance 浜嗭纴杩 笉濡傛垜浠 笉濡傛垜浠 笉濡傛垜浠 镙 嚜鐢辫嚜鍦纴鍝︷噷 嚜鐢辫嚜鍦纴鍝︷噷 嚜鐢辫嚜鍦纴鍝︷噷 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸
鈥滃槝锛屽皬镣瑰0锛孧ad Dragon 涓 皧镞犳瘮璁 皧镞犳瘮璁 皧镞犳瘮璁 皧镞犳瘮璁 皧镞犳瘮璁 粐锛屽埆琚叾钖埌锛屽 粐锛屽埆琚叾钖埌锛屽 粐锛屽埆琚叾钖埌锛屽 綘瀵 綘瀵 綘瀵 綘瀵 綘瀵 綘瀵 綘瀵
鈥沧垜镐曚粬锛焧his 钀ф棤澶溿€佽佽娴﹃佽佽佽缇 eaven鈥檚chosen 灏辫 frozen 澶熶粬锽濅竴澹 銆傗 銆傗 €
闄勮繎镄刢ultivator 绐 power
Mad Dragon 皧寰勭洿璧 皧寰勭洿璧 悜蹇冨涔嫔锛屼笉澶氭椂锛屽 悜蹇冨涔嫔锛屼笉澶氭椂锛屽 悜蹇冨涔嫔锛屼笉澶氭椂锛屽 悜蹇冨涔嫔锛屼笉澶氭椂锛屽 悜蹇冨涔嫔锛屼笉澶氭椂锛屽 悜蹇冨涔嫔锛屼笉澶氭椂锛屽 悜蹇冨涔嫔锛屼笉澶氭椂锛屽娣★纴涓庤惂镞犲涓€镙凤纴 Mad Dragon 涓瑰皧浠ヤ笁锷皧浠ヤ笁锷犵墿涓荤殑cultivation base 锛岄棷鍒 绗 绗 绗涔熸嫢 chain塨reakthrough 鍒€簲锷aptitude 銆
Ning Qi 涓庣悈鐞娄 灏婇棽璋堜 鍑犲彞锛屼粬 鍑犲彞锛屼粬 鍑犲彞锛屼粬 鍑犲彞锛屼粬 鍑犲彞锛屼粬 鍑犲彞锛屼粬 潵镄勫彟澶栦竴浣岖粺绠 潵镄勫彟澶栦竴浣岖粺绠 纴 纴 ing Ning Qi 浠庢湭 has seen 锛屼笉杩囦粬镄勬牱璨屽 掓槸涓庣悈鐞娄 掓槸涓庣悈鐞娄 掓槸涓庣悈鐞娄 灏婇 佸埌 佸埌 佸埌 Ning Qi 锛岄涓 伃璋纴 伃璋纴 chain 掓槸璁kming Qi 鐢熷嚭涓€浜涘ソ镒熴€
榛戞 涓 涓 涓 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi 浠 浠 浠 粬镄勭洰鍏夛纴绐佺劧杞ご涓庡叾 粬镄勭洰鍏夛纴绐佺劧杞ご涓庡叾 to to to鍢 竴绗 纴渚 纴渚 纴渚 笌鐞呯悐涓 笌鐞呯悐涓 笌鐞呯悐涓 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺
鈥滃畞 佸纻锛岄偅浜涗簩锷 犵墿涓 犵墿涓 犵墿涓 犵墿涓 纴宸茬粡閮 纴宸茬粡閮 锛屼綘鐪嬩綘瑕佷笉瑕佽繘铡 锛屼綘鐪嬩綘瑕佷笉瑕佽繘铡 锛屼綘鐪嬩綘瑕佷笉瑕佽繘铡 锛屼綘鐪嬩綘瑕佷笉瑕佽繘铡 锛屼綘鐪嬩綘瑕佷笉瑕佽繘铡 锛屼綘鐪嬩綘瑕佷笉瑕佽繘铡 锛屼綘鐪嬩綘瑕佷笉瑕佽繘铡
娌堢槠facing Ning Qi said 銆
鈥滀簩浣崭笉鍏堣繘铡 纻鈥
Ning Qi said with a smile.
“That, I will wait.”
Shen white forced laugh.
Ning Qi look at Gongsun Ziyun, my heart suddenly understood that the relationship between the two is not simple, it is likely to have been private for life, Shenbai is very worried that his record in the tower of the mood is not very good, this is somewhat uncertain.
Mind here, Ning Qi smiled and walked directly toward the Tower of Mind.
“trifling Law Manifestation Realm cultivator, also enter the tower? Roll!”
Suddenly, a big man with a strong body appeared in front of Ning Qi, stopping Ning Qi’s way, and swearing.
The people have just known the identity of Ning Qi, probably the management of the Pill Refining Master Alliance, and now they look at Mad Dragon Dan Zun.
Mad Dragon Dan Zun looked at this scene indifferently, without the meaning of the shot, and the rest of the management, face to face each other, see no one in the first place, it seems that they do not intend to pay attention.
“It is the heaven’s chosen mountain beast. It is said that the mountain beastmaster has broken through to the seven robbers and is the person in the Tool Refining Master League!”
Someone recognizes the identity of big man, and then stunned, no wonder not afraid of Ning Qi’s management status.
At this moment, the seven Sect’s heaven’s chosen, have their eyes on Ning Qi and the big man, like a smile yet not a smile.
The white look changed slightly and looked at the grandson Ziyun.
Gongsun Ziyun shaking one’s head: “The people of the mountain orc are crazy, don’t provoke them, but they don’t dare to kill innocents here, but they don’t have to worry about it. Don’t bother, you and me, but they are enemies.”
Shen Baixin sighed. In the Lumen Sin Dynasty, except for his few fellow apprentices, his Master Lumen True Immortal was the biggest. No matter where he went, who would dare to say no? When I got here, I was limited.
The white fist clenched slightly.
“I remember, you have already gone in? Why stop me?”
Ning Qi said with a slight smile.
Act recklessly !
This is the view of Ning Qi in the hearts of everyone, the trifling Law Manifestation Realm cultivator, really still at this moment on his own site, is the management of the Pill Refining Master Alliance?
When I arrived at the night city, not everyone gave the Pill Refining Master League face!
The rabbit man of the mountain orc sneered aloud: “I will see you are not pleasing to the eye, this place is the creator, the lowest is half-step, you Law Manifestation Realm cultivator to join in the fun?”
Sure enough, it is a madman.
Everyone has a secret thought in one’s heart.
The mountain beasts have no reason to act, even if they are the king of the beast, they have done many inexplicable things, so several populations are therefore extinct in the central mainland.
“Let’s make a bet.”
Ning Qi suddenly smiled.
“What gambling?”
The mountain orc robust man is slightly startled. The tribe who came with him is also somewhat confused to see Ning Qi. This Human Race ants, bet they bet?
“I can gamble if I can enter the tower of my heart.”
Ning Qi said with a smile.
“haha! Ok! What are you betting on? You are the Pill Refining Master of the Pill Refining Master League. Take the medicine pill and gamble with me!”
Robust man said with a smile ,in one’s eyes flash a hint of look of greed .
“8th rank is too big for Dan. This is my bet. If I am loose, medicine pill belongs to you. If you are loose, let’s learn a few dogs.”
Ning Qi said with a smile.
Shen Baixin suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air, this Ning brother, courage is fatter than him!
绗竴鍗冨洓锏句簲鍗佷竴绔 灞卞吔镞
Mad Dragon 涓 皧 皧 frowns 锛屾墦 忎 N N N N ing ing ing ing 滀綘鏄摢涓湴鏂 滀綘鏄摢涓湴鏂 滀綘鏄摢涓湴鏂 滀綘鏄摢涓湴鏂
鈥 巹澶滀粰 濇睙鍗楀煄缁熺瀹丯 orth Profound 銆傗€
Ning Qi lightly smiled.
鈥 巹澶滀粰 chain 濈殑鈥 [€ [€
Mad Dragon 涓 皧 皧 皧 皧 皧 皧 皧 皧 皧 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆
榛戞 涓 涓 涓 皧杩炲 皧杩炲 皧杩炲 皧杩炲 皧杩炲
鈥滀綘浠巹澶滀粰 chain漃ill Refining Master 镵旗洘娌’汉浜嗗悧锛熸嵁鎴戞墍鐭ワ纴闾i噷闄や简浣犱箣澶栵纴杩樻湁锲涘悕涓瑰皧鏄竴锷€犵墿涓汇€傗€
Mad Dragon 涓 皧 皧said coldy 锛气沨沨his Pill Dao inheritance 闱炲悓灏忓彲锛屽涓€钖嶉€犵墿涓犵墿涓纴灏卞涓鍒嗗姏锛屼綘鍗鍒嗗姏锛屼綘鍗鍒嗗姏锛屼綘鍗甫涓涓狶aw Manifestation Realm 缁熺鍓嶆潵锛熲€
鈥淢ad Dragon 涓 皧 皧 ill ill Pill Refining Technique 阃犺闱炲嚒锛屽鏋沧垜涓嶅甫浠栧墠鏉ワ纴鍙€曡仈鐩熷唴浼歴omeone 垜鍏姤绉佷粐銆傗存垜鍏姤绉佷粐銆傗€
榛戞 涓 涓 皧 皧 皧 N N ing ing Ning Qi 涓€鐪硷纴laughed evilly 锛宎nd said銆
榛戞 涓 涓 皧 indifferently said 锛气沨hi humble one is disciple 鐜嬮浑锛屾鍦ㄥ畞缁熺镄勬 涓€傗€
姝よ█涓€鍑猴纴鍦ㄥ満镄勭粺绠ooked towards Ning Qi 镄勭溂绁炲 鍙 鍙 缑棰囦 缑棰囦 涓嶅杽锛岃 涓嶅杽锛岃 涓嶅杽锛岃 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿 阔凤细鈥滈粦姘翠灏婃湁涓灏婃湁涓 浠 簨娌 簨娌 °C湁璇存竻妤 纴瀹 纴瀹 for Taiwan 涓婃槸浠杁 isciple 鐜嬮浑锛屽厛瀵 畞缁熺涓嬫 畞缁熺涓嬫 锛屽畞缁熺鍙槸杩 浠栦竴鎺岃 浠栦竴鎺岃 屽 屽 屽 屽 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 簨锛岄 簨锛岄 簨锛岄 簨锛岄 闂ㄤ粰 闂ㄤ粰 € € € € € € € €
榛戞 涓 涓 涓 皧鐩厜鍐 喎镞犳瘮镄勬浈璇 喎镞犳瘮镄勬浈璇 喎镞犳瘮镄勬浈璇 瘽涔嬩 瘽涔嬩 瘽涔嬩 瘽涔嬩 瘽涔嬩
鐞呯悐涓瑰皧涓€鐩寸珯鍦ㄥ悗闱纴Ning Qi 鍒 鍒 垰 chain 掓槸娌 °C 湁娉ㄦ剰鍒 粬锛屼笉杩囦粬鐜 湪寮 鍙 鍙 镊 镊繁璁茶瘽锛孨ing Qi 渚挎浈鍏剁瑧镌€镣镣镣偣澶
P 鈥滆 浜涗簨鎴戜笉鎯 綇浜嗭纴 綇浜嗭纴 讳箣浣犱 綇浜嗭纴 綇浜嗭纴 this Pill Dao inheritance 锛屽鎴戝緢 嶈锛屽鏋滀綘浠箣涓皝鏁(二)搮镊煋鎸囷纴闾e ammonia 鏄€夋嫨涓庢垜涓夋嫨涓庢垜涓晫銆傗
Mad Dragon 涓 皧鐪 皧鐪 皧鐪 皧鐪 寰 锷纴蹇冧腑浼 锷纴蹇冧腑浼 锷纴蹇冧腑浼 锷纴蹇冧腑浼 锷纴蹇冧腑浼 N N N N N N N N N N ing ing ing ing 殑 殑 殑 殑涓 涓 鐪硷纴璇濊铏 鐪硷纴璇濊铏 鐪硷纴璇濊铏 鐪硷纴璇濊铏 鐪硷纴璇濊铏 鐪硷纴璇濊铏 锛屼笌 锛屼笌 锛屼笌 锛屼笌 锛屼笌 锛屼笌 锛屼笌 锛屼笌 锛屼笌 Mad Mad Dragon浜哄镄凪aster 锛岄偅鍙槸Pill Refining Master 镵旗洘洘ultivation base chain寮寮寮殑殑╂彁涓╂彁涓笣锛屼粬璇村笣锛屼粬璇吨锛岀敋镊宠秴杩囨辉浜涗腹浜涗o紒
浼椾汉镣圭偣澶达纴蹇冧腑涓嶆效琛ㄩ琛ㄩ no good 娴侀湶鍑 潵銆
鈥淧ill Refining Master 镵 洘镄刭 uota 铏 锛屽嵈瑕佸 锛屽嵈瑕佸 浜 o Da Da o Dao inheritance 浜嗭纴杩 笉濡傛垜浠 笉濡傛垜浠 笉濡傛垜浠 镙 嚜鐢辫嚜鍦纴鍝︷噷 嚜鐢辫嚜鍦纴鍝︷噷 嚜鐢辫嚜鍦纴鍝︷噷 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸 瑕佹妸
鈥滃槝锛屽皬镣瑰0锛孧ad Dragon 涓 皧镞犳瘮璁 皧镞犳瘮璁 皧镞犳瘮璁 皧镞犳瘮璁 皧镞犳瘮璁 粐锛屽埆琚叾钖埌锛屽 粐锛屽埆琚叾钖埌锛屽 粐锛屽埆琚叾钖埌锛屽 綘瀵 綘瀵 綘瀵 綘瀵 綘瀵 綘瀵 綘瀵
鈥沧垜镐曚粬锛焧his 钀ф棤澶溿€佽佽娴﹃佽佽佽缇 eaven鈥檚chosen 灏辫 frozen 澶熶粬锽濅竴澹 銆傗 銆傗 €
闄勮繎镄刢ultivator 绐 power
Mad Dragon 皧寰勭洿璧 皧寰勭洿璧 悜蹇冨涔嫔锛屼笉澶氭椂锛屽 悜蹇冨涔嫔锛屼笉澶氭椂锛屽 悜蹇冨涔嫔锛屼笉澶氭椂锛屽 悜蹇冨涔嫔锛屼笉澶氭椂锛屽 悜蹇冨涔嫔锛屼笉澶氭椂锛屽 悜蹇冨涔嫔锛屼笉澶氭椂锛屽 悜蹇冨涔嫔锛屼笉澶氭椂锛屽娣★纴涓庤惂镞犲涓€镙凤纴 Mad Dragon 涓瑰皧浠ヤ笁锷皧浠ヤ笁锷犵墿涓荤殑cultivation base 锛岄棷鍒 绗 绗 绗涔熸嫢 chain塨reakthrough 鍒€簲锷aptitude 銆
Ning Qi 涓庣悈鐞娄 灏婇棽璋堜 鍑犲彞锛屼粬 鍑犲彞锛屼粬 鍑犲彞锛屼粬 鍑犲彞锛屼粬 鍑犲彞锛屼粬 鍑犲彞锛屼粬 潵镄勫彟澶栦竴浣岖粺绠 潵镄勫彟澶栦竴浣岖粺绠 纴 纴 ing Ning Qi 浠庢湭 has seen 锛屼笉杩囦粬镄勬牱璨屽 掓槸涓庣悈鐞娄 掓槸涓庣悈鐞娄 掓槸涓庣悈鐞娄 灏婇 佸埌 佸埌 佸埌 Ning Qi 锛岄涓 伃璋纴 伃璋纴 chain 掓槸璁kming Qi 鐢熷嚭涓€浜涘ソ镒熴€
榛戞 涓 涓 涓 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi 浠 浠 浠 粬镄勭洰鍏夛纴绐佺劧杞ご涓庡叾 粬镄勭洰鍏夛纴绐佺劧杞ご涓庡叾 to to to鍢 竴绗 纴渚 纴渚 纴渚 笌鐞呯悐涓 笌鐞呯悐涓 笌鐞呯悐涓 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺 婅緸锛宺
鈥滃畞 佸纻锛岄偅浜涗簩锷 犵墿涓 犵墿涓 犵墿涓 犵墿涓 纴宸茬粡閮 纴宸茬粡閮 锛屼綘鐪嬩綘瑕佷笉瑕佽繘铡 锛屼綘鐪嬩綘瑕佷笉瑕佽繘铡 锛屼綘鐪嬩綘瑕佷笉瑕佽繘铡 锛屼綘鐪嬩綘瑕佷笉瑕佽繘铡 锛屼綘鐪嬩綘瑕佷笉瑕佽繘铡 锛屼綘鐪嬩綘瑕佷笉瑕佽繘铡 锛屼綘鐪嬩綘瑕佷笉瑕佽繘铡
娌堢槠facing Ning Qi said 銆
鈥滀簩浣崭笉鍏堣繘铡 纻鈥
Ning Qi said with a smile.
“That, I will wait.”
Shen white forced laugh.
Ning Qi look at Gongsun Ziyun, my heart suddenly understood that the relationship between the two is not simple, it is likely to have been private for life, Shenbai is very worried that his record in the tower of the mood is not very good, this is somewhat uncertain.
Mind here, Ning Qi smiled and walked directly toward the Tower of Mind.
“trifling Law Manifestation Realm cultivator, also enter the tower? Roll!”
Suddenly, a big man with a strong body appeared in front of Ning Qi, stopping Ning Qi’s way, and swearing.
The people have just known the identity of Ning Qi, probably the management of the Pill Refining Master Alliance, and now they look at Mad Dragon Dan Zun.
Mad Dragon Dan Zun looked at this scene indifferently, without the meaning of the shot, and the rest of the management, face to face each other, see no one in the first place, it seems that they do not intend to pay attention.
“It is the heaven’s chosen mountain beast. It is said that the mountain beastmaster has broken through to the seven robbers and is the person in the Tool Refining Master League!”
Someone recognizes the identity of big man, and then stunned, no wonder not afraid of Ning Qi’s management status.
At this moment, the seven Sect’s heaven’s chosen, have their eyes on Ning Qi and the big man, like a smile yet not a smile.
The white look changed slightly and looked at the grandson Ziyun.
Gongsun Ziyun shaking one’s head: “The people of the mountain orc are crazy, don’t provoke them, but they don’t dare to kill innocents here, but they don’t have to worry about it. Don’t bother, you and me, but they are enemies.”
Shen Baixin sighed. In the Lumen Sin Dynasty, except for his few fellow apprentices, his Master Lumen True Immortal was the biggest. No matter where he went, who would dare to say no? When I got here, I was limited.
The white fist clenched slightly.
“I remember, you have already gone in? Why stop me?”
Ning Qi said with a slight smile.
Act recklessly !
This is the view of Ning Qi in the hearts of everyone, the trifling Law Manifestation Realm cultivator, really still at this moment on his own site, is the management of the Pill Refining Master Alliance?
When I arrived at the night city, not everyone gave the Pill Refining Master League face!
The rabbit man of the mountain orc sneered aloud: “I will see you are not pleasing to the eye, this place is the creator, the lowest is half-step, you Law Manifestation Realm cultivator to join in the fun?”
Sure enough, it is a madman.
Everyone has a secret thought in one’s heart.
The mountain beasts have no reason to act, even if they are the king of the beast, they have done many inexplicable things, so several populations are therefore extinct in the central mainland.
“Let’s make a bet.”
Ning Qi suddenly smiled.
“What gambling?”
The mountain orc robust man is slightly startled. The tribe who came with him is also somewhat confused to see Ning Qi. This Human Race ants, bet they bet?
“I can gamble if I can enter the tower of my heart.”
Ning Qi said with a smile.
“haha! Ok! What are you betting on? You are the Pill Refining Master of the Pill Refining Master League. Take the medicine pill and gamble with me!”
Robust man said with a smile ,in one’s eyes flash a hint of look of greed .
“8th rank is too big for Dan. This is my bet. If I am loose, medicine pill belongs to you. If you are loose, let’s learn a few dogs.”
Ning Qi said with a smile.
Shen Baixin suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air, this Ning brother, courage is fatter than him!
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