Strongest Dragon Slayer System
Chapter 1453
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绗竴鍗冨洓锏句簲鍗佷笁绔 5th layer
鍙湁杩欎 鍙兘锛屾墠鑳 В 奛 奛 Qi 镓 镓 € € 佸埌镄勮 佸埌镄勮 佸埌镄勮 佸埌镄勮 佸埌镄勮 佸埌镄勮 骞曪纴鎴栬鐪 骞曪纴鎴栬鐪 骞曪纴鎴栬鐪 骞曪纴鎴栬鐪涔嫔镙 嵁 嵁 Ning Qi 镄勮蹇嗭纴 婕斿寲鍑 婕斿寲鍑 婕斿寲鍑 婕斿寲鍑 婕斿寲鍑 紒 紒 紒
Ning Qi 绋岖◢钟硅鲍浜嗕竴涓嬶纴渚胯惤鍦ㄥ崡澶╅棬鍓嶏纴姝ゆ椂姝ゅ埢锛孨ing Qi 鏄竾鍙mmortal Emperor 娉旷浉鍏ㄥ紑镄勭姸镐侊纴涓妕housand feet 楂樼殑Ning Qi 锛屽湪涓ゅ悕宸ㄤ汉闱(一)墠锛屽钖岃澕铓€
佷粬浠笉璇 佷粬浠笉璇 瘽锛屽彧鏄痯artly kneels 锛孨ing Qi 娌夐粯浜嗗 鍝嶏纴鐩 鍝嶏纴鐩 鍝嶏纴鐩 帴璧 帴璧 繘浜嗗崡澶╅棬涔嬩腑銆
蹇冨涔嫔绗簩灞傜紦缂 璧 璧 璧 璧
鈥滀笉阌欙纴this child chain 夋垚灏 犵墿涓荤殑 aptitude 銆傗€
Gongsun Ziyun Road.
鑳 繘鍏ュ 繘鍏ュ 澧冧箣濉 繘鍏ュ ing ing ing ing ing ing ing 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑
鈥沧兂涓嶅埌瀹佽 佸纻镄刟 佸纻镄刟 ptitude 涔熷緢涓嶉敊锛岃嫢浠栨垚灏 犵墿涓 犵墿涓 犵墿涓 犵墿涓 犵墿涓 纴鍐嶆嫢 熷 熷 熷 熷 熷 熷 熷 熷彧镐曟垜涔熶笉鏄粬瀵 钖э纻鈥 钖э纻鈥
鈥滃摷锛佹嫢 chain塨reakthrough 阃犵墿涓荤殑aptitude 鍙埚浣曪纴鍙嶆閮 borrow gang
榛戞 涓 涓 皧鐩厜阒 皧鐩厜阒 皧鐩厜阒
浠呬粎鏄浜屽眰锛岃缮涓嶈冻浠ヨ浜洪渿鎯婏纴鍦ㄥ満涔嬩汉锛屾渶宸殑涓€涓猣ellow 锛岄兘鑳介棷鍒疖NUMXrd Layer 銆
鑻ユ槸鑳 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑锛屼簲鍏竷锛屽垯浠h〃锲涘姭阃犵墿涓〃锲涘姭阃犵墿涓纴鍏纴鍏鍗侊纴鍒欎唬琛ㄤ簲锷犵墿涓犵墿涓犵墿涓纴灏纴灏鍐呮渶寮虹殑鍏殑鍏杞洖瀹梙 eaven鈥檚chosen 钀ф棤澶滐纴涔熷彧闂埌绗 灞傜 灞傜
镊 簬鍗佸眰涔嫔悗锛屼紬浜 簬鍗佸眰涔嫔悗锛屼紬浜 簬鍗佸眰涔嫔悗锛屼紬浜 兂閮 二 (2) 兂锛岄偅鏄粰鐜嬬骇镄勫瓨鍦ㄦ墠 chain 夎兘锷涘埌杈 drama簩鍗佸眰涔嫔悗锛屾槸涓冨ぇ瀹桽ect Master 闾g瓑涔濆姭阃犵墿涓笾xpert 镄勫眰娆°€
涓婏纴镊 涓婏纴镊 涓婏纴镊 涓婏纴镊 涓婏纴镊 涓婏纴镊 涓婏纴镊 涓婏纴镊 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈Rainbow
杩涗 鍗楀ぉ闂纴 鍗楀ぉ闂纴 Ning Qi 钖埌涓 澹 澹 ragon ragon roar 锛屼竴澶村叏韬噾鑹茬殑 Giant Dragon 缂撶紦椋炴潵锛岀湅 丯 丯 Qi 钖庯纴瀹冭繛蹇欎刊浼忓湪鍦 like €
鈥滆窡Little Six chain 夌偣 夌偣 忥纴閮 槸鍗庡浼犺涓偅绉嶉緳锛岃 槸鍗庡浼犺涓偅绉嶉緳锛岃 澶 澶 澶 澶 笉浼氭槸浜 埅 埅 埅
Ning Qi 绔椤畾 挞噺浜嗕竴浼 挞噺浜嗕竴浼 挞噺浜嗕竴浼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 涓嶅啀鐞嗕 锛岀 锛岀 锛岀 锛岀 锛岀
蹇冨涔嫔锛孹NUMXrd layer 锛屼寒銆
鈥沧湁浜屽姭阃犵墿涓荤殑aptitude 锛熲€
鍏瓩绱簯鐪 腑 腑 阆撹寮 阆撹寮 阆撹寮 箣鑹诧纴 箣鑹诧纴 箣鑹诧纴 箣鑹诧纴 箣鑹诧纴 Azure Dragon 澶 檰闾 檰闾 涔嫔湴锛岃缮鑳 涔嫔湴锛岃缮鑳 涔嫔湴锛岃缮鑳 涔嫔湴锛岃缮鑳 嚭鐜 嫢 嫢 嫢 夊姝ptitude 镄刢ultivator 锛
涓嶅皯cultivator 鐩厜椤挎椂寰井涓€鍙桡纴涔嫔墠瀵筃ing Qi 棰囦负鍢茶镄勯偅浜涘昆姝ラ€犲寲锛屼竴锷€犵墿涓 纴姝ゅ埢鍗 纴姝ゅ埢鍗 槸娌 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
瓒婅 浜 浜 戦緳锛孨 戦緳锛孨 戦緳锛孨 Qi 涓岖煡璧 涓岖煡璧 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 Monkey 纴濂 鐪嬭 鐪嬭 Ning Qi 钖庯纴杩炲 Umbrella
Ning Qi 娣°C贰镄勬墦 忎 忎 濂 濂 濂 濂 浼 浼 浼 浼 浼 浼 锛岄殢钖庤嚜鍢蹭竴绗 锛岄殢钖庤嚜鍢蹭竴绗 纴缁 纴缁 鍓嶈锛屽湪杩欎簯 鍓嶈锛屽湪杩欎簯 鍓嶈锛屽湪杩欎簯 箣涓纴浠 箣涓纴浠 箣涓纴浠栫湅瑙佷简鍓嶆楠chain変竴搴уぇ娈裤€
澧冧箣濉旓纴 澧冧箣濉旓纴 is it possible that 鏄浠栨父堜竴阆峫堜竴阆峫堜竴阆峫end澶╁ 澶╁涵锛
蹇冨涔嫔锛孹NUMXth layer 锛屼寒锛
鈥淴NUMXth layer 浜嗭纻杩欐€庝箞鍙兘锛熲€
杩炰竷澶ect 镄 delete eaven鈥檚chosen 锛岃劯涓婇兘暗嚭涓嚭涓涓濇侪寮涓濇侪寮涓濇侪寮箣鑹诧纴锲犱浠栦浠栦涔嬩腑涓嶅皯浜棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 NUMXth layer 缃 锛
Mad Dragon 皧铡熸湰 皧铡熸湰 皧铡熸湰 expressionless 锛屽綋浠栫湅鍒 锛屽綋浠栫湅鍒 澧冧箣濉撷 NUMXth layer 浜捣镄勬椂 chain 欙纴鑴 壊椤挎椂阒 壊椤挎椂阒 涓嬫潵锛岃 岀 岀 岀珯鍦ㄤ粬韬 镄勯粦姘 镄勯粦姘 镄勯粦姘 镄勯粦姘 镄勯粦姘 镄刟 镄刟 镄刟 镄刟 itude itude itude itude绔熺劧濡傛terrifying 锛屽 ammonia 4th layer 锛
Ning Qi 镄刟ptitude 瓒婇珮锛屼粬镄勮鍒掑 瓒婇毦瀹炴柦锛佹兂鍒 瓒婇毦瀹炴柦锛佹兂鍒 瓒婇毦瀹炴柦锛佹兂鍒 伞 伞 岋纴榛戞 岋纴榛戞 岋纴榛戞 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓変笉灏戠粺绠 chain 変笉灏戠粺绠test showed a hint of 鑻ユ湁金镐濅箣鑹诧纴杩欎簺缁熺鎯镐濅箣鑹诧纴杩欎簺缁熺鎯镐濅箣鑹诧纴杩欎簺缁熺鎯浣曚笌Ning Qi 缁扑氦浜嗐
鈥滆 umbrella 澶碒uman Race 铦 殎锛岀珶 夊姝 ptitude 锛焍ig brother 锛孖must kill him 锛佲€
涓嶯ing Qi 撹祵 撹祵 镄勯偅钖嶅 镄勯偅钖嶅 棌 棌 棌 cultivator 锛岀珛鍗 浈鍙 浈鍙 涓 钖嶅 钖嶅 棌 棌 棌 棌 cultivator sound transmission 阆撱 €
鈥滈偅鏄嚜鐒讹纴鏁 (3) 緸杈 垜灞卞吔镞忥纴 垜灞卞吔镞忥纴 trifling Pill Refining Master 镵 洘镄勭粺绠 纴杩樻 纴杩樻 纴杩樻 纴杩樻 纴杩樻 纴杩樻 纴杩樻 纴杩樻 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏嗭紒鈥
鈥淴NUMXth layer 鈥[€〉畞畞佸纻杩檃ptitude 鈥[€[€
娌堢槠muttered to oneself 銆
鈥滀綘 chain 繀浼 浜庝粬锛岃兘闂埌 浜庝粬锛岃兘闂埌 4th layer 锛屽簲璇ヤ篃宸笉澶 锛屽簲璇ヤ篃宸笉澶 锛屽簲璇ヤ篃宸笉澶 瘯璇曘 瘯璇曘傗€
鍏瓩绱簯瑙佹矆锏芥湁浜涢鐒讹纴寮€鍙h 澹瘫omforted 銆
濂箃one barely fell 锛屽 澧冧箣濉撷 NUMXth layer 锛屼寒锛
Ammonia aptitude 锛岃 umbrella 鍦ㄤ腑澶ぇ闄嗭纴涔熶笉澶氲锛屽 ammonia ect reading熻兘閰嶅缑涓奾eaven鈥檚chosen 涔嬬О浜嗭紒chain澶氭瘮钀澶氭瘮钀棤澶滆棤澶滆棤澶滆绛塰 eaven鈥檚chosen 寮 笂涓 绛癸纴鍗 绛癸纴鍗 绛癸纴鍗棤鏁癶eaven鈥檚chosen 锛
鈥滈偅brat 涓嶉敊锛岀瓑浠栧嚭鏉ヤ綘浠幓涓€涓﹄涓﹄闂棶锛岀湅鐪嬩粬镒闂棶锛岀湅鐪嬩粬镒闂棶锛岀湅鐪嬩粬镒笉镒挎剰锷犲叆鎴戜鍏鍏洖瀹椼€傗€
涓€鐩存病链夊紑鍙g殑钀ф棤澶滐纴娣°C贰镄剆tarted talking 銆
His voice is not big, but thousands of cultivators are present, but they are clear and clear, and the rest of the cultivators that have been eagerly recruited have sighed.
Xiao Wu night obviously, it is said to them to listen to, only Zhao Lang and other people who are the same seven Sect, dare to compete with the six reincarnations.
However, when I reached the 4th layer, I could only say that there was a little chance to break through to the four creators. The chances were not great, so Zhao Lang and others thought for a while, except for Duanmu Mozong’s Duanmu Chong Chao Xiao night sneer. Others are not planning to snatch Ning Qi with the six-way reincarnation.
Mad Dragon Dan Zun fist suddenly clenched, coldly watch mood tower, he intended to solve Ning Qi after Pill Dao inheritance opened, in his capacity, no one will pursue how Ning Qi died, but Ning Qi But I got to the 4th layer of the mood.
In this case, he can’t be unscrupulous. If Ning Qi is dead in Pill Dao inheritance, I am afraid that someone will be sent to check this matter. If the fragrant thing in the league is put on the table, he will be Master Bodhidan. The emperor may not be able to keep him.
Black Shui Dan’s face was a bit pale, and his unpredictable hunch was finally confirmed. I am afraid that several methods previously arranged are useless.
Several of the cultivation bases of the two cultivating bases look toward towards the black water Dan Zun, the slightly unsearchable shaking one’s head.
Black Shui Dan’s face is very incomparable.
“Wang Xuanzhen, this is really a treasure…”
琅琊丹尊muttered to oneself, then in one’s eyes flash a hint of smile, he and Ning Qi have a good relationship, Ning Qi aptitude is stronger, the better for him!
“Your friend… it’s extraordinary…”
Gongsun Ziyun originally comforted Shen Bai, but saw that the 5th layer also lit up, and for a long time, only to say such a sentence.
There was a hint of envious look in the white eyes, and some of the original fears were left behind. He only wanted to wait for Ning Qi to come out, and he went in and took a trip!
绗竴鍗冨洓锏句簲鍗佷笁绔 5th layer
鍙湁杩欎 鍙兘锛屾墠鑳 В 奛 奛 Qi 镓 镓 € € 佸埌镄勮 佸埌镄勮 佸埌镄勮 佸埌镄勮 佸埌镄勮 佸埌镄勮 骞曪纴鎴栬鐪 骞曪纴鎴栬鐪 骞曪纴鎴栬鐪 骞曪纴鎴栬鐪涔嫔镙 嵁 嵁 Ning Qi 镄勮蹇嗭纴 婕斿寲鍑 婕斿寲鍑 婕斿寲鍑 婕斿寲鍑 婕斿寲鍑 紒 紒 紒
Ning Qi 绋岖◢钟硅鲍浜嗕竴涓嬶纴渚胯惤鍦ㄥ崡澶╅棬鍓嶏纴姝ゆ椂姝ゅ埢锛孨ing Qi 鏄竾鍙mmortal Emperor 娉旷浉鍏ㄥ紑镄勭姸镐侊纴涓妕housand feet 楂樼殑Ning Qi 锛屽湪涓ゅ悕宸ㄤ汉闱(一)墠锛屽钖岃澕铓€
佷粬浠笉璇 佷粬浠笉璇 瘽锛屽彧鏄痯artly kneels 锛孨ing Qi 娌夐粯浜嗗 鍝嶏纴鐩 鍝嶏纴鐩 鍝嶏纴鐩 帴璧 帴璧 繘浜嗗崡澶╅棬涔嬩腑銆
蹇冨涔嫔绗簩灞傜紦缂 璧 璧 璧 璧
鈥滀笉阌欙纴this child chain 夋垚灏 犵墿涓荤殑 aptitude 銆傗€
Gongsun Ziyun Road.
鑳 繘鍏ュ 繘鍏ュ 澧冧箣濉 繘鍏ュ ing ing ing ing ing ing ing 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑
鈥沧兂涓嶅埌瀹佽 佸纻镄刟 佸纻镄刟 ptitude 涔熷緢涓嶉敊锛岃嫢浠栨垚灏 犵墿涓 犵墿涓 犵墿涓 犵墿涓 犵墿涓 纴鍐嶆嫢 熷 熷 熷 熷 熷 熷 熷 熷彧镐曟垜涔熶笉鏄粬瀵 钖э纻鈥 钖э纻鈥
鈥滃摷锛佹嫢 chain塨reakthrough 阃犵墿涓荤殑aptitude 鍙埚浣曪纴鍙嶆閮 borrow gang
榛戞 涓 涓 皧鐩厜阒 皧鐩厜阒 皧鐩厜阒
浠呬粎鏄浜屽眰锛岃缮涓嶈冻浠ヨ浜洪渿鎯婏纴鍦ㄥ満涔嬩汉锛屾渶宸殑涓€涓猣ellow 锛岄兘鑳介棷鍒疖NUMXrd Layer 銆
鑻ユ槸鑳 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑 犵墿涓荤殑锛屼簲鍏竷锛屽垯浠h〃锲涘姭阃犵墿涓〃锲涘姭阃犵墿涓纴鍏纴鍏鍗侊纴鍒欎唬琛ㄤ簲锷犵墿涓犵墿涓犵墿涓纴灏纴灏鍐呮渶寮虹殑鍏殑鍏杞洖瀹梙 eaven鈥檚chosen 钀ф棤澶滐纴涔熷彧闂埌绗 灞傜 灞傜
镊 簬鍗佸眰涔嫔悗锛屼紬浜 簬鍗佸眰涔嫔悗锛屼紬浜 簬鍗佸眰涔嫔悗锛屼紬浜 兂閮 二 (2) 兂锛岄偅鏄粰鐜嬬骇镄勫瓨鍦ㄦ墠 chain 夎兘锷涘埌杈 drama簩鍗佸眰涔嫔悗锛屾槸涓冨ぇ瀹桽ect Master 闾g瓑涔濆姭阃犵墿涓笾xpert 镄勫眰娆°€
涓婏纴镊 涓婏纴镊 涓婏纴镊 涓婏纴镊 涓婏纴镊 涓婏纴镊 涓婏纴镊 涓婏纴镊 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈 琛崭粰镄囧埌杈Rainbow
杩涗 鍗楀ぉ闂纴 鍗楀ぉ闂纴 Ning Qi 钖埌涓 澹 澹 ragon ragon roar 锛屼竴澶村叏韬噾鑹茬殑 Giant Dragon 缂撶紦椋炴潵锛岀湅 丯 丯 Qi 钖庯纴瀹冭繛蹇欎刊浼忓湪鍦 like €
鈥滆窡Little Six chain 夌偣 夌偣 忥纴閮 槸鍗庡浼犺涓偅绉嶉緳锛岃 槸鍗庡浼犺涓偅绉嶉緳锛岃 澶 澶 澶 澶 笉浼氭槸浜 埅 埅 埅
Ning Qi 绔椤畾 挞噺浜嗕竴浼 挞噺浜嗕竴浼 挞噺浜嗕竴浼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 涓嶅啀鐞嗕 锛岀 锛岀 锛岀 锛岀 锛岀
蹇冨涔嫔锛孹NUMXrd layer 锛屼寒銆
鈥沧湁浜屽姭阃犵墿涓荤殑aptitude 锛熲€
鍏瓩绱簯鐪 腑 腑 阆撹寮 阆撹寮 阆撹寮 箣鑹诧纴 箣鑹诧纴 箣鑹诧纴 箣鑹诧纴 箣鑹诧纴 Azure Dragon 澶 檰闾 檰闾 涔嫔湴锛岃缮鑳 涔嫔湴锛岃缮鑳 涔嫔湴锛岃缮鑳 涔嫔湴锛岃缮鑳 嚭鐜 嫢 嫢 嫢 夊姝ptitude 镄刢ultivator 锛
涓嶅皯cultivator 鐩厜椤挎椂寰井涓€鍙桡纴涔嫔墠瀵筃ing Qi 棰囦负鍢茶镄勯偅浜涘昆姝ラ€犲寲锛屼竴锷€犵墿涓 纴姝ゅ埢鍗 纴姝ゅ埢鍗 槸娌 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
瓒婅 浜 浜 戦緳锛孨 戦緳锛孨 戦緳锛孨 Qi 涓岖煡璧 涓岖煡璧 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 缇 Monkey 纴濂 鐪嬭 鐪嬭 Ning Qi 钖庯纴杩炲 Umbrella
Ning Qi 娣°C贰镄勬墦 忎 忎 濂 濂 濂 濂 浼 浼 浼 浼 浼 浼 锛岄殢钖庤嚜鍢蹭竴绗 锛岄殢钖庤嚜鍢蹭竴绗 纴缁 纴缁 鍓嶈锛屽湪杩欎簯 鍓嶈锛屽湪杩欎簯 鍓嶈锛屽湪杩欎簯 箣涓纴浠 箣涓纴浠 箣涓纴浠栫湅瑙佷简鍓嶆楠chain変竴搴уぇ娈裤€
澧冧箣濉旓纴 澧冧箣濉旓纴 is it possible that 鏄浠栨父堜竴阆峫堜竴阆峫堜竴阆峫end澶╁ 澶╁涵锛
蹇冨涔嫔锛孹NUMXth layer 锛屼寒锛
鈥淴NUMXth layer 浜嗭纻杩欐€庝箞鍙兘锛熲€
杩炰竷澶ect 镄 delete eaven鈥檚chosen 锛岃劯涓婇兘暗嚭涓嚭涓涓濇侪寮涓濇侪寮涓濇侪寮箣鑹诧纴锲犱浠栦浠栦涔嬩腑涓嶅皯浜棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 棷鍒疖 NUMXth layer 缃 锛
Mad Dragon 皧铡熸湰 皧铡熸湰 皧铡熸湰 expressionless 锛屽綋浠栫湅鍒 锛屽綋浠栫湅鍒 澧冧箣濉撷 NUMXth layer 浜捣镄勬椂 chain 欙纴鑴 壊椤挎椂阒 壊椤挎椂阒 涓嬫潵锛岃 岀 岀 岀珯鍦ㄤ粬韬 镄勯粦姘 镄勯粦姘 镄勯粦姘 镄勯粦姘 镄勯粦姘 镄刟 镄刟 镄刟 镄刟 itude itude itude itude绔熺劧濡傛terrifying 锛屽 ammonia 4th layer 锛
Ning Qi 镄刟ptitude 瓒婇珮锛屼粬镄勮鍒掑 瓒婇毦瀹炴柦锛佹兂鍒 瓒婇毦瀹炴柦锛佹兂鍒 瓒婇毦瀹炴柦锛佹兂鍒 伞 伞 岋纴榛戞 岋纴榛戞 岋纴榛戞 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓変笉灏戠粺绠 chain 変笉灏戠粺绠test showed a hint of 鑻ユ湁金镐濅箣鑹诧纴杩欎簺缁熺鎯镐濅箣鑹诧纴杩欎簺缁熺鎯镐濅箣鑹诧纴杩欎簺缁熺鎯浣曚笌Ning Qi 缁扑氦浜嗐
鈥滆 umbrella 澶碒uman Race 铦 殎锛岀珶 夊姝 ptitude 锛焍ig brother 锛孖must kill him 锛佲€
涓嶯ing Qi 撹祵 撹祵 镄勯偅钖嶅 镄勯偅钖嶅 棌 棌 棌 cultivator 锛岀珛鍗 浈鍙 浈鍙 涓 钖嶅 钖嶅 棌 棌 棌 棌 cultivator sound transmission 阆撱 €
鈥滈偅鏄嚜鐒讹纴鏁 (3) 緸杈 垜灞卞吔镞忥纴 垜灞卞吔镞忥纴 trifling Pill Refining Master 镵 洘镄勭粺绠 纴杩樻 纴杩樻 纴杩樻 纴杩樻 纴杩樻 纴杩樻 纴杩樻 纴杩樻 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏嗭紒鈥
鈥淴NUMXth layer 鈥[€〉畞畞佸纻杩檃ptitude 鈥[€[€
娌堢槠muttered to oneself 銆
鈥滀綘 chain 繀浼 浜庝粬锛岃兘闂埌 浜庝粬锛岃兘闂埌 4th layer 锛屽簲璇ヤ篃宸笉澶 锛屽簲璇ヤ篃宸笉澶 锛屽簲璇ヤ篃宸笉澶 瘯璇曘 瘯璇曘傗€
鍏瓩绱簯瑙佹矆锏芥湁浜涢鐒讹纴寮€鍙h 澹瘫omforted 銆
濂箃one barely fell 锛屽 澧冧箣濉撷 NUMXth layer 锛屼寒锛
Ammonia aptitude 锛岃 umbrella 鍦ㄤ腑澶ぇ闄嗭纴涔熶笉澶氲锛屽 ammonia ect reading熻兘閰嶅缑涓奾eaven鈥檚chosen 涔嬬О浜嗭紒chain澶氭瘮钀澶氭瘮钀棤澶滆棤澶滆棤澶滆绛塰 eaven鈥檚chosen 寮 笂涓 绛癸纴鍗 绛癸纴鍗 绛癸纴鍗棤鏁癶eaven鈥檚chosen 锛
鈥滈偅brat 涓嶉敊锛岀瓑浠栧嚭鏉ヤ綘浠幓涓€涓﹄涓﹄闂棶锛岀湅鐪嬩粬镒闂棶锛岀湅鐪嬩粬镒闂棶锛岀湅鐪嬩粬镒笉镒挎剰锷犲叆鎴戜鍏鍏洖瀹椼€傗€
涓€鐩存病链夊紑鍙g殑钀ф棤澶滐纴娣°C贰镄剆tarted talking 銆
His voice is not big, but thousands of cultivators are present, but they are clear and clear, and the rest of the cultivators that have been eagerly recruited have sighed.
Xiao Wu night obviously, it is said to them to listen to, only Zhao Lang and other people who are the same seven Sect, dare to compete with the six reincarnations.
However, when I reached the 4th layer, I could only say that there was a little chance to break through to the four creators. The chances were not great, so Zhao Lang and others thought for a while, except for Duanmu Mozong’s Duanmu Chong Chao Xiao night sneer. Others are not planning to snatch Ning Qi with the six-way reincarnation.
Mad Dragon Dan Zun fist suddenly clenched, coldly watch mood tower, he intended to solve Ning Qi after Pill Dao inheritance opened, in his capacity, no one will pursue how Ning Qi died, but Ning Qi But I got to the 4th layer of the mood.
In this case, he can’t be unscrupulous. If Ning Qi is dead in Pill Dao inheritance, I am afraid that someone will be sent to check this matter. If the fragrant thing in the league is put on the table, he will be Master Bodhidan. The emperor may not be able to keep him.
Black Shui Dan’s face was a bit pale, and his unpredictable hunch was finally confirmed. I am afraid that several methods previously arranged are useless.
Several of the cultivation bases of the two cultivating bases look toward towards the black water Dan Zun, the slightly unsearchable shaking one’s head.
Black Shui Dan’s face is very incomparable.
“Wang Xuanzhen, this is really a treasure…”
琅琊丹尊muttered to oneself, then in one’s eyes flash a hint of smile, he and Ning Qi have a good relationship, Ning Qi aptitude is stronger, the better for him!
“Your friend… it’s extraordinary…”
Gongsun Ziyun originally comforted Shen Bai, but saw that the 5th layer also lit up, and for a long time, only to say such a sentence.
There was a hint of envious look in the white eyes, and some of the original fears were left behind. He only wanted to wait for Ning Qi to come out, and he went in and took a trip!
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